How can I move my MACROS from my old PC to my new PC?
- When I install Connexion Client on my new PC I can't find my MACROS from my old PC.
Applies to
- All MACROS but if you have other special MACRO books you will need to copy over all MACRO files.
Seguire questa procedura:
- Log into Windows on your old PC.
- Navigate to path where the MACRO Books are stored C:\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion\Program.
- You can copy the path and paste in start menu or File Explorer
- Right click on the MACROS folder to copy the folder and all its contents.
- Paste the MACROS folder to either a portable drive or a shared drive.
- Turn on the PC with the newly installed Connexion Client and log into windows.
- Copy the MACROS folder from the portable drive or shared drive.
- On the new PC, navigate to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion\Program and then paste the whole MACROS folder into the Program file, replacing the current one.
- You can copy the path and paste in start menu or File Explorer
- Now start up Connexion Client.
- Try to apply or check your MACROS list and see if your MACROS have been copied over.