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Session Timer message

Find out how to access and use the Session Timer message window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Session Timer message window

  • The client sends a warning message that your current online session will expire in a specific number of minutes. Your response lets the session time out or resets the timer.

    The timer keeps track of your logon session. It times the number of minutes when you do not interact with the system. 
  • Your settings in Tools > Options > General / Session Timer Options determine: 
    • Whether you get this warning at all 
    • The number of minutes of inactivity before the session times out (5 to 39 min.; default: 39 min.) 
    • The number of minutes before automatic logoff that you get the warning message (1 to 9 min.; default: 5 min.) 

Session Timer message window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Message Tells you the number of minutes before your session expires.


Button name Click the button to...
Reset Restart the session timer at the maximum number of minutes.
Cancel Cancel restarting the session timer. Allows the session to time out and the system to log you off automatically.