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Browse LC Names and Subjects History

Find out how to access and use the Browse LC Names and Subjects History window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Browse LC Names and Subjects History window

  • Use a guided browse text box and index list to browse for headings in the LC names and subjects authority history file.

Access the Browse LC Names and Subjects History window

  1. Navigate to Authorities > Browse > LC Names and Subject History or press <Alt><U><B><H>.
    • If you are logged on to OCLC Connexion, the Browse LC Names and Subjects History window opens immediately.
    • If you are not already logged on, the Logon OCLC Connexion window opens. As soon as you complete the logon and close the Welcome window, the Browse LC Names and Subjects History window automatically.
  2. Enter a browse term and select an index.
  3. Click OK.

The simplest way to retrieve any authority history records associated with a displayed distributed authority record is to launch an automatic search for the same OCLC ARN in the authority history file using Authorities > Show > LC Superseded Versions. (Or vice versa: Locate a distributed record from an open history record using Authorities > Show > LC Distributed Version).

See more about how to open LC authority history records.

Browse LC Names and Subjects History window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Browse for ... field Enter the first words of a heading phrase or enter an LCCN or OCLC ARN in the text field.
Select from the list of up to ten previous terms you used.

For a heading phrase, the browse term you enter is matched character by character from left to right with terms in the headings index.

Default: Text box is blank (or shows your last term and a drop-down list of up to ten previous search terms).
... in index list Select one of the following indexes (a colon indicates a word index; an equal sign indicates a phrase index):
  • LCCN (lc=) (phrase index)
  • OCLC ARN (an:)
  • Heading (me=) (phrase index)

Default: Heading (me=)


Button name Click the button to...
Clear Search Clear terms (the client keeps only the last index you used).
Enter Diacritics Open the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window to enter a diacritic or character in a browse term.
OK Browse for the heading (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel the heading search and close the window.