User Information
Find out how to access and use the User Information window in Connexion client.
Purpose of the User Information window
- Display information for your current online cataloging session if you are logged on or for your most recent session if you are logged off.
Note: You may need to provide this information when you troubleshoot a problem with support staff. - Quick check of details and permissions included in your cataloging profile.
Access the User Information window
Navigate to View > User Information or press <Alt><V><U>.
User Information window: Features and buttons
Feature | How to use |
Colonna di sinistra | |
Session ID of Current or Last OCLC Session | The session identification assigned by the system to the current session, if you are logged on, or for your last session. A session is a period of time between logon and logoff when you are online with the Connexion service. The OCLC system assigns a session identification to each logon session. |
Simbolo dell'istituzione | The institution symbol under which you logged on. |
Classification Scheme | The classification system you specified as part of your OCLC cataloging profile. You can set a different classification scheme for use with the local bibliographic save file for offline cataloging. |
Codice organizzazione MARC | For NACO-authorized libraries. You can set a MARC Organization Code for the local authority save file that is different from the one associated with your logon authorization. |
Cataloging Level | Your authorization mode for cataloging privileges. |
Authorities Level | Your authorization mode for authorities privileges. |
Local Holdings Level | Your authorization mode for maintaining local holdings records. |
Profiled for SCIPIO | Shows Yes or No to indicate whether your authorization includes permission to create, delete, and take actions on SCIPIO (Sales Catalog Index Project Input Online) records. |
Colonna destra | |
OCLC Logon Time | Date and time of your current or last logon in the OCLC time zone: U.S. Eastern time as recorded by the OCLC system. |
Local Logon Time | Date and time of your current or last logon in your time zone as recorded by the OCLC system. |
Current Local Time | Date and current time in your time zone. |
Default Online Bibliographic CD | Name of the online bibliographic constant data record you assigned as default. See more about bibliographic constant data. |
Default Local Bibliographic CD | Name of the local bibliographic constant data record you assigned as default. |
Default Authority CD | Name of the online authority constant data record you assigned as default. See more about authority constant data. |
Default Local Authority CD | Name of the local authority constant data record you assigned as default. |
Session Duration | Appears in hours:minutes:seconds;milliseconds. |
Button name | Click the button to... |
Close | Click the button to close the window (or press <Enter>). |