02. Bibliographic indexes of CBS MARC 21 fields
Below you find an overview on the bibliographic indices of CBS MARC 21 fields.
The so-called MATADI is a single capital letter that can be used to limit a search to a certain type of resource, like articles in journals, electronic or hardcopy journals, cartographic documents, etc. The cells in the next table with a MATADI code and are marked with green, indicate that the MATADI code is not the same as the first position of tag 0500 / 002@. In all other cases, the MATADI code for bibliographic records is equal to the first position of tag 0500 / 002@.
Overview on the bibliographic indices
Field L696 a.o. are local level fields.
Index label |
B / A 1) |
M / L / C 2) |
Str 3) |
Mne 4) |
SeAt 5) |
CBS MARC 21 (sub)fields |
CBS MARC 21 PICA+ (sub)fields |
Comment |
1) Bibliographic (B) or authority (A) index 2) M = main level; L = local level; C = copy/LHR level 3) Str = Structure: P = phrase; W = word; N = number; Ps = person 4) Mne = Mnemonic 5) SeAt = Search attribute |
access method |
B |
M |
P |
amp: |
11209 15856 |
M856 u |
092E u |
Mnemonic amp is related to search attribute 11209 only. Searching by using am= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). By using mnemonic amp and search attribute 11209, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic amp and search attribute 11209 are identical to the authority index. |
access method |
B |
C |
P |
ampc: |
23001 |
C856 u |
292E u |
Field C856 is a copy level field. |
access method |
B |
M |
W |
am: |
01209 05856 |
M856 u |
092E u |
Mnemonic am is related to search attribute 01209 only. By using mnemonic am and search attribute 01209, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic am and search attribute 01209 are identical to the authority index. Words are separated by punctuation characters in the URL. Stopwords are not included for this index. |
access method |
B |
C |
W |
amc: |
23002 |
C856 u |
292E u |
Field C856 is a copy level field. |
access restrictions |
B |
M |
W |
rs: |
05068 |
M506 af |
060G af |
access restrictions |
B |
C |
W |
rsc: |
23003 |
C506 af |
260G af |
Field C506 is a copy level field. |
action note |
B |
M |
W |
io: |
05016 |
M583 achil235 |
063F achil235 |
action note |
B |
C |
W |
ioc: |
23004 |
C583 achil235 |
263F achil235 |
Field C583 is a copy level field. |
authenti-cation code |
B |
M |
P |
acp: |
06900 |
M042 a |
016G a |
Searching by using ac= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). |
author key-word / name |
B |
M |
W |
au: |
01003 05003 |
M100 abcdjquZ M110 abcdenuZ M111 acdenquZ M245 c M505 r M508 a M511 a M550 a M700 abcdjquZ M710 abcdenuZ M711 acdenquZ M720 a M770 a M773 a M780 a M785 a M787 a M800 abcdjquZ M810 abcdenuZ M811 acdenquZ |
020A aAbcCdjqu9 020K abcdDenNOu9 020L acdDenNOqu9 031T c 060F r 060I a 060L a 061Y a 080A aAbcCdjqu9 080K abcdDenNOu9 080L acdDenNOqu9 080U a 082S a 082V a 083C a 083H a 083J a 090A aAbcCdjqu9 090K abcdDenNOu9 090L acdDenNOqu9 |
Mnemonic au is related to search attribute 01003 only. Stopwords are not included for this index. To be consistent, subfield $u is indexed also for the fields M710, M711, L791, L792, L797, L798, M810, M811, L897 and L898, although this subfield is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). Subfield $j has been added to M800.
author key-word / name |
B |
L |
W |
aul: |
21001 |
L700 abcdjquZ L710 abcdenuZ L711 acdenquZ L790 abcdjquZ L791 abcdenuZ L792 acdenquZ L796 abcdjquZ L797 abcdenuZ L798 acdenquZ L896 abcdquZ L897 abcdenuZ L898 acdenquZ |
180A aAbcCdjqu9 180K abcdDenNOu9 180L acdDenNOqu9 183M aAbcCdjqu9 183N abcdDenNOu9 183O acdDenNOqu9 183S aAbcCdjqu9 183T abcdDenNOu9 183U acdDenNOqu9 193S aAbcCdqu9 193T abcdDenNOu9 193U acdDenNOqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Subfield $u has been added to L710, L711, L791, L792, L797 and L798, although this subfield is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). Fields L790, L791, L792, L796, L797, L798, L896, L897, L898 a.o. are local level fields. |
author key-word / name |
B |
C |
W |
auc: |
23005 |
C505 r |
260F r |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Field C505 is a copy level field. |
author phrase / name |
B |
M |
P |
aup: |
11003 15003 |
M100 abcdjqZ M110 abcdnZ M111 acdenqZ M700 abcdjqZ M710 abcdnZ M711 acdenqZ M720 a |
020A aAbcCdjq9 020K abcdDnNO9 020L acdDenNOq9 080A aAbcCdjq9 080K abcdDnNO9 080L acdDenNOq9 080U a |
Mnemonic aup is related to search attribute 11003 only. Searching by using au= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). Stopwords are not included for this index. The first comma in the phrase is retained in the search for data in the M100 and M700 a.o. fields used for personal names. The corporate and conference authors do not retain any commas. |
author phrase / name |
B |
L |
P |
aupl: |
21002 |
L700 abcdjqZ L710 abcdnZ L711 acdenqZ L790 abcdjqZ L791 abcdnZ L792 acdenqZ L796 abcdjqZ L797 abcdnZ L798 acdenqZ |
180A aAbcCdjq9 180K abcdDnNO9 180L acdDenNOq9 183M aAbcCdjq9 183N abcdDnNO9 183O acdDenNOq9 183S aAbcCdjq9 183T abcdDnNO9 183U acdDenNOq9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. The first comma in the phrase is retained in the search for data in the M100 and M700 a.o. fields used for personal names. The corporate and conference authors do not retain any commas. Fields L790, L791, L792, L796, L797, L798 a.o. are local level fields. |
barcode |
B |
C |
W |
bq: |
23006 |
C852 p C863 p C864 p C865 p C876 p C877 p C878 p |
292A p 292L p 292M p 292N p 292Y p 292Z p 293A p |
Fields 877 p and 878 p have been added. Fields C852, C863 a.o. are copy level fields. |
bce year |
B |
M |
N |
bc: |
20001 |
M046 bd |
016K bd |
Guideline Enter the year only, even if less than 4 digits long; do not pad with zeroes. |
branch definition / shelf location |
B |
C |
W |
b8: |
23007 |
C852 abc |
292A abc |
Field C852 is a copy level field. |
call number |
B |
C |
N |
nu: |
23008 |
C852 khijlm |
292A khijlm |
Field C852 is a copy level field. |
canadian class number |
B |
M |
N |
ca: |
20002 |
M055 a |
016T a |
canadian subject |
B |
M |
W |
he: |
20003 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abgvxyzZ M651 agvxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abgvxyz9 071Z agvxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 5
Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020).
