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Connexion Client slow response and typing issues

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  • When someone is making changes to the records so they type in characters, and it takes an unusual amount of time to show up in the record after pressing the key
Applies to
  • Connexion Client

This issue occurs mostly on Windows 10 but can also affect as far back as Windows 7:

  1. Run the Browser Hawk application from an Internet Explorer Browser
  2. Check the results and see if the DisplayYDPIActual is over 96 DPI.
  3. The Windows default is 96 DPI.  You may have bumped the DPI up for other software settings. 
  4. This higher DPI is causing the keyboard slowdown in the client. 
  5. Set the DPI back to the default 96 DPI (100%) and try keyboard input in the client.

There may be other display settings on your workstation that are causing the issue. If adjusting your Windows settings does not resolve the issue, please contact OCLC Support with your OCLC Symbol, the steps you've tested so far, and a link to this article.

Additional information

You may want to have your IT department to identify and set these settings for you. 

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