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Field Export Options

Find out how to access and use the Field Export Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Field Export Options window

  • Specify fields to delete automatically from exported bibliographic records.
  • Specify fields to delete automatically from exported authority records.

Access the Field Export Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Export.
  2. Click Field Export Options.
  3. Enter fields to delete from exported bibliographic records, and/or separately enter fields to delete from exported authority records. See guidelines in the table below.
  4. When finished, click OK or click Apply.

See more about how to define fields to delete from exported records.

Field Export Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Fields to Delete / Bibliographic Records field Enter tags you want to delete, each separated by a comma, or enter a range of tags.

Example: Enter 920, 938, 945-999
Fields to Delete / Authority Records field Enter tags in the same way as for bibliographic records.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Apply the settings you entered, close the window, and return to the Export tab in the Options window.
Cancel Cancel any changes you made, close the window, and return to the Export tab in the Options window.