04. Tags and subfields with subfield indicators consisting of 3 characters – bibliographic format - specifications per field
On this page, we have grouped together bibliographic format tags with a similar structure. Per category of tags, we have marked the subfield indicators consisting of three characters with green. You can also see that we have defined a default which is displayed when only two characters of the subfield indicators are present. The consequence of the latter is that the “default” punctuation, i.e. the most commonly used punctuation, is generated.
Initially, it may appear that there are many cases in which a subfield indicator of three characters must be used, but in fact you can summarize those to only a few situations that appear in different tags.
$a Surname and forenames/initials/prefixes
CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Personal Name - tag description |
M100 | 020A | Main Entry – Personal Name |
M600 | 070A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L600 | 170A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L696 | 173S | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
M700 | 080A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L700 | 180A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L790 | 183M | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
L796 | 183S | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
M800 | 090A | Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
L896 | 193S | Local Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
$a | A comma-space behind the surname will automatically generate PICA+ subfield $A. | $a, $A |
CBS MARC 21 cataloguing format: PICA+ format: |
$b Remainder of title
CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Tag description |
M242 | 031Q | Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency |
M245 | 031T/td> | Title Statement |
M246 | 031U | Varying Form of Title |
M247 | 031V | Former Title |
Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
;$b | Semicolon | $B |
Remainder of title - subsequent title of the same author(s) The generated punctuation is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
:$b | Colon | $C |
Remainder of title - other title information The generated punctuation is _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
=$b | Equal sign | $D |
Remainder of title - parallel title The generated punctuation is _=_ i.e. space-equal sign-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
.$b | Period | $E |
Remainder of title - subsequent title of (an)other author(s) The generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$b | $b |
Remainder of title - other title information The default generated punctuation is _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$c Titles and words associated with name / Other words or phrases associated with name
CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Personal Name - tag description |
M100 | 020A | Main Entry – Personal Name |
M600 | 070A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L600 | 170A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L696 | 173S | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
M700 | 080A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L700 | 180A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L790 | 183M | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
L796 | 183S | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
M800 | 090A | Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
L896 | 193S | Local Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
$c | $c |
Titles and words associated with a name The default generated punctuation is ,_ i.e. comma-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
($c | Opening parenthesis | $C |
Other words or phrases associated with a name The generated punctuation is _( i.e. space-opening parenthesis (in combination with other punctuation).
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing / $g Miscellaneous information
CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Tag description |
Corporate Name | ||
M110 | 020K | Main Entry – Corporate Name |
M610 | 070K | Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L610 | 170K | Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L697 | 173T | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
M710 | 080K | Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L710 | 180K | Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L791 | 183N | Local Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L797 | 183T | Local Added Entry – Corporate Name |
M810 | 090K | Series Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L897 | 193T | Local Series Added Entry – Corporate Name |
Meeting Name | ||
M111 | 020L | Main Entry – Meeting Name |
M611 | 070L | Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L611 | 170L | Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L698 | 173U | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
M711 | 080L | Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L711 | 180L | Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L792 | 183O | Local Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L798 | 183U | Local Added Entry – Meeting Name |
M811 | 090L | Series Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L898 | 193U | Local Series Added Entry – Meeting Name |
Uniform Title | ||
M130 | 021E | Main Entry – Uniform Title |
M240 | 031O | Uniform Title |
L240 | 131O | Uniform Title |
M243 | 031R | Collective Uniform Title |
M630 | 071E | Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L630 | 171E | Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L699 | 173V | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry |
M730 | 081E | Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L730 | 181E | Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L793 | 183P | Local Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L799 | 183V | Local Added Entry – Uniform Title |
M830 | 091E | Series Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L899 | 193V | Local Series Added Entry – Uniform Title |
Former Title | ||
M247 | 031V | Former Title (only subfield $g) |
Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
)$d | Closing parenthesis | $D |
Date of meeting or treaty signing A closing parenthesis (followed by additional punctuation) is generated. |
$d | $d |
Date of meeting or treaty signing The generated punctuation is dependent on the following subfield; but it will not be a closing parenthesis (followed by additional punctuation). |
,$g | Comma | $G |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is in most cases ,_ i.e. comma-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
:$g | Colon | $H |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is in most cases _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
.$g | Period | $I |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is in most cases ._ i.e. period-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$g | $g |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is dependent on the preceding subfield. When you want to have control over the punctuation, you can use the three positions subfield indicators, mentioned above. |
$n Number of part/section of a work / $p Name of part/section of a work
CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Tag description |
Personal Name | ||
M100 | 020A | Main Entry – Personal Name |
M600 | 070A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L600 | 170A | Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
L696 | 173S | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Personal Name |
M700 | 080A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L700 | 180A | Added Entry – Personal Name |
L790 | 183M | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
L796 | 183S | Local Added Entry – Personal Name |
M800 | 090A | Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
L896 | 193S | Local Series Added Entry – Personal Name |
Corporate Name | ||
M110 | 020K | Main Entry – Corporate Name |
M610 | 070K | Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L610 | 170K | Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L697 | 173T | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Corporate Name |
