Quick reference: Connexion client authorities

Find basic instructions for working with authority records and for controlling headings in bibliographic records using Connexion client. Lists default keystroke shortcuts and toolbar buttons.


This quick reference provides brief instructions for:

This quick reference does not cover instructions already available in:

 Note: The following non-Latin scripts are supported for adding variant name headings and notes in authority records: Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, and Korean. See Insert MARC-8 non-Latin script variant headings below for more information.

Menu commands and selected default keystroke shortcuts and toolbar buttons

The following list of default function keystroke shortcuts for menu commands shows corresponding buttons if they are on the default toolbar.

You can assign your own keystroke shortcuts in Tools > Keymaps.

You can add or remove toolbar buttons using drag and drop in Tools > Toolbar Editor.

Menu commands and selected default keystroke shortcuts and toolbar buttons - Table
Client menu > command Keystroke Toolbar button
Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects <Shift><F2> Search LC Names and Subjects button
Authorities > Search > Online Save File <Alt><F3> Search Online Authorities Save File button
Authorities > Search > Local Save File <Shift><F3>
Authorities > Browse > LC Names and Subjects <Alt><F2> Browse LC Names and Subjects button
Edit > Validate <Shift><F5> Validate button
Edit > Control Headings > All <Shift><F11>
Edit > Control Headings > Single* <F11> Control Single Headings button
Edit > Control Headings > Uncontrol Single* <Ctrl><F11>
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Cut* <Ctrl><X> Cut button
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Copy* <Ctrl><C> Copy button
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Paste* <Ctrl><V> Paste button
Edit > Find/Replace <Ctrl><F> Find/Replace button
Edit > Enter Diacritics <Ctrl><E> Enter Diacritics button
Edit > Reformat <Ctrl><R> Reformat button
Action > Lock WorldCat Record <Alt><F8>
Action > Release Record Lock <Alt><F9>
Action > Replace Record <Alt><F10>
Action > Save Record to Online File <Ctrl><Alt><V>
Action > Save Record to Local File <F4>
Action > Delete Record <Ctrl><Alt><D> Delete Record button
Action > Export <F5> Esporta
View > Navigate Records and Lists > Back <Shift><F9> Navigate Back button
View > Navigate Records and Lists > Forward <F9> Navigate Forward button
View > Pinned <Shift><F4>
Tools > Check Spelling <F7>
Help > Client Help <F1> Client Help button
Help > MARC Field Help* <Shift><F1> connexion-client-help-menu-marc-field-help-button.png
* Commands marked with asterisks are also available on a right-click pop-up menu. To access the menu, right-click in the displayed record and, on the pop-up menu, click a command (e.g., Right-click and, on the pop-up menu, click Copy Control Number to copy the ARN without having to select it).

Control headings in bibliographic records

  • When you control a heading in a bibliographic record, the system retrieves a matching authority record and inserts the heading into the bibliographic record as a hyperlink.
  • The system uses the link to maintain future changes. If the heading changes in the authority record, the bibliographic record is automatically updated. To denote that the system automatically updated heading(s) in a record, the system adds the text OCLCA in field 040 $d.

Control a single heading

  1. Log on and open a bibliographic record or create one.
  2. With the cursor in a heading field, click Edit > Control Headings > Single, click the Control Single Heading button (Control Single Headings button), or press <F11>. This command is also available on the right-click pop-up menu. The system searches the LC authority file and does the following, depending on what is found:
    • If an exact match is found to a single authority record or to multiple authority records and if the original heading requires no changes in the tag or text, the heading is automatically controlled, inserted into the bibliographic record and hyperlinked to the authority record(s). Go to step 4.
    • If an unqualified personal name, no exact match, or no matches are found, the system opens the Control Headings window with a list of candidate headings to help you select or build a controlled heading manually. Go to step 3.
  3. If the Control Headings window opens, you can:
    • View any proposed authority heading in the list: Click the heading link.
    • Select a candidate heading and insert as is: Click Insert Heading next to the heading you want to use. The window closes and you are returned to the bibliographic record.
    • Look for a better match: In the New Query field, edit the existing text or enter new text, and then click Match Best.
    • Add a subfield to a heading in the list: Click Modify Heading to begin.

