10. Field M08H – Mixed materials - Main/master level
For more MARC 21 documentation:
- Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008x.html
- OCLC, WorldCat https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield.html
Character | Descrizione | CBS MARC tag/sbf. | PICA+ tag/sbf. | Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export |
Materiali misti | M08H | 014H | ||
18-22 | Undefined | $a | $a |
The values are not put in subfields $a. Thus, they are ignored. This field is generated when position 06 - Type of record - of the Leader is equal to p - Mixed materials -.
The values are not added. Subfield $a is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $a is present (theoretically), it must occur 5 times.
The values blank blank blank blank blank are generated.
The values blank blank blank blank blank are generated. |
23 | Form of item | $b | $b |
In WorldCat, the value blank - None of the following - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
24-34 | Undefined | $c | $c |
The values are not put in subfields $c. Thus, they are ignored.
The values are not added. Subfield $c is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $c is present (theoretically), it must occur 11 times.
The values blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank are generated.
The values blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank are generated. |
Next field has the same structure:
M06P | 012P | Materiali misti | 00 = p | Materiali misti |