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View your OCLC usage statistics

Discover how to use OCLC usage statistics to view reports of your activities in Connexion client.

Connect to the OCLC usage statistics service to get reports on your online activities using Connexion or Z39.50 cataloging:

  1. Navigate to View > OCLC Usage Statistics or press <Alt><V><C>.
    • The client logs you on automatically using the default authorization and password you set up in the client in Tools > Options > Authorizations.
    • The OCLC Usage Statistics screen for your library opens with the Online Cataloging category pre-selected.
    • The Connexion client remains open.
  2. Click a category of statistics to view. Depending on sources of your library cataloging activities, categories may include one or more of the following:
    • All Activity
    • Institution: [symbol]
    • Network [name]
    • Group
    • Group: Subgroup
    • Authorization: [your logon authorization]
  3. Select a MonthlyDaily, or Monthly Consolidated usage report.
  4. Select a cataloging interface. A statistics report opens showing general categories of activities and record types
    • All interfaces
    • By Interface: [name of cataloging interface]
     Note: Only cataloging interfaces your library used during the reporting period are listed. Interfaces for which statistics are available are Connexion client and Z39.50 cataloging.
  5. Click a line item (e.g., WorldCat Exports) in the statistics list to see detailed statistics for that category.
    Click View All Commands at the top to view comprehensive statistics for each command for each record type individually.
  6. (Optional) Change criteria for viewing statistics. In the box at the top of the screen:
    1. Change the reporting period: Select a beginning month and year in the Period list, and then enter the number of months to include in the Months field.
    2. Enter a different OCLC symbol in the Institution field if your institution has more than one.
    3. Enter a different authorization in the Autho field if your library uses more than one.
    4. When finished, click Update to change the criteria.
  7. (Optional) Click Export to download the displayed report. The data is downloaded to an Excel worksheet, which you can print and/or save.
  8. (Optional) Email the displayed report or to set up a periodic e-mail of the report with updated statistics:
    1. Click E-mail.
    2. Enter your email address.
    3. Select HTML or Excel format.
    4. Select Attachment or Hyperlink to report.
    5. Click Send now.
      Select the Send Monthly check box and then click Save.

 Note: OCLC usage statistics are also available for FirstSearch,, Resource Sharing, COUNTER, Digital Collections, and WebDewey, if you use these services.