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Export bibliographic records

Discover how to export bibliographic records immediately or via batch processing in Connexion client.

Export records immediately

  1. Logged on or offline, display the record you want to export.
    Select records in a list:
    • Select adjacent records
      1. Click the first entry to highlight it.
      2. Press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
    • Select nonadjacent records
      1. Click the first entry to highlight it.
      2. Press and hold <Ctrl> and click each additional entry.

    • To export immediately while offline, check that the option to export in batch is cleared in Tools > Options > Batch.
    • If you are offline and export in one of four available Dublin Core record standards, the client automatically logs you on to access the metadata crosswalk program that converts records from one record standard to another.

      For automatic logon, you must have either:
      • A general default authorization and password defined in Tools > Options > Authorizations.
      • A default authorization and password defined for the local file in File > Local File Manager / Authorization.

        If you don't have a default authorization, the client prompts you to enter an authorization and password.
  2. Click Action > Export, click the Export button (Esporta), or press <F5>.
  3. Continue exporting more records if needed.

After you export records:

  • The client exports the record immediately to the destination you created and selected.
    If you export to a file and you selected the option File:(Prompt for filename), after your first export per session, the client prompts you to locate or enter the file, and then exports the record.
  • The record's Export status changes to C (completed) or F (failed) in the record's status bar and in the Export column of the list if exporting selected records from a list
  • If you set an option, the client opens a temporary Export Results report.

 Caution: When exporting to a file that already exists:

  • The first time during a logon session that you export record(s), the client asks if you want to overwrite, append, or cancel the export and use another file.
  • For the remainder of your current logon session and until you close the client and reopen it, any time you export, the client automatically appends records to any records already in the export file (on the assumption that you are building a file of exported records).
  • You must close and reopen the client before exporting if you want to overwrite records in the file or change to another file.
  • See also the Caution about not appending records exported singly in Dublin Core to an existing file.

Batch export records

Select an option for batch processing

Records export immediately whether you are logged on or offline. You must set an option to mark records for batch export:

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. In the Options window, click the Batch tab.
  3. In the Record Actions area under Perform local actions in batch, select a check box.
    • Bibliographic Record Export
    • Authority Record Export
  4. Click OK or press <Enter>. The client keeps your setting each time you open the program unless you change it.
  5. (Optional) To return to exporting immediately rather than in batch mode, clear the settings in Tools > Options > Batch tab.

Mark records for batch export

Once the option is set, to mark records for batch export:

  1. Display a bibliographic record from the local save file that you want to export.
    Select records in a local bibliographic save list:
    • Select adjacent records:
      1. Click the first entry to highlight it.
      2. Press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
    • Select nonadjacent records:
      1. Click the first entry to highlight it.
      2. Press and hold <Ctrl> and click each additional entry.
  2. Navigate to Action > Export, click the Export button (Esporta), or press <F5>.
    • The record(s) are marked for export in batch mode.
    • The export status in the record's status bar or in the Export column of the authority local file list changes to R (Ready).

     Note: You can remove a record from the batch before processing.
  3. When ready, run batch processing.