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Batch set or delete holdings by OCLC control number

Discover how to batch set or delete holdings by OCLC control number in Connexion client.

Batch set holdings by OCLC control number

  1. Prepare to batch process.
    • For batch processing, you must set a:
      • General default authorization (Tools > Options > Authorizations).
      • Specific default authorization for the local file (File > Local File Manager/Authorization).
    • Check/set the following batch option settings in Tools > Options > Batch:
      • Deleting attached LHRs (local holdings records) when deleting holdings (required or the Delete Holdings action fails).
      • Printing batch reports automatically.
    • If you plan to import OCLC numbers, create an import file or output a file from your local system. See Create an import file of OCLC numbers for more information.
  2. When ready to process holdings, navigate to Batch > Holdings by OCLC Number or press <Alt><B><H>.

     Caution: Process the numbers you enter or import immediately. The client does not store the numbers.

  3. In the Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window:
    • Enter OCLC numbers.
      1. In the text field on the left, enter each OCLC number on a separate line (press <Enter> after each).
        • Enter the numbers only. If you precede numbers with the index label (no:), an asterisk (*), or a number sign (#) the system ignores them.
    • Import OCLC numbers. (see Create an import file of OCLC numbers for more information).
      1. Enter the full path and file name for the text file containing the numbers.
        Click Browse and use the Windows Open window to navigate to the file. Click Open to place the full path and file name in the box. By default, the client opens to one of the following locations:
        • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\ (where X = the letter of your hard drive)
        • To the last location you used.
      2. Click Import.
        • The list of numbers from the text file appears in the edit box of the window.
        • The client asks if you want to delete your import file. Click Yes to delete or No to keep the file.
           Note: The Import button is unavailable until you enter a path and file name for the import file.
      3. Check or edit imported numbers.
     Caution: The text field containing the OCLC numbers you enter or import has a limit of 32,767 characters. OCLC recommends entering or importing no more than 2,500 OCLC numbers to process at a time.
  4. Under Action, select one of the following actions to take on the records:
    • Update Holdings
    • Produce and Update Holdings
  5. (Optional) Select the Set holdings if already held check box to change the option from setting holdings (default) or not set holdings for items already held by your library.
  6. Click OK.
    • The client locates the records and processes the actions immediately without downloading them to your workstation (counts as two actions, one for the search and the other for the action) in your OCLC usage statistics.

       Note: The system does not validate the records before setting or deleting holdings, because you have no records to correct. The client ignores basic or full validation settings in Tools > Options > General / Validation Level Options.

    • By default, a batch report opens immediately. Change this option and/or select the option to print immediately in Tools > Options > Batch.
    • Your OCLC usage statistics include both the searches and actions.

Batch delete holdings by OCLC control number

  1. Prepare to batch process.
    • For batch processing, you must set a:
      • General default authorization (Tools > Options > Authorizations).
      • Specific default authorization for the local file (File > Local File Manager/Authorization).
    • Check/set the following batch option settings in Tools > Options > Batch:
      • Deleting attached LHRs (local holdings records) when deleting holdings (required or the Delete Holdings action fails).
      • Printing batch reports automatically.
    • If you plan to import OCLC numbers, create an import file or output a file from your local system. See Create an import file of OCLC numbers for more information.
  2. When ready to process holdings, navigate to Batch > Holdings by OCLC Number or press <Alt><B><H>.

     Caution: Process the numbers you enter or import immediately. The client does not store the numbers.

  3. In the Batch Holdings by OCLC Number window:
    • Enter OCLC numbers.
      1. In the text field on the left, enter each OCLC number on a separate line (press <Enter> after each).
        • Enter the numbers only. If you precede numbers with the index label (no:), an asterisk (*), or a number sign (#) the system ignores them.
    • Import OCLC numbers (see Create an import file of OCLC numbers for more information).
      1. Enter the full path and file name for the text file containing the numbers.
        Click Browse and use the Windows Open window to navigate to the file. Click Open to place the full path and file name in the box. By default, the client opens to one of the following locations:
        • X:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application Data\OCLC\Connex\ (where X = the letter of your hard drive)
        • To the last location you used.
      2. Click Import.
        • The list of numbers from the text file appears in the edit box of the window.
        • The client asks if you want to delete your import file. Click Yes to delete or No to keep the file.
           Note: The Import button is unavailable until you enter a path and file name for the import file.
      3. Check or edit imported numbers.
     Caution: The text field containing the OCLC numbers you enter or import has a limit of 32,767 characters. OCLC recommends entering or importing no more than 2,500 OCLC numbers to process at a time.
  4. Under Action, select Delete Holdings.
  5. Click OK.
    • The client locates the records and processes the actions immediately without downloading them to your workstation (counts as two actions, one for the search and the other for the action) in your OCLC usage statistics.

       Note: The system does not validate the records before setting or deleting holdings, because you have no records to correct. The client ignores basic or full validation settings in Tools > Options > General / Validation Level Options.

    • If the record does not have holdings, the action fails.
    • Your batch setting for Delete attached LHRs when Deleting Holdings (in Tools > Options > Batch) determines whether the action is completed or fails. You must delete attached local holdings records (LHRs) to delete holdings.
    • By default, a batch report opens immediately. Change this option and/or select the option to print immediately in Tools > Options > Batch.
    • Your OCLC usage statistics include both the searches and actions.