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Search Local Authority Constant Data

Find out how to access and use the Search Local Authority Constant Data window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Search Local Authority Constant Data window

  • Search for local authority constant data records by specifying:
    • Constant data name
    • My Status (a custom status you assign)
    • No criteria (retrieves all records in the file)
  • Apply a constant data record from the search results list to authority workforms and existing authority records.

Access the Search Local Authority Constant Data window

  1. On the Authorities menu, click Search > Local Constant Data or press <Alt><U><S><C>.
    With an authority record open, navigate to Edit > Constant Data > Local > Apply from List or press <Alt><E><D><L><L>.
  2. In the Search for box, enter a constant data record name and select the Name index in the adjacent list.
    Enter a custom My Status text string that you assigned and select the My Status index in the adjacent list.
  3. (Optional) Enter a second name or My Status and select a Boolean operator to combine the terms.
  4. Click OK to send the search.

See more about how to find local authority constant data records.

Search Local Authority Constant Data window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Local File list (Optional) If you create and maintain multiple local constant data files, expand the list and select the file you want to search.

Warning message. When you change local files, the client displays a warning that all open records from the currently selected file will close and that the newly selected file will become the new default local file.

Click Yes to confirm changing the file or No to cancel.

The first time the warning displays, you have the option to select a Do not display this prompt again check box.

Default: Full path and file name of the default local authority constant data file*
*Default local authority constant data file: X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Db\
Search for ... in text fields and index lists
  1. Enter a search in a text field and select an index from the adjacent list.
  2. (Optional) Enter another search in the other text field and select a different index. Combine by selecting a Boolean operator.


Select previous search terms in the drop-down lists in the text boxes.

Leave all search criteria empty and click OK to retrieve all records in the file. You can then click a column heading in the results list to sort the list to fine the records you need. Sorting options include:

  • Nome
  • My Status


  • Text fields are blank.
    Your last search is shown if you selected the Retain Search check box.
  • Retains a list of up to ten previous searches.
  • Index for first text field: Name
  • Index for second text field: My Status
AND/OR/NOT list If combining searches in different indexes, click one of the Boolean operators in the list to indicate how you want to combine the terms:
  • AND - Finds records that contain both terms in the same record.
  • OR - Finds records that contain either term.
  • NOT - Finds records that contain the first term but not the second term.

Default: OR (or last used)

Retain Search check box Select or deselect the option to keep the most recent search in the Search for box(es) between logon sessions.

If you retain the last search, the client keeps search terms, indexes, and Boolean operators.

A check mark indicates that the option is selected.

Default: Check box is deselected.

The client clears search terms but keeps the last indexes and Boolean operators you used.


Button name Click the button to...
Enter Diacritics Open the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window to enter a diacritic or character in a search term.
Clear Search Clear search terms. The client keeps the last Boolean operators and indexes you used.
OK Send the search and close the window.
Cancel Cancel the search and close the window.