Connexion client macro commands by function
Find a list, organized by function, of available macro commands in Connexion client.
Log on and off
Command name | Brief description |
Logon | Logs on to OCLC Connexion |
Logoff | Logs off OCLC Connexion |
IsOnline | Checks whether you are currently logged on |
Command name | Brief description |
Cerca | Allows you to use a search string to search an online database:
Browse | Allows you to browse WorldCat for titles or browse the Authority File for headings |
BrowseAuthorityExpanded | Allows you to expand a browse for a heading by specifying a subheading |
Edit records
Command name | Brief description |
AddField | Adds a field in correct tag order and specifies the order of its appearanceamong other fields with the same tag number |
AddFieldLine | Adds a variable field in a specific field position (line number) |
CancelChanges | Cancels all editing changes made to a WorldCat record (if from WorldCat or the Authority File) or all changes made since you last saved the record (if from the save file) |
ControlHeadingsAll | Controls all controllable headings in a record that are not already controlled |
UncontrolHeading | Uncontrols a controlled heading where the cursor is located so that you can edit the heading |
UncontrolAll | Uncontrols all controlled headings in the current record |
IsHeadingControlled | Determines whether a heading in a specified line of the current record is controlled |
Copy | Copies specific text and places it on the clipboard |
Cut | Cuts specific text and places it on the clipboard |
Paste | Pastes text from the clipboard at a specified insertion point |
CopySelected | Copies selected text and places it on the clipboard |
CutSelected | Cuts selected text and places it on the clipboard |
CopyField | Copies the field where the cursor is located and places it on the clipboard |
CopyControlNumber | Copies the OCLC control number (bibliographic records) or ARN (authority records) and places it on the clipboard |
CursorPosition | Indicates or changes the position of the cursor in a record, where the cursor position is variable, depending on the presence of data (for use by the macro recorder; use CursorColumn when writing macros) |
DeleteCurrentField | Deletes the field where the cursor is located |
DeleteCurrentWord | Deletes the word where the cursor is located |
DeleteToEndOfCell | Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the cell in a field |
MoveFieldUp | Move the current field above the preceding field |
MoveFieldDown | Move the current field below the following field |
DeleteField | Deletes a field by specific tag number and, in the case of repeated variable fields, by order of appearance among the other fields with the same tag |
DeleteFieldLine | Deletes a field in a specific field position (line number) |
GetField | Gets the data for a specific field by tag number and, in the case of repeated variable fields, by order of appearance among the other fields with the same tag |
GetFieldLine | Gets the data for a field in a specific field position (line number) |
GetFieldUnicode | Works like GetField, but also returns Unicode data in Numeric Character Reference (NCR) form |
GetFieldLineUnicode | Works like GetFieldLine, but also returns Unicode data in Numeric Character Reference (NCR) form |
SetField | Adds data to a field specified by tag number and, in the case of repeated variable fields, by order of appearance among the other fields with the same tag |
SetFieldLine | Adds data to a field in a specific field position (line number) |
SetFixedField | Inserts a value in a specific fixed-field element |
GetFixedField | Gets the data for a specific fixed-field element |
FixedFieldPosition | Returns or specifies how the fixed field displays in a record |
SetCursorFixedField | Places the cursor and selects the value, if any, in a specified element of the fixed field |
GetSelectedText | Gets selected text from a record (text can span multiple fields) |
SetSelectedText | Inserts specific text in a record at the cursor location (text can span multiple fields) |
InsertText | Inserts specified text at the cursor location |
FindText | Finds and highlights the next occurrence of specified text |
ReplaceText | Replaces the highlighted “found” text with specified text |
ReplaceTextAll | Replaces all occurrences of “found” text with specified text |
FindReplaceNextText | Finds the next occurrence of the specified text and selects it. Another instance of FindReplaceNextText replaces the selected text, moves to the next occurrence, and selects it (combines FindText and ReplaceText commands) |
Reformat | Reformats a record (redisplays the record with fields in correct order) |
Validate | Validates a record or records selected in a list and returns a list of validation errors, if any (logged on only) |
CursorColumn | Indicates or changes the column where the cursor is located in a record |
CursorRow | Indicates or changes the row where the cursor is located in a record |
InsertMode | Indicates or changes the insert mode (insert mode on or off) |
ApplyOnlineDefaultCD | Applies your online default constant data record to the current record or to records selected in a list |
ApplyOnlineCDByName | Applies an online constant data record by its specified name to the current record or to records selected in a list |
ApplyCDFromList | Specifies a constant data record on a list and applies it to the current record or to records selected in a list Note: Before version 1.20 of the client, this macro command was named ApplyOnlineCDFromList. Both macro names work with both online and local constant data lists. |
ApplyLocalDefaultCD | Applies your local default constant data record to the current record or to records selected in a list |
ApplyLocalCDByName | Applies a local constant data record by its specified name to the current record or to records selected in a list |
ChangeRecordType | Changes the MARC format of a record (for example, from Books format to Computer Files format) |
InsertFromCitedRecord | Inserts data from a cited record that has a bibliographic connection to the record you are editing. |
See ASCII and hexadecimal codes for diacritics and special characters for more information.
Note: You can incorporate Unicode character data into macros using GetFieldUnicode and GetFieldLineUnicode. The Unicode characters are converted to Numeric Character Reference (NCR) form.
