About using bibliographic save file search results
Find an overview on using bibliographic save file search results in Connexion client.
How results display
The following table shows how the client presents search results when you search the online or local save file.
Applies to online and/or local save file? | Number of records found | The client displays... |
Online and local save file | 0 | A message asking you to change or simplify the search and try again |
Online and local save file | 1 | The full record |
Online save file only | 2 to 100 |
101 records or more |
The entire list is sorted by save file number, even though you see only 100 entries at a time |
Local save file only | 2 to 9,999 |
What results lists show
Note: Changes you make to the content of a record or actions you take on a record opened from a list are not reflected in the list until you resave the record, close the list, and do the search again. The list reopens showing the updated information.
Online bibliographic save file list
The title bar gives the title of the list. For each record, columns show the following information in this order, by default (you can customize the way the list displays):
- Save # (unique save file number assigned by the system when you save a record)
- Contributor/Creator
- Titolo
- Modified (date the record was last modified)
- Expires (number of days until the locked record is unlocked)
- Workflow status (system requires that you select the status when you save a record, or it assigns the default In Process)
- Source status (system assigns the source status based on the record's origin)
- Action statuses
- Delete Holdings (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- Export (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Label (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Produce (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- Replace (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- Update Holdings (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- Validate (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- My Status (free-text note or identifier you enter)
- Review (shows Submitted for records sent to your library for review)
- Reviewing institutions (OCLC institution symbol for a library for which you requested review records)
Local bibliographic save file list
The title bar gives the title of the list and the name of local file. For each record, columns show the following information in this order, by default (you can customize the way the list displays):
- Save # (unique save file number assigned by the system when you saved the record)
- Contributor/Creator
- Titolo
- OCLC Control # (OCLC number or NEW if workform)
- Date (fixed field Date 1 data, if present)
- Call number (the client does not pull Dewey decimal call numbers from field 082)
- Date/Time Added (date and time the record was added to the local file)
- Held/LHR (shows whether or not item is held by your library (Held or blank) and whether you have local holdings records attached (LHR or blank))
- Code (holding library code from first subfield a in field 049)
- Format (MARC record format)
- Library (shows institution symbol if the record originated from Library of Congress[DLC], Program for Cooperative Cataloging [PCC], National Library of Medicine [NLM],Government Publishing Office [GPO], National Agricultural Library [AGL], British Library[UKM], Library and Archives Canada [NLC])
- Workflow status (system assigns the default In Process when you save the record to the local file; you can change in Action > Set Status)
- Source status (system assigns the source status based on the record's origin)
- Action statuses
- Delete Holdings (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Export (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Label (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Produce (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Replace (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Update Holdings (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- Validate (C=Complete or F=Failed)
- Submit (C=Complete, F=Failed, or R=Ready)
- (Blank = not set)
- My Status (free-text note or identifier you enter)