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Enter qualifiers and values

Discover how to enter search qualifiers and values in Connexion client.
Qualifier index
Available values How to enter
Type of material format (mt:) Books (bks)
Computer Files (com)
Continuing Resources (res)
Integrating Resources (int)
Maps (map)
Mixed Material (mix)
Serials (ser)
Scores (sco)
Sound Recordings (rec)
Visual Materials (vis)
Command line search

Enter as slash qualifier or use the index label with the following values:
/bks or mt:bks
/com or mt:com
/res or mt:res
/int or mt:int
/map or mt:map
/mix or mt:mix
/ser or mt:ser
/sco or mt:sco
/rec or mt:rec
/vis or mt:vis

To exclude exclude a format, use not. Example: not mt:cnr
Guided search

In the Format list, select a format. See also more specific material type qualifiers below.
 Note: Continuing Resources is now the primary MARC record format, which includes both Serials and Integrating Resources material types. All three are available as slash
qualifiers, and all three are listed in the Format list of the Search WorldCat window for limiting guided WorldCat searches.
Years of publication (yr:)

m = millennium
c = century
d = decade
y = year
Single year [mcdy]

Decade [mcd?]

Century [mc??]

Single year and all later years [mcdy-]

Single year and all earlier years [-mcdy]

Range of years:

No date [0000]
Command line search

Enter as a slash qualifier or enter with index label and colon: /1994 or yr:1994

To exclude a year or years, use not. Example: not yr:1994
Guided search

In the Years box, enter a year or range of years.
Single year: 1994
Decade: 199?
Century: 19??
Single year and all later years: 1995-
Single year and all earlier years: -1995
Range of years:

No date: 0000
  • For a year with fewer than four numbers, add leading zeroes (e.g., yr:0099).
  • For unknown dates (code u), substitute zero (e.g., yr:1900).
Microform or not microform (mf:) Microform

Not microform
Command line search

Enter as slash qualifier: /mf (microform) or /nm (not microform)
Enter the index label and one of the following two values: mf:mic or mf:nmc
Guided search

In the Microform list, select Microform or Not Microform.
Source (dl: - Library of Congress)


Source phrase (cs= - followed by an OCLC symbol for a library)
Library of Congress/Program for Cooperative Cataloging


A library specified by OCLC symbol
Command line search

To limit to Library of Congress (LC), enter as slash qualifier: /dlc
Enter the index label and value: dl:y

To limit to another library, enter phrase index label and OCLC symbol: cs=abcde

 Note: The only value for LC is y.

Guided search

In the Source list, select Any or DLC.
Internet (mt:) Internet
(Limit results to records for internet resources)

(Exclude records for internet resources)
Command line search

Use the index label and one of the following two values: mt:url or not mt:url

(Unavailable as a slash qualifier)
Guided search

In the Internet list, select Internet or Non-Internet.
Language (la:) A language you specify.
(Limit results to records that describe works in a selected language.)

Any: no language specified
(Results can include records for works in any language.)
Command line search

Use the index label and the three-letter MARC code or the name of the language spelled out: la:spa or la:spanish

(Unavailable as a slash qualifier)
Guided search

Under Language, in the default short list of the nine most used languages list, select a language.
Click the Personalize List button (Personalize List button) to customize the short index list.
Click the Plus button (Plus button) to expand and select from the comprehensive list of languages valid for MARC records.
Material types
(mt: or mt=)
A material type you specify
(Limits the search to records of that type only.)

Any: no material type specified
(Results contain records for all material types.)

 Note: Material type indexes are also included in one of the primary MARC format indexes: Books, Computer Files, Continuing Resources*, Maps, Mixed Materials, Scores, Sound Recordings, Visual Materials

*Formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types
Command line search

Use the index label, a colon, and the three-letter code for the material type: mt:dvv
Use the index label, an equal sign, a space and the full name of the material type: mt:dvd video
    Guided search

Under Material Type, in the default short list of the ten most used material types, select a material type.
Click the Personalize List button (Personalize List button) to customize the short list.
Click the Plus button (Plus button) to expand and select from the comprehensive list of over 100 available material

 Note: The following material type names in the Search WorldCat window list do not match their system names. In a command line search, if you enter complete material type names instead of entering codes, enter the name shown in boldface type in the second column:


Material type name in Search WorldCat window list Example: Enter system material type name
International gov publication mt=international government publication
Juvenile (all types) mt:juvenile
National gov publication mt:national government publication
State or province gov pub mt:state or province government publication

See Searching WorldCat Indexes for comprehensive descriptions of indexes, including qualifier indexes.