    When finished, click Insert Heading, or click Cancel to cancel controlling the heading manually. You are returned to the bibliographic record.
  4. To retain controlled headings, you must either:
    • Add a new record to WorldCat: Click Holdings > Update Holdings [or Produce and Update Holdings or Alternate Produce and Update].
    • Replace the WorldCat record in WorldCat: Click Action > Replace Record [or Replace and Update Holdings].

     Note: You must be logged on with at least a Full-level cataloging authorization to add or replace records in WorldCat.

Control all headings

  1. Log on and open a bibliographic record or create one.
  2. Click Edit > Control Headings > All or press <Shift><F11>. The system opens a message about the outcome.
    • The system replaces controllable fields with controlled fields automatically if exact matches are found.
    • If not all headings are controlled, you can try to control each remaining heading one at a time manually.
  3. To retain controlled headings, you must add or replace a record in WorldCat. See Control a single heading step 4.

Controllable fields

  • 100, 110, 111, 130
  • 600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651 with second indicator 0
  • 655 with second indicator 7 and subfield $2=lcgft
  • 700, 710, 711, 730
  • 800, 810, 811, 830

Uncontrol headings

You must uncontrol a heading to edit the text. Uncontrol heading(s) by removing the link:

  • Uncontrol a single controlled heading: With the cursor in the tag or indicator cell of the field you want to uncontrol, click Edit > Uncontrol Single or press <Ctrl><F11>. This command is also available on the right-click pop-up menu.
  • Uncontrol all controlled headings: Click Edit > Uncontrol All or press <Alt><E><H><N>.

About adding or replacing records to preserve controlled headings

If you have a Full-level or higher cataloging authorization, you can add or replace records to retain controlled headings. As a result of the successful Expert Community project, you can make additions and changes, including controlling headings, to almost all fields in most records, with a few exceptions. See Expert community for more information.

 Note: With a less than Full-level authorization, although you cannot add or replace a record, you can save the record for review and later completion under a higher authorization.

Edit authority records

About record limits:

Tools for navigating and editing

Click this ... To do this ...
Edit > Reformat (<Ctrl><R>) Restore MARC tag order in records.
Tools > Check Spelling (<F7>) Check spelling in a record.
View > Navigate Records and Lists > Forward
(Navigate Forward button or <F9>)


View > Navigate Records and Lists > Back
(Navigate Back button or <Shift><F9>)
With a record open from a list, move to the next or previous record in the list without having to redisplay it.
View > OCLC Fixed Field > Top (default)
[or > Bottom or > Variable Field]
Change the way the fixed field displays.

 Note: Top or Bottom displays specific fixed field elements.

View Pinned (<Shift><F4>) Pin a displayed record open before opening another of the same type. (Records of different types, such as LC authority file records vs. save file records, stay open simultaneously.)

Tips for using lists

  • Resize columns: Click, hold, and drag the vertical corner of a column.
  • Re-sort a list: Click a column heading to sort the list by the data in that column.
  • Use a right-click shortcut menu: Right-click anywhere in a list and then:
    • Click Copy to copy selected entries in a list
    • Click Select All to select all entries in a list
    • Click List Settings to customize the list display: Show or hide columns, move columns to re-order the list, or reset to the default display.
    • Click Reset List Size to restore columns to default size.

Open MARC field descriptions

To open MARC Field Help for a specific field or fixed field element, click Help > MARC Field Help, click the MARC Field Help button (MARC Field Help button), or press <Ctrl><F1>. The description of the field opens in Authorities: Formats and indexes.

 Note: This command is also on the right-click menu.

Open RDA Toolkit field descriptions

You must be a subscriber to RDA Toolkit and enter your subscriber user name and password in Tools > Options > RDA Toolkit. See the RDA Toolkit for more information.

Place the cursor in a variable field and click Tools > RDA Toolkit.

 Note: This command is also on the right-click menu.

Insert diacritics

Enter Latin script diacritics and special characters that are included in a standard set of valid characters adopted by the American Library Association (ALA):

  1. In a record: Place the cursor where you want to insert, and click Edit > Enter Diacritics, click the Enter Diacritics button (), or press <Ctrl><E>.
    In a search term or a find or replace term: Click Enter Diacritics in a Search, Browse, or Find/Replace window.
  2. In the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window, select a character from the chart of images or from the list of names, and then click Insert or Insert and Close.