canadian subject
B |
L |
W |
hel: |
21003 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abgvxyzZ L651 agvxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abgvxyz9 171Z agvxyz9 172D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 5
Fields L600, L610 a.o. are local level fields. |
cataloging source |
B |
M |
P |
csp: |
06119 |
M040 ac |
016E ac |
Searching by using cs= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). By using mnemonic csp and search attribute 06119, you search both bibliographic and authority records. |
character sets / cha-racter sets present |
B |
M |
W |
vp: |
06111 |
M066 abc |
017E abc |
collection level |
B |
M |
W |
oc: |
05999 |
M773 w M800 w M810 w M811 w M830 w |
082V w 090A w 090K w 090L w 091E w |
corporate & conference name / corporate / conference name |
B |
M |
W |
cn: co: |
01005 01006 |
M110 abcdenuZ M111 acdenquZ M653 a (indicator2 = 3) M710 abcdenuZ M711 acdenquZ |
020K abcdDenNOu9 020L acdDenNOqu9 072B a 080K abcdDenNOu9 080L acdDenNOqu9 |
Mnemonic cn is related to search attribute 01005 only. Mnemonic co is related to search attribute 01006 only By using mnemonic cn and search attribute 01005, you search both bibliographic and authority records. By using mnemonic co and search attribute 01006, you search both bibliographic and authority records. |
corporate & conference name / corporate / conference name |
B |
L |
W |
cnl: col: |
21004 21005 |
L710 abcdenuZ L711 acdenquZ L791 abcdenuZ L792 acdenquZ L797 abcdenuZ L798 acdenquZ |
180K abcdDenNOu9 180L acdDenNOqu9 183N abcdDenNOu9 183O acdDenNOqu9 183T abcdDenNOu9 183U acdDenNOpPQqu9 |
Mnemonic cnl is related to search attribute 21004 only. Mnemonic col is related to search attribute 21005 only. To be consistent, subfield $u is indexed also for the fields L710, L711, L791, L792, L797 and L798, although this subfield is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z3950 indexes (November 2020). Fields L791, L792, L797, L798 a.o. are local level fields. |
corporate / conference subject |
B |
M |
W |
nc: |
20004 |
M610 abcdnpZ M611 acdenpqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 2 or 3) |
070K abcdDnNOpPQ9 070L acdDenNOpPQq9 072B a
corporate / conference subject |
B |
L |
W |
ncl: |
21006 |
L610 abcdnpZ L611 acdenpqZ |
170K abcdDnNOpPQ9 170L acdDenNOpPQq9 |
Fields L610 a.o. are local level fields. |
corporate / conference - name and subject |
B |
M |
W |
M110 abcdenuZ M111 acdenquZ M610 abcdnpZ M611 acdenpqZ M653 a (indicator2 = 3) M710 abcdenuZ M711 acdenquZ |
020K abcdDenNOu9 020L acdDenNOqu9 070K abcdDnNOpPQ9 070L acdDenNOpPQq9 072B a 080K abcdDenNOu9 080L acdDenNOqu9 |
corporate / conference - name and subject |
B |
L |
W |
L610 abcdnpZ L611 acdenpqZ L710 abcdenuZ L711 acdenquZ L791 abcdenuZ L792 acdenquZ L797 abcdenuZ L798 acdenquZ |
170K abcdDnNOpPQ9 170L acdDenNOpPQq9 180K abcdDenNOu9 180L acdDenNOqu9 183N abcdDenNOu9 183O acdDenNOqu9 183T abcdDenNOu9 183U acdDenNOpPQqu9 |
To be consistent, subfield $u is indexed also for the fields L710, L711, L791, L792, L797 and L798, although this subfield is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z3950 indexes (November 2020). Fields L610, L611, L791, L792, L797, L798 a.o. are local level fields. |
country of publication |
B |
M |
W |
cp: |
06104 |
M08A e M044 a |
014A e 016I a |
Guidelines Enter either MARC code or English name:
Remark In the CBS MARC 21 format field 008, positions 15-17, is field M08A subfield $e. |
description conven-tions |
B |
M |
W |
dx: |
05067 |
M040 e |
016E e |
By using mnemonic dx and search attribute 05067, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic dx and search attribute 05067 are identical to the authority index. |
descriptor / descriptors |
B |
M |
W |
de: |
05650 |
M600 x M610 x M611 x M630 x M647 xM648 x M650 abx M651x M653 a (if indicator2 = 0) M654 x M655 x |
070A x 070K x 070L x 071E x 071V x 071W x 071Y abx 071Z x 072B a 072C x 072D x |
Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
descriptor / descriptors |
B |
L |
W |
del: |
21007 |
L600 x L610 x L611 x L630 x L650 abx L651x L655 x L690 abx L691 x L696 x L697 x L698 x L699 x |