Create records
Command name | Brief description |
OpenWorkform | Opens a bibliographic workform of a specified type (Books, Computer Files, Continuing Resources*, Maps, Mixed Materials, Scores, Sound Recordings, or Visual Materials) Or Opens an authority workform of a specified type (Blank Record, Conference Name, Corporate Name, Geographics, Personal Name, Series, Uniform Title) *Formerly called Serials; includes serials and integrating resources material types. |
DeriveNewRecord | Derive a new record or a new constant data record from an existing record |
OpenWorkformForDatabase | Alternative to OpenWorkform command |
Take actions on records
Command name | Brief description |
UpdateHoldings | Updates holdings for a record or for records selected in a list (adds your OCLC institution symbol) Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch update |
ProduceandUpdateHoldings | Produces cards and accessions lists offline, as specified in your OCLC cataloging profile, and updates holdings for a record or for records selected in a list Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch update and produce |
DeleteHoldings | Deletes your holdings (OCLC symbol) from a record or from records selected in a list Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch delete holdings |
Lock | Locks a record |
ReleaseRecordLock | Releases the lock on a record |
ReplaceRecord | Replaces a record or records selected in a list in WorldCat or the Authority File Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch replace |
ReplaceandUpdateHoldings | Replaces a record, or records selected in a list, and updates holdings Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch replace and update |
SaveOnline | Saves a record, or records selected in a list, to the online save file |
SaveToLocalFile | Saves a record, or records selected in a list, to the local save file |
DeleteRecord | Deletes a record, or for records selected in a list, from the online save file |
Export | Exports a record or records selected in a list, while logged on or offline Or Marks record(s) for batch export if you set the option in Tools > Options > Batch |
AddToAuthorityFile | Adds a new record or records selected in a list, to the Authority File (NACO-authorized libraries only) Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch add |
SubmitForReview | Sends a bibliographic or authority record, or records selected in a list, to another library for review Or When offline, marks local record(s) for batch submit |
RecallSubmitted | Withdraws a record you submitted for review |
AddToOnlineDatabase | Alternative to AddToAuthorityFile command |
Work with records, lists, and files
Command name | Brief description |
SearchList | Searches for specified data in a list |
GetListItem | Display a specified record on a list |
GetFirstSelectedItem | Opens the first selected entry in the current list |
GetNextSelectedItem | Opens the next selected entry in the current list |
GetFirstItem | Selects the first item in a list (can be another list or record) |
GetNextItem | Selects the next item in a list |
GetPrevItem | Selects the previous item in a list |
GetListCellData | Selects data or value in a cell specified by row and column title |
GetListCellDataUnicode | Selects data or value that contains non-Latin scripts in a cell specified by row and column title |
GetNext100Records | Displays a list of the next 100 records retrieved from the Authority File or from the bibliographic or authority online save file or online constant data |
GetPrevious100Records | Displays a list of the previous 100 records retrieved from the Authority File or from the bibliographic or authority online save file or online constant data |
CloseList | Closes a list |
CloseRecord | Closes a record |
GetWindowTitle | Returns the specified window title |
ItemType | Distinguishes the type of record or list for the current window |
SetTopWindow | Makes a specified window the current window (top-most or active window) |
WindowCount | Returns the total number of windows open in the client |
CreateLocalFile | Creates a local file in a specified path or sets an existing local file as the default |
CopyRecord | Copies a local file record or records selected in a local file list to another, existing local file that you specify |
MoveRecord | Moves a local file record or records selected in a local file list to another, existing local file that you specify |
Macro commands for navigating in records | The following commands move the cursor to a new location. Most correspond to keys on the keyboard. They are used primarily for the macro recorder. Macro command: Moves the cursor to...
Print and work with macros, statuses, holdings, labels, and profiles
Command name | Brief description |
SetMyStatus | Adds or changes My Status for a record or for records selected in a list |
SetWorkflowStatus | Changes the workflow status for a record or for records selected in a list |
QueryRecordStatus | Returns a specific status for a record |
IsHeldBy | Determines whether a specific OCLC symbol is included in a record |
Holdings | Returns a record's holdings list |
Prints a record or (available for local save file and local constant data lists only) prints records selected in a list | |
PrintList | Prints a list or a list of selected entries |
PrintLabel | Prints labels based on field data in the record(s) for spine, call number, author, and title |
PrintLabelEx | Allows you to edit data for a label for the current record before printing the record |
GetLabelSpine | Returns the spine text extracted from the current record, based on the holding library code, so that you can edit it |
GetLabelSpineUnformatted | Returns unformatted text (no line breaks) for a spine label extracted from the current records, based on the holding library code, so that you can edit it |
GetLabelCallNumber | Returns the call number from the current record, based on the holding library code, so that you can edit it |
GetLabelAuthor | Returns the author text from the current record, so that you can edit it |
GetLabelTitle | Returns the title text from the current record, based on the holding library code, so that you can edit it |
StartLabelBatch | Starts the label print process (must precede PrintLabel or PrintLabelEx) |
EndLabelBatch | Ends the label print process (must precede PrintLabel or PrintLabelEx) |
PrintMacro | Prints a macro |
RunMacro | Runs a macro |
AssignMacroToKey | Assigns a specified keystroke shortcut to a macro |
LoadProfile | Loads a specified user profile (for those who use multiple profiles) |
SendKeys | Sends keystrokes to the client |