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Search Local System

Find out how to access and use the Search Local System window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Search Local System window

  • Enter a local system record number to retrieve a record and import it into the client as a workform using a Z39.50 connection.

See Retrieve local system records using a Z39.50 connection for details. 

Access the Search Local System window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Z39.50 > Connect or press <Alt><T><Z><C>
  2. When the client connects to your library's local system, the Search Local System window opens automatically. Enter a search
    • To open the Search Local System window again to search for another record while still connected, click Tools > Z39.50 > Search or press <Alt><T><Z><S>.
    • To keep the first record open when you retrieve the next record, pin the first record open and then retrieve another record.
       Note: Before connecting, you must first set up the Z39.50 connection to your local system in Tools > Options > Z39.50.

See more about how to search your local system to import records into the client.

Search Local System window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Record ID Number field Enter the record number of the record in your local system to retrieve.
Click the arrow at the right of the box to display a list of up to ten record numbers you entered previously, and click to select one.

Default: Record ID Number field is cleared.
  • If the search is successful, the client imports and displays the record as a workform in MARC format. Treat the record as you would any other imported record.
  • If the search fails, the client gives you a message.
  • To search for another record or to try the search again if a search fails, click Tools > Z39.50 > Search.

 Note: To keep records you retrieve from your ILS open simultaneously as you retrieve them one by one, you must pin each record window open before retrieving another record.


Button name Click the button to...
Find Send the search to your library's local system.
Cancel Cancel the search and close the Search Local System  window, but keep the Z39.50 connection open.
Cancel and Disconnect Cancel the search, close the Search Local System window, and disconnect the Z39.50 connection.
Click Tools > Z39.50 > Disconnect.