170A x 170K x 170L x 171E x 171Y abx 171Z x 172D x 173M abx 173N x 173S x 173T x 173U x 173V x |
Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
dewey decimal / dewey decimal class number |
B |
M |
N |
dd: |
00013 |
M082 a |
017U a |
dewey decimal / dewey decimal class number |
B |
L |
N |
ddl: |
21008 |
L092 a L695 a if indicator2 = 1 |
118E a 173R a |
Fields L092 and L695 are local level fields. |
dewey decimal edition / dewey decimal edition number |
B |
M |
N |
d2: |
06100 |
M082 2 |
017U 2 |
dewey decimal edition / dewey decimal edition number |
B |
L |
N |
d2l: |
21009 |
L092 2 |
118E 2 |
Field L092 is a local level field. |
entity attributes |
B |
M |
W |
en: |
06112 |
M046 klop M340 abcdefhijkmno M344 abcdefgh M345 ab M346 ab M347 abce M370 cfg M377 al M380 a M381 a M382 abdpv M383 abcde M384 a M385 abmn M386 abmn M388 a |
016K klop 041O abcdefhijkmno 041S abcdefgh 041T ab 041U ab 041V abce 042S cfg 042Z al 043C a 043D a 043E abdpv 043F abcde 043G a 043H abmn 043I abmn 043K a |
By using mnemonic en and search attribute 06112, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic en and search attribute 6112 are identical to the authority index. |
entity attributes |
B |
C |
W |
enc: |
23009 |
C347 abce |
241V abce |
Field C347 is a copy level field. |
genre / form |
B |
M |
W |
ge: |
05655 |
M380 a M600 v M610 v M611 v M630 v M647 v M648 v M650 v M651 v M653 a (if indicator2 = 6) M654 v M655 abv |
043C a 070A v 070K v 070L v 071E v 071V v 071W v 071Y v 071Z v 072B a 072C v 072D abv |
By using mnemonic ge and search attribute 05655, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
genre / form |
B |
L |
W |
gel: |
21010 |
L600 v L610 v L611 v L630 v L650 v L651 v L655 abv L690 v L691 v L696 v L697 v L698 v L699 v |
170A v 170K v 170L v 171E v 171Y v 171Z v 172D abv 173M v 173N v 173S v 173T v 173U v 173V v |
Fields L600, L610 a.o. are local level fields. |
geographic coverage |
B |
M |
W |
gc: |
00058 |
M043 ac M600 z M610 z M611 z M630 z M647 z M648 z M650 z M651 az M653 a (if indicator2 = 5) M654 z M655 z |
016H ac 070A z 070K z 070L z 071E z 071V z 071W z 071Y z 071Z az 072B a 072C z 072D z |
Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
geographic coverage |
B |
L |
W |
gcl |
21011 |
L600 z L610 z L611 z L630 z L650 z L651 az L655 z |
170A z 170K z 170L z 171E z 171Y z 171Z az 172D z |
Fields L600, L610 a.o. are local level fields. |
govern-ment document number / govern-ment number |
B |
M |
N |
gn: |
00050 |
M074 a M086 az |
017M a 017Y az |
isbn |
B |
M |
N |
bn: nb: |
00007 20005 |
M020 az |
015K az |
Mnemonic bn is related to search attribute 00007 only. Mnemonic nb is related to search attribute 20005 only. By using mnemonic bn and search attribute 00007, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Guideline Do not use hyphens |
isbn |
B |
C |
N |
bnc: nbc: |
23024 23025 |
C020 az |
215K az |
Mnemonic bnc is related to search attribute 23024 only. Mnemonic nbc is related to search attribute 23025 only. Guideline Do not use hyphens
Field C020 is a copy level field. |
issn |
B |
M |
N |
in: ns: |
00008 20006 |
M022 ayz |
015M ayz |
Mnemonic in is related to search attribute 00008 only. Mnemonic ns is related to search attribute 20006 only. By using mnemonic in and search attribute 00008, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic in and search attribute 00008 are identical to the authority index. Requires the hyphen [when separating the date from the serial portion.] |
issn |
B |
C |
N |
inc: nsc: |
23010 23011 |
C022 ayz |
215M ayz |
Mnemonic inc is related to search attribute 23010 only. Mnemonic nsc is related to search attribute 23011 only. Requires the hyphen [when separating the date from the serial portion.] Field C022 is a copy level field. |
issn-l |
B |
M |
N |
ik: |
05558 |
M022 lm |
015M lm |
By using mnemonic ik and search attribute 05558, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Guideline Always include the hyphen. |
issn-l |
B |
C |
N |
ikc: |
23012 |
C022 lm |
215M lm |
Guideline Always include the hyphen.
