03. Fields 01X-09X – Numbers and Codes – bibliographic and holdings format
How must this table be read?
- Cells marked with yellow are defined in the CBS MARC 21 format. These tags are "active", i.e. they can be used. So, tags marked with yellow are defined in the CBS MARC 21 format.
- Cells marked with green are defined in the CBS MARC 21 format. These tags are extensions to, i.e. these are not part of the Library of Congress and the OCLC (WorldCat) format. So, tags marked with green are defined in the CBS MARC 21 format.
- Cells with no color. These tags are "reserved" CBS MARC 21 tags; thus, these are non-existing tags now – for the main/master level, the local (LBD) and copy (LHR) level. These tags are only reserved for potential future use. Tags marked with no color may not be used in the CBS MARC 21 format now. So, when we need an extension of the CBS MARC 21 format or a new tag is defined by the MAC (MARC Advisory Committee), we already know what the CBS MARC 21 and CBS MARC 21 PICA+ tags will be.
- Tag descriptions marked with purple are specific OCLC MARC 21 (WorldCat) tags.
For more MARC 21 documentation:
- Library of Congress 01X-09X - Numbers and Codes-General Information (bibliographic format) and 0XX - Number and Code Fields (holdings format)
- OCLC, WorldCat 0xx Fields (bibliographic format) and OCLC-MARC local holdings format and standards
M21 tag | Descrizione | CBS MARC tag - main/master level | PICA+ tag -main/master level | CBS MARC tag - local level |
PICA+ tag - local level |
CBS MARC 21 tag - copy level |
PICA+ tag - copy level |
010 | Library of Congress Control Number | M010 | 015A | L010 | 115A | C010 | 215A |
011 | Linking Library of Congress Control Number (BK, MP, MU, VM, SE, USMARC only) [OBSOLETE, 1993] | M011 | 015B | L011 | 115B | C011 | 215B |
012 | CONSER Fixed Length Field | M012 | 015C | L012 | 115C | C012 | 215C |
013 | Patent Control Information | M013 | 015D | L013 | 115D | C013 | 215D |
014 | Linkage number | M014 | 015E | L014 | 115E | C014 | 215E |
015 | National Bibliography Number | M015 | 015F | L015 | 115F | C015 | 215F |
016 | National Bibliographic Agency Control Number | M016 | 015G | L016 | 115G | C016 | 215G |
017 | Copyright or Legal Deposit Number | M017 | 015H | L017 | 115H | C017 | 215H |
018 | Copyright Article-Fee Code | M018 | 015I | L018 | 115I | C018 | 215I |
019 | OCLC Control Number Cross-Reference | M019 | 015J | L019 | 115J | C019 | 215J |
020 | International Standard Book Number | M020 | 015K | L020 | 115K | C020 | 215K |
021 | M021 | 015L | L021 | 115L | C021 | 215L | |
022 | International Standard Serial Number | M022 | 015M | L022 | 115M | C022 | 215M |
023 | M023 | 015N | L023 | 115N | C023 | 215N | |
024 | Other Standard Identifier | M024 | 015O | L024 | 115O | C024 | 215O |
025 | Overseas Acquisition Number | M025 | 015P | L025 | 115P | C025 | 215P |
026 | Fingerprint Identifier | M026 | 015Q | L026 | 115Q | C026 | 215Q |
027 | Standard Technical Report Number | M027 | 015R | L027 | 115R | C027 | 215R |
028 | Publisher Number | M028 | 015S | L028 | 115S | C028 | 215S |
029 | Other System Control Number | M029 | 015T | L029 | 115T | C029 | 215T |
030 | CODEN Designation | M030 | 015U | L030 | 115U | C030 | 215U |
031 | Musical Incipits Information | M031 | 015V | L031 | 115V | C031 | 215V |
032 | Postal Registration Number | M032 | 015W | L032 | 115W | C032 | 215W |
033 | Date/time and Place of an Event | M033 | 015X | L033 | 115X | C033 | 215X |
034 | Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data | M034 | 015Y | L034 | 115Y | C034 | 215Y |
035 | System Control Number | M035 | 015Z | L035 | 115Z | C035 | 215Z |
036 | Original Study Number for Computer Data Files | M036 | 016A | L036 | 116A | C036 | 216A |
037 | Source of Acquisition | M037 | 016B | L037 | 116B | C037 | 216B |
038 | Record Content Licensor | M038 | 016C | L038 | 116C | C038 | 216C |
039 | Level of Bibliographic Control and Coding Detail [OBSOLETE, 1986] | M039 | 016D | L039 | 116D | C039 | 216D |
040 | Cataloging Source [bibliographic] / Record Source [holdings format] | M040 | 016E | L040 | 116E | C040 | 216E |
041 | Language Code | M041 | 016F | L041 | 116F | C041 | 216F |
042 | Authentication Code | M042 | 016G | L042 | 116G | C042 | 216G |
043 | Geographic Area Code | M043 | 016H | L043 | 116H | C043 | 216H |
