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Install RLIN21 Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, or Latin keyboards

Discover how to install and uninstall RLIN21 Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, or Latin keyboards in Connexion client.

About keyboards for entering script data in the Connexion client

RLIN21 Arabic, Cyrillic, and Hebrew keyboards

  • RLIN21 keyboards - Connexion client supports keyboards that were previously created by Research Libraries Group for use with RLIN21.
  • Windows input keyboards - You may use Microsoft Windows input keyboards or install and use RLIN21 keyboards to enter these scripts.
  • Difference - RLIN21 keyboards include characters specific to each script. Microsoft keyboards include characters specific to a language written in a particular script. For example, using the single RLIN21 Arabic keyboard, generate Arabic script characters for Arabic, Persian, and Urdu instead of switching among separate Microsoft keyboards for each language to enter script data.

     Note: For Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK), you must use Windows Input Method Editors (IMEs). For scripts outside the MARC-8 characters, use Windows keyboards.

RLIN21 Latin keyboard

  • The client supports two methods of entering diacritic and special characters.
  • Client function - Use the functionality in the client for entering a diacritic or special character, click Edit > Enter Diacritics and select the image or name for a character, or use assigned client keystrokes (see a complete list of client assigned keys in View > Assigned Keys).
  • RLIN21 Latin keyboard - Use RLIN21 methods and equivalent keystrokes to enter diacritics and special characters.

Install an RLIN21 keyboard


  • You must have local administrator rights for your workstation to download and install the RLIN21 keyboards.
  • After installing, you must make an installed keyboard available on your workstation—that is, select it under the English (United States) input locale for your workstation—before you can use the keyboard.

To install a keyboard:

  1. Go to Cataloging software downloads.
  2. Click OCLC software download Terms and Conditions to review the Terms and Conditions.
  3. Select the I accept check box to accept the Terms and Conditions. Links to software and instructions are not active until you accept the terms and conditions.
  4. Click one of the following:
    • RLIN21 Arabic keyboard
    • RLIN21 Cyrillic keyboard
    • RLIN21 Hebrew keyboard
    • RLIN21 Latin keyboard
  5. Save the software to your hard drive.
  6. For instructions about how to install the software, click the link accompanying instructions.

Make installed RLIN21 keyboard available for use

After installing a keyboard, you must make it available for use in Windows. Instructions differ somewhat, depending on your version of Windows. Follow instructions on the Microsoft website for your version. See:

 Caution: You must make RLIN21 keyboards available for use under the English (United States) input locale when you follow the Microsoft instructions. Do not install under any other language.

Select an RLIN21 keyboard to input script data

When you install languages and/or input keyboards or IMEs on your workstation, a language indicator appears in the Windows system tray (bottom right corner of the desktop). If you have multiple languages installed, clicking the language indicator expands a list of them. If not, the indicator contains only English (United States).

When you install keyboards under a language and the language is selected in the language indicator, a keyboard indicator also appears in the system tray.

To select an RLIN21 keyboard for entering data:

  1. Make sure that EN is selected in the language indicator if necessary (i.e., if you have multiple languages installed on your workstation). If you have multiple languages installed, use the Windows default keystroke shortcut <Left Alt><Shift> to toggle through the languages if needed.
  2. Click the keyboard indicator and select the name of the RLIN21 keyboard you want to use.


  • While using the RLIN21 keyboards, you cannot use Connexion client default keystroke shortcuts mapped to characters that include the Alt, Ctrl+Alt, or Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys.
  • These key combinations are used with the RLIN21 keyboards and override the Connexion client keystrokes when you are using an RLIN21 keyboard.
  • However, Connexion client function keys and keystrokes assigned to characters that include the Ctrl, Alt+Shift, and Ctrl+Shift keys remain available.
    Examples: The default keystroke for Action > Delete Record, mapped to <Ctrl><Alt><D>, conflicts with the RLIN21 keyboards (contains Ctrl+Alt) and cannot be used. You must map Delete Record to another keyboard shortcut.

    However, you can continue to use the default keystroke for the delimiter character (<Ctrl><D>) and the default keystroke for Action > Export (<F5>), since they do not conflict with RLIN21 keyboards.

Uninstall an RLIN21 keyboard


  • You must have local administrator rights to uninstall the RLIN21 keyboards.
  • You must first remove the keyboard from regional options before uninstalling (next procedure). If you do not, when you uninstall, you receive an error message: Fatal error during installation.

First, remove the keyboard from regional options:

  1. Click the Windows Start menu, and then click Settings > Control Panel > Keyboard.
  2. Click the Input Locales tab.
  3. In the list of language services available, under English (United States), select the name of the RLIN21 keyboard you want to remove.
  4. Click Apply and then click OK.

Then, uninstall the keyboard program:

  1. Click the Windows Start menu, and then click Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. In the alphabetical list of installed programs, scroll to the name of the RLIN21 keyboard that you want to uninstall and select it.
  3. Click Remove. Click Yes to confirm.