  • Insert a diacritic after the letter it modifies.
  • (Optional) Use default assigned keystrokes to insert characters. Click View > Assigned Keys for a complete list.

Insert MARC-8 non-Latin script variant headings

For NACO contribution and distribution, the client supports the following MARC-8 character sets for adding variant name headings to fields 4xx and 7xx and to various note fields (for example, 67x): Arabic (including Persian), Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew (including Yiddish), Japanese, and Korean.

To enter scripts in the client, install languages and keyboards using your version of Windows. See client documentation for details.

See International cataloging for general information.

Create and use constant data

Create MARC-formatted constant data records to add standard content repeatedly to authority records without having to re-key:

  1. Create a constant data record: Click Authorities > Create > Constant Data, or press <Ctrl><Shift><Q>, and select a blank record or a MARC format.
  2. Add or edit data and save the new constant data record:
    1. Click Action > Save Record to Online File or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>. You must be logged on to perform this action.
      Click Save Record to Local File or press <F4>.
    2. Assign a name to the constant data record.
    3. (Optional) Select the check box to set the new constant data record as the default if you use it exclusively or most often.
    4. (Optional) Add a free-text My Status to help retrieve the record. See Save records for instructions.
  3. In the Fields to Apply window, click a button to determine which fields in the constant data record to apply.
    • Fixed
    • Variable
    • Both

Apply default constant data

With an authority record open:

  1. Click Edit > Constant Data > Online > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><A>. You must be logged on to perform this action.
  2. Click Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply Default or press <Ctrl><Y>.

Create and use text strings

Text strings supplement constant data for entering frequently used data that is short anywhere in a record.

Create a text string

  1. Navigate to Tools > Text Strings, or click the Text Strings quick tool (Text strings quick tool) on the toolbar, or click the arrow in the quick tool and then click Manage to open the Text Strings window.
  2. In the Text Strings window, click Add.
  3. Enter a unique name in the Description field.
  4. Enter the text string you want to insert in the Text field. Text can be:
    • A data cell in a field
    • A field (omit spaces between tag, indicators, and field data)
    • Multiple fields (enter each field on a separate file)
  5. Click OK to save the text string.

Insert a text string

  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert text.
  2. Click Tools > Text Strings.
  3. Select a text string and click Apply. The client inserts it.
  4. Click Close to close the Text Strings window.


  1. Click the arrow in the Text Strings quick tool (Text strings quick tool).
  2. In the list, click a text string name. The client inserts it.

Validate records

Automatic validation

Taking a final action on a record interactively or via batch automatically validates the record, except, by default, when you export records. To change validation for exported records:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > General.
  2. Click Validation Level Options.
  3. In the Export Authority Record list, select one of the following:
    • None (default) (no validation for export)
    • Full (basic validation and verifies relationships among elements)
    • Basic (verifies MARC record structure, including elements, length, repeatability, type of data, and codes)

Separate validation

To validate records before taking actions:

  1. With an LC authority file record or local or online save file record open, or with records selected in a list of local or online save file records, while logged on or offline, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Edit > Validate.
    • Click the Validate button (Validate button).
    • Press <Shift><F5>.

Save records

Save authority records

Online save file = A single OCLC online file shared by staff at your library who log on using the same OCLC symbol.

Local save file = One or more files on your workstation or shared drive.

  1. Display a record or select records in a list and then perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Action > Save Record to Online File or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>. You must be logged on to perform this action.
    • Click Action > Save Record to Local File or press <F4>. 


  • Records saved to the online file expire and are deleted from the save file after 90 days, unless you modify or resave them.
     Note: Locked WorldCat records are unlocked when they expire.
  • Records saved to the local file do not expire.
  • Re-save an online save file record after taking a final OCLC action if you want to keep it in the online save file.
  • The client automatically saves local save file records after actions.
  • The maximum number of records for both local and online save files is 9,999.

Add My Status to saved records

Assign a free-text My Status to help retrieve a related group of records from the online or local save file or from constant data files.

  1. Display a record or select records in a list and click Action > Set Status or press <Alt><Shift><S>.
    Set a default My Status in Tools > Options > My Status to add the My Status automatically whenever you save a record.
  2. Enter a My Status using up to 40 characters of free text (e.g., enter your name, a date, or a project name).
  3. Click OK or press <Enter>.

