Exchange bibliographic records for peer review
Discover how to exchange bibliographic records for peer review in Connexion client.
- About exchanging bibliographic records for peer review
- Find an overview on how to exchange records for peer review using Connexion client.
- Send bibliographic records for review interactively
- Discover how to send records for peer review interactively in Connexion client.
- View or recall bibliographic records you submitted interactively
- Discover how to view or recall records you submitted interactively in Connexion client.
- Mark bibliographic records with Submit action for batch processing
- Discover how to mark records with Submit action for batch processing and how to remove Ready status for batch Submit in Connexion client.
- Retrieve bibliographic records sent to you for peer review
- Discover how to retrieve records sent to you for peer review in Connexion client.
- Review bibliographic records sent to you for peer review
- Discover what actions the reviewer and the person who submitted the record for review can take in Connexion client.