Bibliographic record import conversion details
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Discover how imported records are converted to OCLC-MARC in Connexion client.
Records are converted to OCLC-MARC. The client imports the records and does the following conversions, depending on whether the record is a WorldCat record (has an OCLC control number) or a workform:
OCLC record (has OCLC control number) |
Non-OCLC record (workform) |
- Workflow status: In process
- Source status: Imported
- Import to online save file
- OCLC control number retained in 001
- If the Lang element of the fixed field (008/35-37) is 3 blank spaces, blank spaces are converted to zxx (no linguistic content)
- If record contains field 533 subfield 7, data is converted to a 539 field
- Fields 994 and 003 are deleted
- Convert to workform
- Workflow status: New
- Source status: Imported
- NEW in 001
- Entered date (in 008/0-5) is replaced with current date
- RecStat value (Leader/5) set to n
- Data in 040 and 049 is retained, if present; if not, default institution symbol is inserted in field 040 and holding library code is replaced with the default in field 049
Note: If you are online, the client supplies the institution symbol and holding library code from your logon authorization. If you are offline, the symbol and code are supplied from options in Tools > Options > General.
- If the Lang element of the fixed field is 3 blank spaces, blank spaces are converted to zxx (no linguistic content)
- If record contains field 533 subfield 7, the data is converted to a 539 field
- Fields 994 and 003 are deleted
Note: If non-MARC-8 scripts are imported in MARC-8 data format, the non-MARC-8 characters are saved in Numeric Character Reference (NCR) format.