Field C022 is a copy level field. |
key-word / key-word index |
B |
M |
W |
kw: |
01016 05110 |
Same fields and subfields as the following indexes: Name / Author keyword Title / Title keyword Subject Nota ISBN Editore Publisher Location / Place of Publication
In addition, indexes: M08A c M08A d M034 abdefgz3 M052 ab M255 abcde |
014A c 014A d 015Y abdefgz3 016Q ab 032D abcde |
Mnemonic kw is related to search attribute 01016 only. By using mnemonic kw and search attribute 01016, you search both bibliographic and authority records. For 052 a and b:
Next fields are mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z3950 indexes (November 2020):
This is a word index. It implies that the way of indexing can differ from the way the specific group is indexed. This applies also the local and copy fields as far as they are part of the several groups of indexes. |
key-word / key-word index |
B |
L |
W |
kwl: |
21012 |
Same fields and subfields as the following indexes: Name / Author keyword Title / Title keyword Subject Nota ISBN Editore Publisher Location / Place of Publication |
This applies only the local fields as far as they are part of the several groups of indexes. This is a word index. It implies that the way of indexing can differ from the way the specific group is indexed. |
key-word / key-word index |
B |
C |
W |
kwc: |
23013 |
Same fields and subfields as the following indexes: Name / Author keyword Title / Title keyword Subject Nota ISBN Editore Publisher Location / Place of Publication |
This applies only the copy fields as far as they are part of the several groups of indexes. Next fields are mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020):
This is a word index. It implies that the way of indexing can differ from the way the specific group is indexed. |
language / language index / restrictor |
B |
M |
W |
la: |
00054 |
M08A f M041 abdefgj M041 2 (if indicator2 = 7) M377 a |
014A f 016F abdefgj 016F 2 042Z a |
language of cataloging / language of cata-loging description |
B |
M |
W |
ll: |
01183 |
M040 b |
016E b |
lc children's literature subject headings / lc children's subject |
B |
M |
W |
hc: |
01008 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abgvxyzZ M651 agvxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abgvxyz9 071Z agvxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 1 Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
lc children's literature subject headings / lc children's subject |
B |
L |
W |
hcl: |
21013 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 aAbcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abgvxyzZ L651 agvxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abgvxyz9 171Z agvxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 1 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
lc class number / lc classifi-cation |
B |
M |
N |
lc: |
00016 |
M050 ab M055 a (if indicator2 in [0-5]) |
016O ab 016T a |
Remark M050 subfield $d does not exist; $d has been changed to $b. |
lc class number / lc classifi-cation |
B |
L |
N |
lcl: |
21014 |
L090 a L695 a (if indicator2 = 0) |
118C a 173R a (if indicator2 = 0) |
Fields L090 and L695 are local level fields. |
lc subject headings / lcsh |
B |
M |
W |
hl: |
00027 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abgvxyzZ M651 agvxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abgvxyz9 071Z agvxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 0 Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
lc subject headings / lcsh |
B |
L |
W |
hll: |
21015 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abgvxyzZ L651 agvxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abgvxyz9 171Z agvxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 0 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
lccn |
B |
M |
N |
ln: |
00009 |
M010 abz |
015A abz |
By using mnemonic ln and search attribute 00009, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Guidelines When searching for LCCNs, the year at the beginning should be formatted so that years up to 1999 are searched as the last two digits of the year and years 2000 on are searched as four digits. The remaining numbers are searched as a six-digit number with leading zeros.
Field C010 is a copy level field. |
lccn |
B |
C |
N |
lnc: |
23014 |
C010 abz |
215A abz |
Guidelines When searching for LCCNs, the year at the beginning should be formatted so that years up to 1999 are searched as the last two digits of the year and years 2000 on are searched as four digits. The remaining numbers are searched as a six-digit number with leading zeros.
Field C010 is a copy level field. |
library and archives canada classifi-cation |
B |
M |
N |
lacc: |
05055 |
M055 a |
016T a
library and archives canada subject headings |
B |
M |
W |
lacsh: |
20007 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abvxyzZ M651 avxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abvxyz9 071Z avxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 5 Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
library and archives canada subject headings |
B |
L |
W |
lacshl: |
21016 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abvxyzZ L651 avxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abvxyz9 171Z avxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 5 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
mesh / mesh subject headings |
B |
M |
W |
hm: |
05300 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abvxyzZ M651 avxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abvxyz9 071Z avxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 2 Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
mesh / mesh subject headings |
B |
L |
W |
hml: |
21017 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abvxyzZ L651 avxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abvxyz9 171Z avxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 2 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
music / publisher number / music number |
B |
M |
N |
mn: |
00051 |
M028 a |
015S a |
· |
musical compo-sition / musical composition restrictor |
B |
M |
W |
mc: |
05847 |
M06C a, M06D a, M06I a, M06J a If M000 c in [cdij] Then M08E a M047 a |
012C a, 012D a, 012I a, 012J a 014E a 016L a |
· |
musical incipit |
B |
M |
P |
mip: |
20008 |
M031p |
For a publisher number such as DKP (CD) 9040, the parenthetical text is treated as separate. The system indexes this number as three separate words. To find DKP (COD) 9040, combine each word as a phrase search - mn=dkp AND mn=cd AND mn=9040 (or combine with Boolean or instead of and). |
