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Keystroke shortcuts

Find more information about keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters in Connexion client.

Keystroke shortcuts

The following table shows default keystrokes for entering diacritics and special characters.

Keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters - Table
Character Default Keystroke Shortcut
Acute <Ctrl><Alt><B>
ae, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><5>
AE, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><5>
Alif <Ctrl<Alt< . > (period/decimal point)
Ayn <Ctrl><Alt><0> (zero)
Breve <Ctrl><Alt><F>
British Pound <Ctrl><Alt><9>
Candrabindu <Ctrl><Alt><O> (letter o)
Cedilla <Ctrl><Alt><P>
Circle above letter <Ctrl><Alt><J>
Circle below letter <Ctrl><Alt><T>
Circumflex, non-spacing <Shift><6>
d with crossbar, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><3>
D with crossbar, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><3>
Delimiter (See subfield delimiter)
Dot below letter <Ctrl><Alt><R>
Dot in center of line <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><9>
Double acute <Ctrl><Alt><N>
Double dot below letter <Ctrl><Alt><S>
Double tilde (left half) <Ctrl><Alt><Z>
Double tilde (right half) <Ctrl><Alt><[> (open bracket)
Double underscore <Ctrl><Alt><U>
Eth, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><;> (semicolon)
Eth, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><3> (same as D with crossbar, uppercase)
Grave, non-spacing <`>
Hacek <Ctrl><Alt><I>
High comma, centered <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><6>
High comma, off-center <Ctrl><Alt><M>
Inverted cedilla <Ctrl><Alt><X>
l with slash, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><1> (one)
L with slash, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><1> (one)
Left hook <Ctrl><Alt><W>
Ligature (left half) <Ctrl><Alt><K>
Ligature (right half) <Ctrl><Alt><L>
Macron <Ctrl><Alt><E>
Miagkii znak <Ctrl><Alt><"> (quotation marks)
Musical flat <Ctrl><Alt><0> (zero)
o with hook, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><,> (comma)
O with hook, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><,> (comma)
o with slash, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><2>
O with slash, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><"> (quotation marks)
oe, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><6>
OE, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><7>
Plus/minus <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign)
Pseudo question mark <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><2>
Right hook <Ctrl><Alt><Q>
Script l <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><.> (period/decimal point)
Subfield delimiter <Ctrl><D>
Subscript 0 <Alt><0> (zero)
Subscript 1 <Alt><1>
Subscript 2 <Alt><2>
Subscript 3 <Alt><3>
Subscript 4 <Alt><4>
Subscript 5 <Alt><5>
Subscript 6 <Alt><6>
Subscript 7 <Alt><7>
Subscript 8 <Alt><8>
Subscript 9 <Alt><9>
Subscript left parenthesis <Alt><[> (open bracket)
Subscript minus <Alt><-> (minus sign)
Subscript plus <Alt><+> (plus sign)
Subscript right parenthesis <Alt><]> (close bracket)
Superior dot <Ctrl><Alt><G>
Superscript 0 <Alt><Shift><0> (zero)
Superscript 1 <Alt><Shift><1>
Superscript 2 <Alt><Shift><2>
Superscript 3 <Alt><Shift><3>
Superscript 4 <Alt><Shift><4>
Superscript 5 <Alt><Shift><5>
Superscript 6 <Alt><Shift><6>
Superscript 7 <Alt><Shift><7>
Superscript 8 <Alt><Shift><8>
Superscript 9 <Alt><Shift><9>
Superscript left parenthesis <Alt><Shift><[> (open bracket)
Superscript minus <Alt><Shift><-> (minus sign)
Superscript plus <Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign)
Superscript right parenthesis <Alt><Shift><]> (close bracket)
Thorn, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><4>
Thorn, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><4>
Tilde, non-spacing Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter
Tilde, spacing (use in URLs) <~> (tilde)
Turkish i without dot, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><8>
Tverdyi znak <Ctrl><Alt><7>
u with hook, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><-> (minus sign)
Superscript 5 <Alt><Shift><5>
Superscript 6 <Alt><Shift><6>
Superscript 7 <Alt><Shift><7>
Superscript 8 <Alt><Shift><8>
Superscript 9 <Alt><Shift><9>
Superscript left parenthesis <Alt><Shift><[> (open bracket)
Superscript minus <Alt><Shift><-> (minus sign)
Superscript plus <Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign)
Superscript right parenthesis <Alt><Shift><]> (close bracket)
Thorn, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><4>
Thorn, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><4>
Tilde, non-spacing Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter
Tilde, spacing (use in URLs) <~> (tilde)
Turkish i without dot, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><8>
Tverdyi znak <Ctrl><Alt><7>
u with hook, lowercase <Ctrl><Alt><-> (minus sign)
u with hook, uppercase <Ctrl><Alt><+> (plus sign)
Umlaut <Ctrl><Alt><H>
Underscore, non-spacing <_> (underscore)
Underscore, spacing (use in URLs) Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter
Upadhmaniya <Ctrl><Alt><Y>

Keystroke shortcuts for RLIN21 Latin keyboard - bibliographic records only

For those who choose to use the RLIN21 Latin keyboard for entering diacritics and special characters instead of the client’s built-in Edit > Enter Diacritics function, see a list of keystroke shortcuts for entering diacritics and special characters that are included in the RLIN21 Latin keyboard in RLIN21 Latin Character Keystroke Alternatives.


  • While using the RLIN21 keyboards (also available: Arabic, Cyrillic, and Latin keyboards), you cannot use Connexion client default keystrokes mapped to alpha-numeric characters that include the Alt, Ctrl+Alt, or Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys.
  • These combinations are used with the RLIN21 keyboards and override the Connexion client keystrokes when you use an RLIN21 keyboard.
  • Connexion client function keys and keystrokes assigned to alpha/ numeric characters that include the Ctrl, Alt+Shift and Ctrl+Shift keys are available.
    Example: The default keystroke for Action > Delete Record, mapped to <Ctrl><Alt><D>, conflicts with the RLIN21 keyboards and cannot be used; you must re-map the Delete Record action to another keyboard shortcut if you want to use it while also using the RLIN21 keyboards.
  • You can continue to use the default keystroke for entering the delimiter character (<Ctrl><D>) and the default keystroke for Action > Export (<F5>), since they do not conflict with RLIN21 keyboards.