Client windows
Find and overview of windows and keystroke shortcuts for windows in Connexion client.
About client windows
Client windows (sometimes called "dialogs" or "screens") open when you click a Connexion client command on a menu or in another window. You use windows to complete tasks by making selections, entering data, and clicking buttons.
Example: Search Online Bibliographic Save File window
To search the online bibliographic save file:
- Navigate to Cataloging > Search > Online Save File.
Press <Ctrl><F3>. The Search Online Bibliographic Save File window opens. - Enter your search criteria in the window and then click OK to send the search to the system.
Keystroke shortcuts for windows
Press these keys... | To do this... |
<Tab> Or <Shift><Tab> |
Move to the next item. Or Move to the previous item. Nota:
<Spacebar> | Choose a selected item. |
<Alt><Down arrow> | Open or close a selected list. |
<Up or down arrows> | Move among items in a list. |
<Home> Or <End> |
Move to the beginning or end of a line or list. |
<Ctrl><Right arrow> Or <Ctrl><Left arrow> |
Move to the right or left by one word in a text box. |
<Right arrow> Or <Left arrow> |
Move to the next or previous check box. |
<Enter> | Carry out the command on the selected command button. |
<Esc> Or <Alt><F4> |
Cancel the actions and close the window (does not save changes). |
<Alt><Access key for specific features of windows> | Make a selection, use a button, or do other actions unique to the window. Example: In the Logon OCLC Connexion window (File > Logon), to use the Setup Authorizations button, press <Alt><S>. The Authorization option tab opens. |