Questa pagina potrebbe essere generata da una traduzione automatica. La qualità e l'accuratezza della traduzione automatica possono variare significativamente da un testo all'altro. In caso di dubbi, consultare la pagina originale in inglese qui.
Discover which types of errors to report and how to report an error in a bibliographic record found in Connexion client.
Errors to report
Do not report errors requiring proof that requires examination of the item you are cataloging.
For a list of errors to report or not to report, definition of errors that require proof, suggested ways of supplying proof, and detailed guidelines, see Requesting Changes to Records in chapter 5 of OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
Report a bibliographic record error to OCLC
View the bibliographic record for which you want to report an error.
On the Action list, click Report Error or press <Alt><K> and then press <7>.
In the Report Error dialog window, complete the required fields at the top of the window.
OCLC Symbol
User Name
Note: System-supplied information:
The system inserts the OCLC symbol associated with your authorization number.
If you entered your name and email address on the User Information screen, the system inserts that information to complete the required fields.
To view the User Information screen, on the General tab, under Admin Options, click User Information.
Enter a description of the problem in the large text field (e.g., cite sources you consulted and identify related records).
(Optional) Select the Send a copy of the e-mail message to me check box to request a copy of the email message containing the error report.
Click Report Error to send the error report. Connexion sends the contents of the Report Error dialog window, and the text of the record you are viewing, to OCLC quality control staff. If requested, the system sends a copy of the message to you.