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Batch Holdings by OCLC Number

Find out how to access and use the Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window

  • Enter or import a list of OCLC numbers for records for which you want to set or delete holdings.
     Note: OCLC recommends processing no more than 2,500 numbers at a time.
  • Select an action to perform on the records.
  • Batch process the records immediately without having to retrieve the records first.
  • Print or copy data from a batch report that displays automatically after the batch runs (temporary report that the client does not save).

Access the Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window

  1. Navigate to Batch > Holdings by OCLC Number or press <Alt><B><H>.
  2. Click Browse to locate the file from which you want to import OCLC numbers.
  3. View, check, or edit the numbers.
  4. Select one of the Update actions or select the Delete action.
  5. Click OK.

See more about how to batch set or delete holdings by OCLC number.

Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Import File of OCLC Numbers If you import OCLC numbers from a file you created, enter the full path and file name of the file.
Click Browse to browse for the file.

To create a file of OCLC numbers, use a text editor such as Notepad.
  • Enter each OCLC number on a separate line.
  • Enter the numbers only or precede each with no:*, or #.
  • OCLC recommends processing no more than 2,500 numbers at a time.

Once you click Import, the numbers appear in the text box where you can edit them.

 Caution: The client does not retain the OCLC numbers when you close this window. Do not import the numbers until you are ready to batch process them.

Text field for entering OCLC numbers and/or displaying OCLC numbers you import View OCLC numbers you import or enter OCLC numbers, each on a separate line.
  • Check or edit the list of OCLC numbers you imported.
    Enter OCLC numbers alone or precede with no:*, or #.
  • OCLC recommends processing no more than 2,500 numbers at a time.

 Caution: The client does not retain the OCLC numbers when you close this window. Enter the numbers immediately before batch processing the records.

Action list Select the action you want to process:
  • Update Holdings
  • Produce and Update Holdings
  • Delete Holdings


  • If you select Delete Holdings, the action fails for records your library does not hold.
  • The client uses the setting for the option Delete attached LHRs when Deleting Holdings (in Tools > Options > Batch) to determine whether records with local holdings process or fail. (LHR = local holdings record.)
Set holdings if already held check box Select the check box if you want the client to set holdings even if items are already held by your library.

Default: Check box is deselected. The client does not set holdings on records if held.


Button name Click the button to...
OK Process the OCLC numbers immediately.
  • After the batch runs, the client automatically displays a report showing the record numbers, titles, and actions completed or failed.
     Note: The system does not validate the records before setting or deleting holdings, because you have not downloaded records and, therefore, cannot make corrections. The client ignores basic or full validation settings in Tools > Options > General / Validation Level Options.
  • The client does not save the report, but you can print or copy and paste data from it before closing it.
  • The report prints automatically if you selected the option Print batch reports automatically in Tools > Options > Batch.
Cancel Click to cancel processing records and close the window.