Delete records from the save file

Display a save file record or select records in a list, and click Action > Delete Record, click the Delete Record button (Delete Record button), or press <Ctrl><Alt><D>.

Search for specific save file records

  1. Click Authorities > Search > Online Save File, click the Online Save File button (Search Online Authorities Save File button), or press <Alt><F3>.
    Click Authorities > Search > Local Save File or press <Shift><F3>.
  2. Enter one or more search terms in a Search for field, select an index for each and, if multiple terms, select a Boolean operator to combine.
  3. Limit the search by statuses or other criteria.
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>.

Find save file records by statuses or by limits only

  1. Click Authorities > Show > By Online Save File Status or press <Ctrl><O>. You must be logged on to perform this action.
    Click Authorities > Show By Local Save File Status or press <Alt><C><H><L>.
  2. Select status or limit check boxes.
  3. Click Show Records or press <Enter>.

Quick way to retrieve save file records

Retrieve all records in the save file and then sort by data in a column:

  1. Click Authorities > Search > Online Save File [or > Local Save File].
  2. Do not enter any search terms or criteria. Click OK.
  3. Sort the results list by clicking a column heading to group the records you need together (e.g., sort by My Status or by action status).
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>.

See Authorities: Formats and indexes for available online and local save file search indexes.

Use local files

When you install the Connexion client, you also install default (empty) local files on your workstation for authority records and constant data.

Use the local file manager to work with more local files:

  1. Click File > Local File Manager or press <Alt><F><L><F>.
  2. Under Choose File Type, click a button next to the type of local file you want to work with. A check mark designates the default file.
  3. Click one of the following buttons, depending on what you want to do:
    • Configure Paths to create or delete a local file path name.
    • Auto Back Up to clear or select automatic back up and a location.
    • Create to create a new file (type the file name only; the client supplies the correct file extension).
    • Delete to delete the selected file (you cannot delete the default file).
    • Set as Default to set the selected file as the default.
    • Authorization to assign a logon authorization and password to use for logon whenever you use the selected file.
    • Statistics to show the number of records in the file by specific record statuses.
    • Compact/Repair to remove empty space remaining when records are deleted from the selected file or to repair the selected file when you receive erroneous messages that records are in use by another.

Take final actions on authority records

Taking actions interactively. The following sections cover taking a specific action on records interactively (i.e., immediately, while logged on.

Taking actions via batch processing. For instructions on batch processing record actions in the client, see Batch process LC authority file searches and record actions below.

Authorization. The final actions you can take on records depend on the cataloging level associated with your logon authorization. See OCLC cataloging authorizations levels for record actions and upgrades for more information.

Export records

To export records:

  1. Display a record or select records in a list.
  2. Click Action > Export, click the Export button (Esporta), or press <F5>. Records export immediately, whether you are logged on or offline, unless you set an option to export in batch in Tools > Options > Batch.

     Caution: If exporting to an existing file, the first time you export, the client may prompt you to choose to overwrite or append data already in the file or to cancel and use another file. Your choice persists each time you export within the same logon session until you close and re-open the client.

 Note: Check the Export status in the status bar of a record or in the Export column of a list. If it is R (Ready), your option is set for batch export.

Report errors in records

Reporting errors in records requires a minimum authorization of Limited.

  1. With a record displayed, click Action > Report Error or press <Alt><A><E>.
  2. Complete required fields: Enter your OCLC symbol, user name, email.
  3. (Optional) Select a check box to receive a copy of your report.
  4. Describe the error in the large text field.
  5. Click Report Error. The client automatically attaches a copy of the record to the report and sends the report to OCLC quality control staff.

Create records and add to the LC authority file

About record limits:


You can create a record from a workform, derive a new record from an existing record, generate a new record from a name heading in a bibliographic record, or import records from your local system.

Create a record from a workform (MARC template)

  1. Logged on or offline, click Authorities > Create > Single Record > Blank Record or press <Ctrl><Shift><K>.
    Click Authorities > Create > Single Record and then click one of the following MARC formats:
    • Conference Name
    • Corporate Name
    • Geographics
    • Personal Name
    • Series
    • Uniform Title
  2. Add or edit data to complete the record.
  3. Click Action > Add to Authority File or press <Ctrl><Alt><A> to add the record to the LC authority file. This action requires NACO authorization.

