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Record Display Options

Find out how to access and use the Record Display Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Record Display Options window

  • Determine the color of window background, field background and text in bibliographic and authority records separately, or reset to default colors. 
  • Determine a color to display invalid MARC-8 characters when you validate characters in a record separately from full or basic record validation (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify). 
  • Determine a color to display invalid CJK characters to equivalent MARC-8-compliant characters when you use the client automatic convertor (Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 CJK).
  • Display all data in fields or display truncated fields if data is longer than three or four lines. If a field is truncated, a vertical scroll bar lets you scroll all data in a field.

Access the Record Display Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Record Display
  2. Under Colors: 
    1. In the Element list, select a record display element (listed here in the table below). 
    2. For each element you select, click Define to open the standard Windows Color window. For each element, an example of the text is displayed in the color you choose. 
  3. Under Fields: 
    1. Click to deselect or select the View all field data check box to view records with complete field data or truncated field data. 
    2. Click to deselect or select the Use dropdowns for fixed fields check box to show a drop-down list of valid data for each fixed field element in a record. 
  4. Click OK or click Apply

See more about how to set up and customize the way records display.

Record Display Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Colors area
Element list Select an element of a record for which you want to change the color. Select:
  • Bibliographic record window (record background) (default) 
  • Bibliographic record text 
  • Bibliographic record field (cell background) 
  • Authority record window 
  • Authority record text 
  • Authority record field 
  • Invalid MARC-8 character display  (see more about verifying MARC-8 characters
  • Converted MARC-8 CJK characters (see more about converting invalid CJK characters
Default colors:
  • Window background: Gray 
  • Text: Black 
  • Fields: White 
  • Invalid MARC-8 characters: Red 
  • Converted MARC-8 CJK characters: Green 
Esempi View the result of the colors you select for:
  • Bibliographic text 
  • Authority text 
  • Invalid MARC-8 characters (when you use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify) 
  • Converted MARC-8 CJK characters (when you use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Convert to MARC-8 CJK) 
See default colors listed above.
Fields area
View all field data check box Select or deselect the option to view all data in fields (field cells expand as needed) or to view truncated fields if data is longer than three or four lines.

If fields are truncated, a vertical scroll bar allows you to scroll all data if needed.

Default: Check box is selected. Fields expand as needed to show all data.
Use dropdowns for fixed fields check box Select or deselect the option to use drop-down lists containing valid values for fixed field elements when the fixed field display is set to Top or Bottom (View > OCLC Fixed Field).

With lists selected, select values from lists or type values, including values not listed.

Default: Check box is selected. Drop-down lists are available.


Button name Click the button to...
Define Open the standard Windows Color window and choose a color or create a color (click Define Custom Colors) for the record element you selected in the list.
Reset Return all color settings to the original (default) settings.
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the Options window (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved changes to options. The Options window closes.
Apply Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options.