By using mnemonic mip and search attribute 20008, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Searching by using mi= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). Guidelines
nal class number / nal classifi-cation |
B |
M |
N |
ag: |
00018 |
M070 a |
In the CBS MARC 21 format, field 008, positions 18-19, are in this context the field M08E a. |
nal subject / nal subject headings |
B |
M |
W |
ha: |
20009 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abvxyzZ M651 avxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abvxyz9 071Z avxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 3 Search attribute 5300 is applied for mesh / mesh subject headings also in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). In the CBS MARC 21 indexes, search attribute 20009 is applied for nal subject / nal subject headings. Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
nal subject / nal subject headings |
B |
L |
W |
hal: |
21018 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abvxyzZ L651 avxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abvxyz9 171Z avxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 3 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
named conference and corporation |
B |
M |
W |
conc: |
05610 05611 |
M610 abcdnpZ M611 acdenpqZ |
070K abcdDnNOpPQ9 070L acdDenNOpPQq9 |
Mnemonic conc is related to search attribute 05610 only. |
named conference and corporation |
B |
L |
W |
concl: |
21019 |
L610 abcdnpZ L611 acdenpqZ L697 abcdnpZ L698 acdenpqZ |
170K abcdDnNOpPQ9 170L acdDenNOpPQq9 173T abcdDnNOpPQ9 173U acdDenNOpPQq9 |
Fields L697, L698 a.o. are local level fields. |
named person |
B |
M |
P |
aunpp: |
11009 |
M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) |
070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a |
Searching by using aunp= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). |
named person |
B |
L |
P |
aunppl: |
21020 |
L600 abcdjqZ L696 abcdjqZ |
170A aAbcCdjq9 173S aAbcCdjq9 |
Field L696 a.o. are local level fields. |
named person |
B |
M |
W |
aunp: |
01009 |
M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) |
070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a (if indicator2 = 1) |
named person |
B |
L |
W |
aunpl: |
21021 |
L600 abcdjqZ L696 abcdjqZ |
170A aAbcCdjq9 173S aAbcCdjq9 |
Field L696 a.o. are local level fields. |
named person |
B |
M |
Ps |
aunpx: |
20028 |
M600 aqZ |
070A aAq9 |
named person |
B |
L |
Ps |
aunpxl: |
21041 |
L600 aqZ L696 aqZ |
170A aAq9 173S aAq9 |
Field L696 a.o. are local level fields. |
national bibliog-raphy number |
B |
M |
N |
nn: |
00048 |
M015 az2 |
015F az2 |
nlm classifi-cation / nlm class number |
B |
M |
N |
lm: |
00017 |
M060 ab |
016Y ab |
nlm classifi-cation / nlm class number |
B |
L |
N |
lml: |
21022 |
L096 ab L695 b (if indicator2 = 2) |
118I ab 173R b (if indicator2 = 2) |
Fields L096 and L695 are local level fields. |
notes |
B |
M |
W |
nt: |
00063 |
M500 a M501 a M502 abcdgo M504 a M505 art M506 af M508 a M511 a M518 adop M520 ab M521 a M530 bcd3 M533 abcdefn M534 at M536 abcdefgh M538 a M545 a M546 ab M550 a M586 a M753 abc |
060A a 060B a 060C abcdgo 060E a 060F artH 060G af 060I a 060L a 060S adop 060U ab 060V a 061E bcd3 061H abcdefn 061I at 061K abcdefgh 061M a 061T a 061U ab 061Y a 063I a 082B abc |
By using mnemonic nt and search attribute 00063, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic nt and search attribute 00063 are identical to the authority index. |
notes |
B |
L |
W |
ntl: |
21023 |
L500 a L501 a L520 ab |
160A a 160B a 160U ab |
Fields L500 a.o. are local level fields.
notes |
B |
C |
W |
ntc: |
23015 |
C500 a C505 art C506 af C538 a |
260A a 260F artH 260G af 261M a |
Fields C500 a.o. are copy level fields. |
oclc acces-sion number / oclc control number |
B |
M |
N |
no: |
01211 |
M019 a |
015J a |
Field M001 doesn’t exist in the CBS MARC 21 format. For the oclc accession number / oclc control number index, only field M019 subfield $a is taken in account. And search attribute 1211 is used instead of 12. The CBS MARC 21 search attribute for PPN is 12 and is related to field 0100 / 003@ $0. |
other class number |
B |
M |
N |
ot: |
05073 |
M055 a (indicator2 in [6789]) M084 a |
016T a 017W a |
other class number |
B |
L |
N |
otl: |
21024 |
L098 a L099 a L695 a (indicator2 in [459]) |
118K a 118L a 173R a |
Fields L098, L099 and L695 are local level fields. |
other subject headings / other subject |
B |
M |
W |
ho: |
06136 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ2
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ2
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ2
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ2 M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ2 M650 abvxyzZ2 M651 avxyzZ2 M655 abvxyzZ2 |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz29 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz29 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz29 071Y abvxyz29 071Z avxyz29 072D abvxyz29 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 7 Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
other subject headings / other subject |
B |
L |
W |
hol: |
21025 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ2
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ2
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ2
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ2 L650 abvxyzZ2 L651 avxyzZ2 L655 abvxyzZ2 L690 abvxyzZ2 L691 avxyzZ2 L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ2
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ2
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ2
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ2 |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz29 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz29 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 171Y abvxyz29 171Z avxyz29 172D abvxyz29 173M abvxyz29 173N avxyz29 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz29 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz29 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz29 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 7 Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name |
B |
M |
P |
pnp: |
11004 |
M100 abcdjquZ M700 abcdjquZ |
020A aAbcCdjqu9 080A aAbcCdjqu9 |
By using mnemonic pnp and search attribute 11004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pnp and search attribute 11004 are identical to the authority. Searching by using pn= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). Stopwords are not included for this index. In the CBS MARC 21 format, the part of the personal name that starts with a comma followed by a space and the forename or initials is put in a separate PICA+ subfield. |
