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Default keystroke shortcuts for navigating and editing bibliographic records

Find the default keystroke shortcuts for navigating and editing records in Connexion client.

If you prefer, use the keyboard rather than the mouse for editing records.

The following table describes default keystroke shortcuts and gives equivalent menu commands and access keys for moving the cursor and working with fields and data in fields.

See Edit bibliographic records for more editing commands and keystroke shortcuts.


  • Keystroke functions in the fixed field may work differently when the fixed field is displayed at the Top or Bottom of the record in View > OCLC Fixed Field.
  • Arrow and tab keys may work differently, as noted in the table, when fixed field drop-down lists are displayed.
  • The setting to show or hide fixed field lists is in Tools > Options > Record Display. By default, the drop-down lists display.
Press keystroke shortcut ... To do this ... OR click Menu > Command or press access keys (if available)
<Enter> Insert a new field below the field where the cursor is located. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Insert Blank Field > Below Current Field
<Shift><Enter> Insert a new field above the field where the cursor is located. Edit >Cut Copy Paste > Insert Blank Field > Above Current Field
<Up arrow> Move the cursor to the same position in the previous line.

In the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed, move the cursor up within the current drop-down list only, without showing the entire list.
<Down arrow> Move the cursor to the same position in the next line.

In the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed, move the cursor down within the current drop-down list only, without showing the entire list.
<Shift><Up arrow> In the fixed field, moves cursor up to the fixed
field element immediately above.
<Shift><Down arrow> In the fixed field, moves cursor down to the
fixed field element immediately below.
<Alt><Up arrow> Move the current field up one position.

In the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed, displays the current drop-down list
so that you can use arrow keys to scroll the list
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Move Field > Up
<Alt><Down arrow> Move the current field down one position.

In the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed, displays the current drop-down list so that you can use arrow keys to scroll the list
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Move Field > Down
<Ctrl><Up arrow> Move the scroll bar up one line. None
<Ctrl><Down arrow> Move the scroll bar down one line. None
<Right arrow> Move the cursor to the right one character. None
<Left arrow> Move the cursor to the left one character. None
<Ctrl><Right arrow> Move the cursor to the first character of the
next word; in the fixed field, move the cursor to the right by one cell.
<Ctrl><Left arrow> Move the cursor to the first character of the
previous word; in the fixed field, move the cursor to the left by one cell.
<Shift><Arrows> In variable fields, select characters (right/left
arrows) or lines (up/down arrows) one at a time. The selections span cells and fields.
<Tab> Move the cursor to the next cell.

the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed or not displayed, moves the cursor forward to element name, cell, element name, cell, etc.
<Shift><Tab> Move the cursor to the previous cell.

In the fixed field with drop-down lists displayed, moves the cursor backward from cell to cell to cell.
<Page Up> Move the cursor and scroll the window up to
display the previous part of the window.
<Page Down> Move the cursor and scroll the window down to
display the next part of the window.
<Delete> Delete single character if no text is highlighted.
Delete highlighted text if text is selected.
<Alt><Delete> Delete the entire variable field where the cursor is located. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Delete Field
Use the right-click menu command
<Backspace> Delete a single character to the left of the
cursor if no text is highlighted, or delete highlighted text.
<Home> Move the cursor to the beginning of the cell. None
<Ctrl><Home> Move the cursor to the beginning of the record. None
<End> Move the cursor to the end of a cell. None
<Ctrl><End> Move the cursor to the end of the record. None
Cut selected text and copy to the clipboard. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Cut
Use the right-click menu command
Copy selected text to the clipboard. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Copy
Use the right-click menu command
[None] Copy selected text to the Windows clipboard in plain text (ASCII) format. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Copy as Text
Paste from the clipboard at the cursor location. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Paste
Use the right-click menu command
[None] Paste all of the data copied from a Web page into a single field (automatically removes paragraph and line breaks which cause the copied data to be pasted into separate fields). Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Paste Unformatted
Use the right-click menu command
<Alt><Insert> Copy the field where the cursor is located. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Copy Field
Use the right-click menu command
<Ctrl><T> Copy the OCLC control number. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Copy Control Number
Use the right-click menu command
<Ctrl><Z> Undo edits one at a time in the cell where the cursor is located.

 Note: Applies only to the current cell, not to entire record.
Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Undo
Use the right-click menu command
<Ctrl><Shift><Z> Cancel all edits since the last time you saved the record. Edit > Cut Copy Paste > Cancel Changes
<F6> Move the cursor to the next record area. The client has three record areas:
  • Record identification area
  • Fixed field
  • Variable fields
Edit > Next Record Area
<Shift><F6> Move the cursor to the previous record area. Edit > Previous Record Area
<Ctrl><F7> Delete the text from the cursor to the end of the current cell. None
<Alt><F7> Delete the word where the cursor is located. None
<Ctrl><S> Move the cursor to the next subfield or to the beginning of the next field. None
<Shift><Ctrl<S> Move the cursor to the previous subfield or to the end of the previous field. None