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Offline Cataloging Options

Find out how to access and use the Offline Cataloging Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Offline Cataloging Options window

Set the following required options for cataloging offline:

  • Classification scheme 
  • Holding library code 
  • Institution symbol 
  • MARC organization code (required for NACO-affiliated libraries working with authority records offline only) 

Access the Offline Cataloging Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > General.
  2. Click Offline Cataloging Options.
  3. Enter the required data as described in the table below.
  4. Click OK.

See more about how to set General options in Tools > Options.

Offline Cataloging Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Classification Scheme list Select one of the following classification schemes to use when you catalog offline*:
  • Library of Congress (default)
  • Dewey
  • National Library of Medicine
  • Canadian
  • Government
  • National Agricultural Library
Holding Library Code field Required for offline cataloging. Enter a holding library code.
Institution Symbol field Required for offline cataloging. Enter an institution symbol.
MARC Organization Code field Required for NACO participants working with authority records offline. Enter a MARC organization code.
 *Note: When you are logged on, the client uses the cataloging profile associated with your logon authorization to determine classification scheme, holding library code, institution symbol, and MARC Organization Code.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply your settings and close the window. You are returned to the General tab of the Options window.

In the General tab, you must click OK or Apply to save changes.
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window. You are returned to the General tab of the Options window.