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Get started with Authorities: Format and indexes, which provides details on selected topics that catalogers need to identify and verify information in bibliographic and/or authority records via the OCLC® authority file.
  • About Authorities: Format and indexes
    Find the scope and audience for Authorities: Format and indexes.
  • Authority record format
    Find the fixed field elements, variable fields, and tag groups typically used in LC/NACO name authority records and LC subject authority records.
  • Authority records
    Find out how an authority record is defined.
  • Authorizations and cataloging capabilities
    Find cataloging authorization levels in order of most basic to highly specialized, how to edit and replace name authority records versus edit records locally, and a summary of the differences between editing name authority records versus locally edited records.
  • Available authority files
    Find an overview of the authority files and indexes available in Connexion and WorldShare Record Manager.
  • Library of Congress authority files
    Find information about the Library of Congress name and subject authority files, including authority record prefixes and unique characteristics.
  • OCLC authority file
    Find information the OCLC authority file, which contains records received from the Library of Congress (LC) and records added by Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) participants.
  • Pattern headings for LC subjects
    Find information about pattern headings, which are representative of particular categories, for Library of Congress subject headings.