Derive a new record from an existing record

  1. Retrieve an LC authority record that closely matches, or is related to, the item you are cataloging.
  2. Click Edit > Derive > New Record or press <Ctrl><Alt><C>.
  3. Add or edit data to complete the record, and then add to the LC authority file. See step 3 in the procedure above for using a workform.

Generate a new record from a name heading

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record with a heading you want to use.
  2. Click Macros > Manage or press <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><G>.
  3. In the Macros list, click the plus sign (+) next to the OCLC macro book to expand the contents of the book.
  4. Select GenerateAuthorityRecord and then click Run.
  5. Add or edit data to complete the record and then add to the LC authority file (see step 3 in the procedure above for using a workform).

Import records

Create records in your local system and import them into Connexion as workforms.

  1. Offline or logged on, click File > Import Records or press <Alt><F><I>.
  2. Enter the full path and file name of your import file, or click Browse to navigate to the file.
     Note: Files must be MARC-compatible files (e.g., files with extension *.dat).
  3. Select Import to Online Save File (must log on) or Import to Local File.
  4. (Optional) Click Options to select a check box to apply default constant data or assing a My Status, or click Record Characteristics to select a character set for imported records.
  5. Click OK or press <Enter>.
  6. Click Yes to delete the original file or No to keep it.
  7. A temporary Import Report displays. Print or copy the report before closing it, if needed.

Replace WorldCat records

Replacing records in the LC authority file requires a NACO authorization or higher.

  1. Log on and click Authorities > Search > LC Names and Subjects to retrieve the record you want to modify.
  2. (Optional) Click Action > Lock WorldCat Record or press <Alt><F8>.
  3. Add or edit data in the record.
  4. Click Action > Replace Record or press <Alt><F10>.
    • The system locks the record automatically before replacing, if you skip step 2, and then unlocks it when the action is completed.
    • If the record replaced is in the online save file, the system automatically deletes it unless you re-save before you close it.

Batch process searches and actions

Enter LC authority file searches and/or mark records for actions in the default local file to process all at once in a batch.

Enter LC authority file searches for batch processing

  1. Click Batch > Enter Authority Search Keys or press <Alt><B><A>.
  2. In the Query field, enter a full syntax search as you would in the Command Line of the Search LC Names and Subjects window.
  3. Click Add or press <Enter>. The search is added to the list.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to enter more searches.
  5. Opzioni:
    • If you use multiple local files, you can select a different file in the Local File list to store the searches.
    • You can import searches from a text file (*.txt). Click Import and enter the path and file name.
       Note: To prepare the text file, use a text editor such as Notepad. Type each full syntax search on a separate line.
  6. When finished, click Save.
  7. When ready, run batch processing using Batch > Process Batch.

Set actions on records for batch processing

  1. Save records you want to batch process in the default local save file. Log off if you are online.
  2. Display a record or select records in the local file list, and then select one of the following actions on the Action menu:
    • Add to Authority File
    • Export (see Note below)
    • Replace Record
    • Submit for Review
       Note: You must set the option for batch export in Tools > Options > Batch. Otherwise, export occurs right away.
  3. When ready, run batch processing using Batch > Process Batch.

Remove actions marked for batch from records

Remove the Ready Status from records to remove from batch processing:

  1. Display a marked record or selected records in a local save file list.
  2. Click Action > Set Status or press <Alt><Shift><S>.
  3. Under Remove ready status for batch, select one or more check boxes for actions you want to remove.
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>.

Run batch processing

The Connexion client automatically logs on to run batch processing.

 Note: You must set a general default logon authorization in Tools > Options > Authorizations or a file-specific authorization in File > Local File Manager (click Authorization) for automatic batch logon.

  1. Click Batch > Process Batch or press <Alt><B><P>.
  2. Under Local Files, select check boxes for the local file(s) you want to process in a single batch. You can select an unlimited number of both bibliographic and authority files to run at the same time.
  3. Under Process, select a check box to select searches, record actions, export, and/or label printing (for bibliographic records).
  4. Select a processing order in the Authority Processing Order list. Select the order separately for authority and bibliographic files. By default, the processing orders are sorted by Date/Time Added (to the save file).
  5. (Optional) Click Search Options to assign a My Status or to apply the default local constant data to records downloaded from searches.
  6. When ready, click OK or press <Enter>.