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Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the GetFieldLineUnicode macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax BOOL = CS.GetFieldLineUnicode (shLineNum, sFieldData)
Use to This command works like GetFieldLIne, but also returns Unicode data in Numeric Character Reference (NCR) form.
  • For shLineNum, enter the record line number (each field is counted as a line).
  • Enter the parameter sFieldData to store the returned field data.
Return values TRUE if the action is successful, or FALSE if not.
Example Sub Main()

     Dim CS As Object
     Dim nLen As Integer
     Dim sFieldData as String

     Set CS = GetObject(,“Connex.Client”)

     CS.GetFieldLineUnicode 8, sFieldData

     MsgBox sFieldData

     sFieldData) = Mid$(sFieldData, 6, Len(sFieldData))
     sFieldData = "500 " + sFieldData

     CS.AddFieldLine1, sFieldData
End Sub

What this example does
  • Gets field 245 in the displayed record as Unicode.
  • Displays the data in a message box.
  • Constructs a 500 field from the data.
  • Adds the new field to the record.