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Edit bibliographic records in MARC template view

Discover how to edit a record in the MARC template view in Connexion client.

The Connexion client displays records in one view only: MARC template. The following list describes how to use the template view for editing.

  • The template displays data in cells that enclose field number, each indicator, and field data separately.
  • When you enter data in a field, the cursor automatically moves from the tag cell to the first indicator cell, to the second indicator cell, and then to the field data cell as you enter data in each. You do not enter spaces between each cell, and you do not need to <Tab> from cell to cell unless you want to skip to the next cell without entering data.
  • When you click to place the cursor in a cell that has a set number of characters (tag, indicator, or fixed field element), the client automatically highlights the entire contents of the cell if it contains data, since you cannot enter additional characters without deleting existing characters. If you want to change only one character of several in one of these cells (for example, you want to change one number in the tag), click to highlight the contents of the tag cell, then click again to place the cursor before or after the particular number you want to replace, and then edit.
  • When you click to place the cursor in a variable field cell, the client does not highlight data. You can double-click a word to highlight it or triple-click to highlight all data in the field, just as you do in a word-processing program.

     Caution: Highlighting with the mouse from right to left to delete a field may shift data in the next field.
    If you highlight an entire field in a record using the mouse moving right to left and then delete the text, data in the next field may shift to incorrect cells. Use the shortcut keystroke <Alt><Delete> to delete the entire field without highlighting, or highlight the field from left to right.

  • Otherwise, you edit the data as though it is continuous text. For example, if you copy an entire field and paste it into a blank field, the client formats the data correctly, putting the tag number, indicator values, and field data in the appropriate cells. You do not have to copy and paste the data one cell at a time.
  • Edit using the mouse; that is, by clicking commands on menus or by clicking buttons on the toolbar. Or you can edit using keystrokes.

For information about the kinds of changes you can make to records depending on your cataloging authorization, see OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards, chapter 5, Quality Assurance.

For more details about working with records (e.g., about how records display when you edit them or how to change the way records display) see Records.

 Note: To compare the original record to your edited copy:

  • Save your edited record to the local save file and then search for the original record again.
  • Open another copy of the client and search for the original record in the second client window.