personal name |
B |
L |
P |
pnpl: |
21026 |
L100 abcdjquZ L700 abcdjquZ L790 abcdjquZ L796 abcdjquZ |
120A aAbcCdjqu9 180A aAbcCdjqu9 183M aAbcCdjqu9 183S aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. In the CBS MARC 21 format, the part of the personal name that starts with a comma followed by a space and the forename or initials is put in a separate PICA+ subfield. Fields L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name |
B |
M |
W |
pn: |
01004 |
M100 abcdjquZ M700 abcdjquZ |
020A aAbcCdjqu9 080A aAbcCdjqu9 |
By using mnemonic pn and search attribute 01004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pn and search attribute 01004 are identical to the authority index. Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name |
B |
L |
W |
pnl: |
21027 |
L100 abcdjquZ L700 abcdjquZ L790 abcdjquZ L796 abcdjquZ |
120A aAbcCdjqu9 180A aAbcCdjqu9 183M aAbcCdjqu9 183S aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Fields L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name |
B |
M |
Ps |
pnx: |
20026 |
M100 aqZ M700 aqZ |
020A aAq9 080A aAq9 |
By using mnemonic pn and search attribute 20026, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pnx and search attribute 20026 are identical to the authority index. Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name |
B |
L |
Ps |
pnlx: |
21039 |
L100 aqZ L700 aqZ L790 aqZ L796 aqZ |
120A aAq9 180A aAq9 183M aAq9 183S aAq9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Fields L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name -author and subject |
pnpx: |
M100 abcdjquZ M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) M700 abcdjquZ |
020A aAbcCdjqu9 070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a (if indicator2 = 1) 080A aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. In the CBS MARC 21 format, the part of the personal name that starts with a comma followed by a space and the forename or initials is put in a separate PICA+ subfield. |
personal name -author and subject |
pnplx: |
L100 abcdjquZ L600 abcdjqZ L700 abcdjquZ L790 abcdjquZ L796 abcdjquZ |
120A aAbcCdjqu9 170A aAbcCdjq9 180A aAbcCdjqu9 183M aAbcCdjqu9 183S aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. In the CBS MARC 21 format, the part of the personal name that starts with a comma followed by a space and the forename or initials is put in a separate PICA+ subfield. Fields L600, L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name -author and subject |
B |
pnxy: |
M100 abcdjquZ M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) M700 abcdjquZ
020A aAbcCdjqu9 070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a (if indicator2 = 1) 080A aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name -author and subject |
B |
pnlxy: |
L100 abcdjquZ L600 abcdjqZ L700 abcdjquZ L790 abcdjquZ L796 abcdjquZ |
120A aAbcCdjqu9 170A aAbcCdjq9 180A aAbcCdjqu9 183M aAbcCdjqu9 183S aAbcCdjqu9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Fields L600, L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name -author and subject |
B |
pnxx: |
M100 aqZ M600 aqZ M700 aqZ |
020A aAq9 070A aAq9 080A aAq9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name -author and subject |
B |
pnlxx: |
L600 aqZ L100 aqZ L700 aqZ L790 aqZ L796 aqZ |
170A aAq9 120A aAq9 180A aAq9 183M aAq9 183S aAq9 |
Stopwords are not included for this index. Fields L600, L790, L796 a.o. are local level fields. |
personal name subject |
B |
M |
P |
nap: |
20010 |
M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) |
070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a (if indicator2 = 1) |
Searching by using na= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). |
personal name subject |
B |
L |
P |
napl: |
21028 |
L600 abcdjqZ |
170A aAbcCdjq9 |
Field L600 is a local level field. |
personal name subject |
B |
M |
W |
na: |
20011 |
M600 abcdjqZ M653 a (if indicator2 = 1) |
070A aAbcCdjq9 072B a (if indicator2 = 1) |
personal name subject |
B |
L |
W |
nal: |
21029 |
L600 abcdjqZ |
170A aAbcCdjq9 |
Field L600 is a local level field. |
personal name subject |
B |
M |
Ps |
nax: |
20027 |
M600 aqZ |
070A aAq9 |
personal name subject |
B |
L |
Ps |
naxl: |
21040 |
L600 aqZ |
170A aAq9 |
Field L600 is a local level field. |
physical description |
B |
M |
W |
p3: |
05995 |
M300 a |
040A aAB |
physical description |
B |
C |
W |
p3c: |
23016 |
C300 a |
240A aAB |
Field C300 is a copy level field. |
place of publication |
B |
M |
W |
plpb: |
00059 |
M257 a M260 ae M264 a M533 b M752 abcd |
032F a 032I ae 032M a 061H b 082A abcd |
Field 261 subfield $f is not part of the index, because it is no official MARC 21 field. |
place of publication |
B |
C |
W |
plpbc: |
23017 |
C260 ae |
232I ae |
Field C260 is a copy level field. |
provenance |
B |
M |
W |
pv: |
20012 |
M561 a35 M563 a35 M100 abcdejquZ4 M110 abcdenuZ4 M111 acdenquZ4 M700 abcdejquZ4 M710 abcsenuZ4 M711 acdenuqZ4 |
062J a35 062L a35 020A aAbcCdejqu49 020K abcdDenNOu49 020L acdDenNOqu49 080A aAbcCdejqu49 080K abcdDenNOu49 080L acdDenNOqu49 |
The fields M100, M110, M111, M700, M710 and M711 are indexed on this condition: Subfield $4 or $e of the field includes the code ($4) or text ($e) from the list of Relator Codes below, in which case all the subfields listed are included in the keyword index for the field.
Relator Codes ann: Annotator asn: Associated name bnd: Binder bsl: Bookseller col: Collector dte: Dedicatee dnr: Donor fmo: Former owner ins: Inscriber own: Owner rps: Repository |
provenance |
B |
L |
W |
pvl: |
21030 |
L700 abcdejquZ4 L710 abcdenuZ4 L711 acdenuqZ4 |
180A aAbcCdejqu49 180K abcdDenNOu49 180L acdDenNOqu49 |
The fields L700, L710 and L711 are indexed on this condition: Subfield $4 or $e of the field includes the code ($4) or text ($e) from the list of Relator Codes above, in which case all the subfields listed are included in the keyword index for the field. The fields L700, L710 and L711 are local level fields. |
provenance |
B |
C |
W |
pvc: |
23018 |
C561 a35 C563 a35 |
262J a35 262L a35 |
The fields C561 and C563 are indexed on this condition: Subfield $4 or $e of the field includes the code ($4) or text ($e) from the list of Relator Codes above, in which case all the subfields listed are included in the keyword index for the field. The fields C561 and C563 are copy level fields. |
publisher |
B |
M |
W |
pb: |
01018 |
M260 bf M264 b M533 c |
032I bf 032M b 062B c |
Field 261 subfields $a, $b and $e is not part of the index, because it is no official MARC 21 field.
