Local bibliographic save file indexes and examples
Find local bibliographic save file indexes available in Connexion client.
Local bibliographic save file indexes
Index | Source of information indexed/ Where displayed |
Search format and example |
Save File Number (sn) | Unique number the system assigns when you save a record (maximum of 9,999 records; numbering starts with 1) Appears in the Save # column of the search results list and in the information area at the top of the record |
Enter the number. Example: To search for the record with save file number 105, enter 105. |
OCLC Control Number (rn) | OCLC control number assigned by the system when a record is added to WorldCat MARC fields/subfields: 001 a 019 a Appears in the Control # column of the search results list |
Enter the complete number. Example: To search for 44332144, enter 44332144. |
Title (ti) | Word(s) in the title of the item MARC field/subfields: 245 a b f g k n p 246 a b f g n p Title in the 245 field appears in the Title column of the search results list |
Example: To search for Mrs. Dalloway, enter mrs dalloway. |
Name (nm) | MARC fields (all subfields): 100 110 111 130 700 710 711 730 Name in 1XX appears in the Name column of the search results list |
Example: To search for Woolf, Virginia, enter woolf virginia. |
Data | Fixed field Date 1 data Appears in the Date column of the search results list |
In the Date text field under Limit Search by, enter a date. Example: To search for items with the date 1963, enter 1963. |
Standard number (sn) | MARC fields/subfields: 010 a b z 020 a z 022 a y z 028 a Does not appear on the search results list |
Enter a standard number. Example: To search for ISBN 0701208821, enter 0701208821. |
Holding Library Code (cd) | MARC field/subfield: 049 a Code in first subfield a appears in the Code column of the search results list |
Enter a holding library code. Example: To search for the holding library code for OCLC, enter OCLC. |
My Status (ms) | Custom status you entered (Action > Set Status) in free text (up to 40 characters) Appears in the My Status column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record |
Enter the My Status you assigned. Example: To search for My Status myname, enter myname. |
Workflow Status | You select from a system- supplied list Appears in the Workflow column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record |
In a Workflow Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
Action Status (as) | Actions you take on a record and system-supplied outcomes Appears in the Export, Label, Produce, Replace, Update Holdings, Validate, and Submit columns of the search results list and in the status bar of the record |
In an Action Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
Source Status (ss) | System-supplied status based on origin of a record Appears in the Source column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record |
In a Source Status index list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
MARC Format (ft) | Format assigned to the record Appears in the Format column of the search results list and in the status bar of the record |
In the Format list of the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window, select one of the following:
*Formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types. |
Held (hl) | Records your library holds Or Records your library does not hold Appears in the Held column of the search results list (shows Held or blank) |
Find held records: Select the Held check box in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window. Find records not held: Select the Not Held check box in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window |
Library (lb) | Records created by the following libraries*:
(Shows symbol or, if not held by any of these libraries, blank) |
Select a symbol in the Library list in the Search Local Bibliographic Save File window. |
*Based on a hierarchy. The value for Library is based on whichever of the following libraries appears in a record, in this order:
Library | Source of information / MARC fields/subfields |
DLC | Fixed field Srce (MARC 008/39) is c and none of 042 a's contain pcc Or Any 042 a's contain lcd, lcderive, lccopycate, lccopycat-nm, lcode, lcnccp, lcvendcat, msc, premarc, lcad, lc, nsdp, nst Or 040 c contains DLC Or 040 a contains DLC in any variation |
PCC | 042 a contains pcc |
NLM | 040 a or c contains nlm and nlm is the only data in the subfield |
OPG | 040 a or c contains gpo and gpo is the only data in the subfield |
AGL | 040 a or c contains agl and agl is the only data in the subfield |
UKM | 040 a or c contains ukm and ukm is the only data in the subfield |
NLC | 040 a or c contains nlc and nlc is the only data in the subfield |