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General Spell Checker Options

Find out how to access and use the General Spell Checker Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the General Spell Checker Options window

  • Select words with specific characteristics that you want the client spell checker to ignore.

Access the General Spell Checker Options window

  1. Navigate Tools > Options > Spelling.
  2. Click General Options on the Spelling tab.
  3. Select check boxes for the type of words you want the spell checker to ignore.
  4. Click OK.

 Note: General spell checker options are stored in:
X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\Profiles\MyProfile\Options.xml (X = the letter of your hard drive)

See more about how to customize the spell checker.

General Spell Checker Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Ignore capitalized words check box Click to select or deselect the check box.

Default: Check box is cleared. Checks words beginning with a capital letter.
Ignore words in UPPERCASE check box Click to select or deselect the check box.

Default: Check box is cleared. Checks words in all capital letters.
Ignore words with numbers check box Click to select or deselect the check box.

Default: Check box is cleared. Checks words containing numbers, such as Win2000.
Ignore domain names check box Click to select or deselect the check box.

Default: Check box is selected. Skips Internet domain names, such as


Button name Click the button to...
OK Save your selections and close the window. You return to the Spelling tab (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made and close the window. You return to the Spelling tab.