publisher |
B |
C |
W |
pbc: |
23019 |
C260 bf |
232I bf |
Field C260 is a copy level field. |
publisher location |
B |
M |
W |
pl: |
20013 |
M257 a M260 ae M264 a M533 b M752 abcdfgh |
032F a 032I ae 032M a 061H b 082A abcdfgh |
publisher location |
B |
C |
W |
plc: |
23020 |
C260 ae |
232I ae |
Field C260 is a copy level field. |
relation-ship |
B |
M |
W |
rx: |
20014 |
M100 ej4 M110 e4 M111 j4 M600 ej4 M610 e4 M611 j4 M630 e4 M650 e4 M651 e4 M654 e4 M700 eij4 M710 ei4 M711 ij4 M720 e4 M730 i M751 i4 M760 i4 M762 i4 M765 i4 M767 i4 M770 i4 M772 i4 M773 i4 M774 i4 M775 i4 M776 i4 M777 i4 M780 i4 M785 i4 M786 i4 M787 i4 M800 ej4 M810 e4 M811 j4 |
020A ej4 020K e4 020L j4 070A ej4 070K e4 070L j4 071E e4 071Y e4 071Z e4 072C e4 080A eij4 080K ei4 080L ij4 080U e4 081E i 081Z i4 082I i4 082K i4 082N i4 082P i4 082S i4 082U i4 082V i4 082W i4 082X i4 082Y i4 082Z i4 083C i4 083H i4 083I i4 083J i4 090A ej4 090K e4 090L j4 |
By using mnemonic rx and search attribute 20014, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic rx and search attribute 20014 are identical to the authority index. |
relation-ship |
B |
L |
W |
rxl: |
21031 |
L600 ej4 L610 e4 L611 j4 L630 e4 L650 e4 L651 e4 L700 eij4 L710 ei4 L711 ij4 L730 i |
170A ej4 170K e4 170L j4 171E e4 171Y e4 171Z e4 180A eij4 180K ei4 180L ij4 181E i |
The fields L600, L610, L611 a.o. are local level fields. |
report number |
B |
M |
N |
rn: |
01027 |
M027 az M088 az |
015R az 018A az |
report number |
B |
C |
N |
rnc: |
23021 |
C027 az |
215R az |
Field C027 is a copy level field. |
rvm subject / répertoire des vedet-tes matière |
B |
M |
W |
hr: |
00028 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abvxyzZ M651 avxyzZ M655 abvxyzZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abvxyz9 071Z avxyz9 072D abvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 6 Remarks
Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
rvm subject / répetoire des vedet-tes matière |
B |
L |
W |
hrl: |
21032 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ L650 abvxyzZ L651 avxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ
L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abvxyz9 171Z avxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Condition 2nd indicator = 6 Remarks
Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
series title / series |
B |
M |
W |
se: |
00005 |
M490 avx M533 f M534 f M760 astxy M762 astxy M800 abcdegkmnopqrstvxZ
M810 abcdegkmnoprstvxZ
M811 acdegknpstvxZ
M830 adfgkmnoprstvxZ |
053M aABvx 061H f 061I f 082I astxy 082K astxy 090A aAbcCdegkmnNOopPQqrstvx9 090K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvx9 090L acdDegGHIknNOpPQstvx9 091E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrstvx9 |
series title / series |
B |
L |
W |
sel: |
21033 |
L896 abcdegkmnopqrstvZ
L897 abcdegkmnoprstvZ
L898 acdegknpstvZ
L899 adfgkmnoprstvZ |
193S aAbcCdegkmnNOopPQqrstv9 193T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstv9 193U acdDegGHIknNOpPQstv9 193V adDgGHIkmnNOopPQrstv9 |
NB sel is mnemonic in GGC etc. Fields L896, L897, L898, L899 a.o. are local level fields. |
standard number |
B |
M |
N |
sn: |
01007 |
M010 abz M015 az M016 az M020 az M022 almyz M024 az M027 az M028 a M030 az M037 a M088 a M490 x M534 oxz M700 x M710 x M711 x M730 x M760 xyz M762 xyz M770 ruxyz M773 uxyz M776 xyz M780 xyz M785 xyz M800 x M810 x M811 x M830 x |
015A abz 015F az 015G az 015K az 015M almyz 015O az 015R az 015S a 015U az 016B a 018A a 053M x 061I oxz 080A x 080K x 080L x 081E x 082I xyz 082K xyz 082S ruxyz 082V uxyz 082Y xyz 083C xyz 083H xyz 090A x 090K x 090L x 091E x |
By using mnemonic sn and search attribute 01007, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic sn and search attribute 01007 are identical to the authority index. Guidelines
Because of the way character conversion is done, when searching for LCCNs (M010), we cannot follow the instruction as in the LCCN index itself. I.e. you cannot use a circumflex (^) before the number (e.g., ^64002560, or use hyphens. So, the abovementioned guidelines are also applied to LCCNs.
standard number |
B |
L |
N |
snl: |
21034 |
L700 x L710 x L711 x L730 x L790 x L791 x L792 x L793 x L796 x L797 x L798 x L799 x |
180A x 180K x 180L x 181E x 183M x 183N x 183O x 183P x 183S x 183T x 183U x 183V x |
Fields L790, L791, L792, L793, L796, L797, L798, L799 a.o. are local level fields. |
standard number |
B |
C |
N |
snc: |
23022 |
C010 abz C016 az C020 az C022 almyz C024 az C027 az C030 az |
215A abz 215G az 215K az 215M almyz 215O az 215R az 215U az |
Fields C010 a.o. are copy level fields. |
subject headings / subject |
B |
M |
W |
su: |
00021 |
M600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
M610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
M611 abcdegknpqtvxyzZ
M630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ
M647 acdgvxyzZ M648 avxyzZ M650 abgvxyzZ M651 agvxyzZ M653 a M654 abvyzZ M655 abvxyzZ M754 adZ |
070A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 070K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 070L abcdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 071E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 071V acdgvxyz9 071W avxyz9 071Y abgvxyz9 071Z agvxyz9 072B a 072C abvyz9 072D abvxyz9 082C ad9 |
By using mnemonic su and search attribute 00021, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic su and search attribute 00021 are identical to the authority index. Remark Retain first comma in name, if the comma is not the last element of a subfield. Index of M647 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
subject headings / subject |
B |
L |
W |
sul: |
21035 |
L600 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L610 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L611 acbcdegknpqtvxyzZ
L630 adkmnoprstvxyzZ