044 | Country of Publishing/Producing Entity Code | M044 | 016I | L044 | 116I | C044 | 216I |
045 | Time Period of Content | M045 | 016J | L045 | 116J | C045 | 216J |
046 | Special Coded Dates | M046 | 016K | L046 | 116K | C046 | 216K |
047 | Form of Musical Composition Code | M047 | 016L | L047 | 116L | C047 | 216L |
048 | Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Codes | M048 | 016M | L048 | 116M | C048 | 216M |
049 | Local Holdings | M049 | 016N | L049 | 116N | C049 | 216N |
050 | Library of Congress Call Number | M050 | 016O | L050 | 116O | C050 | 216O |
051 | Library of Congress Copy, Issue, Offprint Statement | M051 | 016P | L051 | 116P | C051 | 216P |
052 | Geographic Classification | M052 | 016Q | L052 | 116Q | C052 | 216Q |
053 | M053 | 016R | L053 | 116R | C053 | 216R | |
054 | M054 | 016S | L054 | 116S | C054 | 216S | |
055 | Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada | M055 | 016T | L055 | 116T | C055 | 216T |
056 | M056 | 016U | L056 | 116U | C056 | 216U | |
057 | M057 | 016V | L057 | 116V | C057 | 216V | |
058 | M058 | 016W | L058 | 116W | C058 | 216W | |
059 | M059 | 016X | L059 | 116X | C059 | 216X | |
060 | National Library of Medicine Call Number | M060 | 016Y | L060 | 116Y | C060 | 216Y |
061 | National Library of Medicine Copy Statement | M061 | 016Z | L061 | 116Z | C061 | 216Z |
062 | M062 | 017A | L062 | 117A | C062 | 217A | |
063 | M063 | 017B | L063 | 117B | C063 | 217B | |
064 | M064 | 017C | L064 | 117C | C064 | 217C | |
065 | M065 | 017D | L065 | 117D | C065 | 217D | |
066 | Character Sets Present | M066 | 017E | L066 | 117E | C066 | 217E |
067 | M067 | 017F | L067 | 117F | C067 | 217F | |
068 | M068 | 017G | L068 | 117G | C068 | 217G | |
069 | M069 | 017H | L069 | 117H | C069 | 217H | |
070 | National Agricultural Library Call Number | M070 | 017I | L070 | 117I | C070 | 217I |
071 | National Agricultural Library Copy Statement | M071 | 017J | L071 | 117J | C071 | 217J |
072 | Subject Category Code | M072 | 017K | L072 | 117K | C072 | 217K |
073 | M073 | 017L | L073 | 117L | C073 | 217L | |
074 | GPO Item Number | M074 | 017M | L074 | 117M | C074 | 217M |
075 | M075 | 017N | L075 | 117N | C075 | 217N | |
076 | M076 | 017O | L076 | 117O | C076 | 217O | |
077 | M077 | 017P | L077 | 117P | C077 | 217P | |
078 | M078 | 017Q | L078 | 117Q | C078 | 217Q | |
079 | M079 | 017R | L079 | 117R | C079 | 217R | |
080 | Universal Decimal Classification Number | M080 | 017S | L080 | 117S | C080 | 217S |
081 | M081 | 017T | L081 | 117T | C081 | 217T | |
082 | Dewey Decimal Classification Number | M082 | 017U | L082 | 117U | C082 | 217U |
083 | Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number | M083 | 017V | L083 | 117V | C083 | 217V |
084 | Other Classification Number | M084 | 017W | L084 | 117W | C084 | 217W |
085 | Synthesized Classification Number Components | M085 | 017X | L085 | 117X | C085 | 217X |
086 | Government Document Classification Number | M086 | 017Y | L086 | 117Y | C086 | 217Y |
087 | Report Number [OBSOLETE, 1997] [CAN/MARC only] | M087 | 017Z | L087 | 117Z | C087 | 217Z |
088 | Report Number | M088 | 018A | L088 | 118A | C088 | 218A |
089 | M089 | 018B | L089 | 118B | C089 | 218B | |
090 | Local Call Numbers / Locally Assigned LC-type Call Number1 | M090 | 018C | L090 | 118C | C090 | 218C |
091 | Local Call Numbers | M091 | 018D | L091 | 118D | C091 | 218D |
092 | Local Call Numbers / Locally Assigned Dewey Call Number2 | M092 | 018E | L092 | 118E | C092 | 218E |
093 | Local Call Numbers | M093 | 018F | L093 | 118F | C093 | 218F |
094 | Local Call Numbers | M094 | 018G | L094 | 118G | C094 | 218G |
095 | Local Call Numbers | M095 | 018H | L095 | 118H | C095 | 218H |
096 | Local Call Numbers / Locally Assigned NLM-type Call Number3 | M096 | 018I | L096 | 118I | C096 | 218I |
097 | Local Call Numbers | M097 | 018J | L097 | 118J | C097 | 218J |
098 | Local Call Numbers / Other Classification Schemes4 | M098 | 018K | L098 | 118K | C098 | 218K |
099 | Local Call Numbers / Local Free-Text Call Number5 | M099 | 018L | L099 | 118L | C099 | 218L |
1. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
2. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
3. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
4. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.
5. In the OCLC MARC 21 format, this tag has been defined on master/main level; in the CBS MARC 21 format, this is a local field.