M710 | 080K | Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L710 | 180K | Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L791 | 183N | Local Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L797 | 183T | Local Added Entry – Corporate Name |
M810 | 090K | Series Added Entry – Corporate Name |
L897 | 193T | Local Series Added Entry – Corporate Name |
Meeting Name | ||
M111 | 020L | Main Entry – Meeting Name |
M611 | 070L | Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L611 | 170L | Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L698 | 173U | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry – Meeting Name |
M711 | 080L | Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L711 | 180L | Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L792 | 183O | Local Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L798 | 183U | Local Added Entry – Meeting Name |
M811 | 090L | Series Added Entry – Meeting Name |
L898 | 193U | Local Series Added Entry – Meeting Name |
Uniform Title | ||
M130 | 021E | Main Entry – Uniform Title |
M240 | 031O | Uniform Title |
L240 | 131O | Uniform Title |
M243 | 031R | Collective Uniform Title |
M630 | 071E | Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L630 | 171E | Subject Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L699 | 173V | Local Subject Access Field / Local Subject Added Entry |
M730 | 081E | Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L730 | 181E | Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L793 | 183P | Local Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L799 | 183V | Local Added Entry – Uniform Title |
M830 | 091E | Series Added Entry – Uniform Title |
L899 | 193V | Local Series Added Entry – Uniform Title |
Other tags | ||
M242 | 031Q | Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency |
M245 | 031T | Title Statement |
M246 | 031U | Varying Form of Title |
M247 | 031V | Former Title |
M740 | 081O | Added Entry – Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title |
Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
.$n | Period | $N |
Number of part/section of a work The generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space |
,$n | Comma | $O |
Number of part/section of a work The generated punctuation is ,_ i.e. comma-space |
$n | $n |
Number of part/section of a work The default generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space. |
.$p | Period | $P |
Name of part/section of a work The generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space |
,$p | Comma | $Q |
Name of part/section of a work The generated punctuation is ,_ i.e. comma-space |
$p | $p |
Name of part/section of a work The default generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space. |
Other tags and subfields
MARC tag | Tag description | CBS MARC tag | PICA+ tag | Cataloguing format | Preceding punctuation sign | PICA+ format | Explanation / remarks |
020 | International Standard Book Number |
M020 C020 |
015K 215K |
:$c | Colon | $C |
Terms of availability The generated punctuation is _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$c |
$c |
Terms of availability The default generated punctuation is _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
037 | Source of Acquisition | M037 | 016B | ||||
($c | Opening parenthesis | $C |
Terms of availability The generated punctuation is _( i.e. space-opening parenthesis (in combination with other punctuation). |
$c | $c |
Terms of availability The generated punctuation is dependent on the preceding subfield; but it will not be an opening parenthesis. |
.$g | Period | $G |
Additional format characteristics The generated punctuation is ._ i.e. period-space(in combination with other punctuation). |
;$g | Semicolon | $H |
Additional format characteristics The generated punctuation is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space(in combination with other punctuation). |
$g | $g |
Additional format characteristics The generated punctuation is dependent on the preceding subfield, but is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space in most cases; but it will not be a period. |
045 | Time Period of Content | M045 | 016J | ||||
-$b | Dash | $B |
Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period (the second subfield $b when first indicator = 2 range of dates/times) The generated punctuation is - i.e. dash. |
$b | $b |
Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period The default generated punctuation is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space. |
-$c | Dash | $C |
Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period (the second subfield $c when first indicator = 2 range of dates/times) The generated punctuation is - i.e. dash. |
$c | $c |
Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period The default generated punctuation is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space. |
245 | Title Statement | M245 | 031T | ||||
:$k | Colon | $K |
Form The generated punctuation is _:_ i.e. space-colon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$k | $k |
Form The default generated punctuation is _, i.e. a space (in combination with other punctuation). |
250 | Edition Statement |
M250 C250 |
031Y 231Y |
/$b | Slash | $B |
Remainder of edition statement, author(s) related to the edition The generated punctuation is in most cases _/_ i.e. space-slash-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
;$b | Semicolon | $C |
Remainder of edition statement, addition to edition statement The generated punctuation is in most cases _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
,$b | Comma | $D |
Remainder of edition statement, addition to edition statement The generated punctuation is in most cases ,_ i.e. comma-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
=$b | Equal sign | $E |
Remainder of edition statement, parallel edition statement The generated punctuation is in most cases _;_ i.e. space-equal sign-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$b | $b |
Remainder of edition statement NB The default generated punctuation is in most cases ,_ i.e. comma-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
300 | Physical Description |
M300 C300 |
040A 240A |
+$a | Plus sign | $A |
Extent The generated punctuation is _+_ i.e. space-plus sign-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
($a | Opening parenthesis | $B |
Extent The generated punctuation is _( i.e. space-opening parenthesis (in combination with other punctuation). |
$a | $a |
Extent The generated punctuation is dependent on the preceding subfield, but it will not be a plus sign or an opening parenthesis. |
)$f | Closing parenthesis | $F |
Type of unit A closing parenthesis (followed by additional punctuation) is generated. |
$f | $f |
Type of unit The generated punctuation is dependent on the following subfield, but it will not be a closing parenthesis (followed by additional punctuation). |
490 | Series Statement | M490 | 053M | ||||
.$a | Period | $A |
Series statement The generated punctuation is in most cases ._ i.e. period-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
=$a | Equal sign | $B |
Series statement The generated punctuation is in most cases _=_ i.e. space-equal sign-space (in combination with other punctuation). |
$a | $a |
Series statement The default generated punctuation is in most cases ._ i.e. period-space. |
505 | Formatted Contents Note |
M505 C505 |
060F 260F |
($g | Opening parenthesis | $G |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is _( i.e. space-opening parenthesis (in combination with other punctuation). |
$g | $g |
Miscellaneous information The generated punctuation is dependent on the following subfield. In most cases it is ._ i.e. period-space, but it will not be an opening parenthesis (followed by additional punctuation). |
;$t | Semicolon | $H |
Titolo The generated punctuation is _;_ i.e. space-semicolon-space (in combination with other punctuation).
$t | $t |
Titolo The generated punctuation is dependent on the following subfield. In most cases it is ._ i.e. period-space, but it will not be a semicolon (in combination with other punctuation). |