L650 abgvxyzZ L651 agvxyzZ L655 abvxyzZ L690 abvxyzZ L691 avxyzZ L696 abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyzZ
L697 abcdegkmnoprstvxyzZ
L698 acdegknpqtvxyzZ
L699 adkmnoprstvxyzZ |
170A aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 170K abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 170L abcdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 171E adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 171Y abgvxyz9 171Z agvxyz9 172D abvxyz9 173M abvxyz9 173N avxyz9 173S aAbcCdegjkmnNOopPQqrstvxyz9 173T abcdDegGHIkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 173U acdDegGHIknNOpPQqtvxyz9 173V adDkmnNOopPQrstvxyz9 |
Remark Retain first comma in name, if the comma is not the last element of a subfield. Fields L690, L691, L696, L697, L698, L699 a.o. are local level fields. |
title / title key-word |
B |
M |
W |
ti: |
00004 05245 |
M031 dt M100 t M110 t M111 t M130 adfgkmnoprstZ M210 a M222 ab
M240 adfgkmnoprsZ M242 abnp M243 adfgkmnoprsZ M245 abfgknpZ M246 abnp M247 abnp M490 a M505 t M700 gkmnoprst M710 dgkmnoprst M711 gknpst M730 adfgkmnoprstZ M740 anp M770 astZ M773 pstz M780 stZ M785 stZ M787 stZ
M800 gkmnoprstv M810 dgkmnoprstv M811 gknpstv M830 adfgkmnoprstv |
015V dt 020A t 020K t 020L t 021E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 030K a 030W ab 031O adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrs9 031Q abBCDEnNOpPQ 031R adfgkmnoprs9 031T abBCDEfgkKnNOpPQ9 031U abBCDEnNOpPQ 031V abBCDEnNOpPQ 053M aAB 060F tH 080A gkmnNOopPQrst 080K dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 080L gGHIknNOpPQst 081E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 081O anNOpPQ 082S ast9 082V pst9 083C st9 083H st9 083J st9 090A gkmnNOopPQrstv 090K dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrstv 090L gGHIknNOpPQstv 091E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrstv |
Mnemonic ti is related to search attribute 00004 only. By using mnemonic ti and search attribute 00004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ti and search attribute 00004 are identical to the authority index. Field 214 subfields $a is not part of the index, because it is no official MARC 21 field. Subfield $v added to M800, M810 and M811, like for field M830. |
title / title key-word |
B |
L |
W |
til: |
21036 |
L240 adfgkmnoprs
L700 gkmnoprst L710 dgkmnoprst L711 gknpst L730 adfgkmnoprstZ L790 gkmnoprst L791 dgkmnoprst L792 gknpst L793 adfgkmnoprstZ
L796 gkmnoprst L797 dgkmnoprst L798 gknpst L799 adfgkmnoprst L896 gkmnoprstv L897 dgkmnoprstv L898 gknpstv L899 adfgkmnoprstv |
131O adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrs 180A gkmnNOopPQrst 180K dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 180L gGHIknNOpPQst 181E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 183M gkmnNOopPQrst 183N dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 183O gGHIknNOpPQst 183P adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 183S gkmnNOopPQrst 183T dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 183U gGHIknNOpPQst 183V adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 193S gkmnNOopPQrstv 193T dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrstv 193U gGHIknNOpPQstv 193V adDgGHIkmnNOopPQrstv |
Fields L790, L791, L792, L793, L796, L797, L798, L799, L896, L897, L898, L899 a.o. are local level fields. Subfield $v added to L896, L897 and L898, like for field M899. |
title / title key-word |
B |
C |
W |
tic: |
23023 |
C505 t |
260F t |
Field C505 is a copy level field. |
title key / unique serial title |
B |
M |
W |
tk: |
00033 |
M222 ab |
030W ab |
udc / univer-sal decimal class number |
B |
M |
N |
ud: |
00014 |
M080 a |
017S a |
Remark The colon character separates numbers. |
udc / univer-sal decimal class number |
B |
L |
N |
udl: |
21037 |
L695 a (if indicator2 = 3 |
173R a (if indicator2 = 3 |
Remark The colon character separates numbers.
Fields L695 is a local level field. |
uniform title |
B |
M |
W |
ut: |
00006 |
M130 adfgkmnoprstZ
M240 adfgkmnoprsZ M243 adfgkmnoprsZ M700 gkmnoprst M710 dgkmnoprst M711 dgknpst
M730 adfgkmnoprstZ |
021E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 031O adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrs9 031R adfgkmnoprs9 080A gkmnNOopPQrst 080K dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 080L dDgGHIknNOpPQst 081E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 |
By using mnemonic ut and search attribute 00006, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ut and search attribute 00006 are identical to the authority index. |
uniform title |
B |
L |
W |
utl: |
21038 |
L240 adfgkmnoprs L700 gkmnoprst
L710 dgkmnoprst L711 dgknpst L730 adfgkmnoprstZ L790 gkmnoprst L791 dgkmnoprst L792 dgknpst L793 adfgkmnoprstZ
L796 gkmnoprst L797 dgkmnoprst L798 dgknpst L799 adfgkmnoprst |
131O adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrs 180A gkmnNOopPQrst 180K dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 180L dDgGHIknNOpPQst 181E adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 183M gkmnNOopPQrst 183N dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 183O dDgGHIknNOpPQst 183P adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst9 183S gkmnNOopPQrst 183T dDgGHIkmnNOopPQrst 183U dDgGHIknNOpPQst 183V adDfgGHIkmnNOopPQrst |
Fields L790, L791, L792, L793, L796, L797, L798, L799 a.o. are local level fields. |
year / year of publi-cation (date1) |
B |
M |
N |
yr: |
00031 |
M08A c M046 c |
014A c 016K c |
These types of searches are allowed:
Remark In the CBS MARC 21 format field 008, positions 07-10 is field M08A subfield $c. |
year 2 / year of publi-cation (date2) |
B |
M |
N |
yy: |
05031 |
M08A d M046 e |
014A d 016K e |
These types of searches are allowed:
Remark In the CBS MARC 21 format field 008, positions 11-14 is field M08A subfield $d. |