
Learn how to select a universe in Report Designer.

In WorldShare Report Designer, a universe maps to data in the database but presents data to you in non-technical terms. A universe contains classes, objects, and pre-defined query filters.

Select a universe

  1. In the left navigation, click Report Launch Pad.
  2. Click the Home button (Screenshot of the Home button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer) in the left of the WorldShare logo.
  3. Click Applications Web Intelligence to open WorldShare Report Designer.
  4. Double-click Universe in the Select a Data Source dialog.
  5. Double-click a universe in the Select a Universe dialog. The Query Panel dialog opens.

Available universes


Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Acquisitions universe contains information from the activities in the WMS Acquisitions module. This includes data about purchase orders, receiving activity, and invoices. All of the standard Acquisitions reports, with the exception of the Serials Received Summary Report, are created from this universe.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Title class > Resource Metadata Type - This report object determines which of the following data types will be populated: Only one of these four data types will be populated depending on the value selected for this field.
    • KBWC_COLLECTION - KB collection data
    • KBWC_ENTRY - KB entry (title data)
    • LOCAL - Local data
    • WORLDCAT - OCLC number
  • Invoice class - This class contains invoice numbers and system invoice number report objects.
    • The invoice number is an identifier provided by the vendor.
    • The system invoice number is generated by WMS.
  • Order class - This class contains order level and individual copy level (line item) report objects.
  • Budget transaction class - Any report that is intended to include payment or encumbrance amounts must include data from this class.
    • Budget Transaction Type - This report object indicates whether a transaction is an encumbrance or an expenditure. Any report that is reporting on expenditures must have Budget Transaction Type filtered to Expended.

Acquisitions Vendor

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Acquisitions Vendor universe contains information from the Vendors screen of the Acquisitions module in WorldShare Management Services. This includes data about vendor names, addresses, and contacts. Each combination of vendor, address, and contact appears as its own row in a report, so you may have more than one row for a given vendor.

This universe can be used to create multi-universe reports with the Acquisitions Universe using the Vendor ID object located in the Identifiers folder.


Data refresh rate: 

  • Volatility Information is updated daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day
  • Title Holdings and Item Holdings Information updated monthly on the first of the month; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar month

Institution row limit: 50,000

The Cataloging universe contains title holdings, item holdings, and volatility information for new and removed titles in your collection. Report objects from the Title Holding Information class cannot be combined with objects in the Item Holding or Volatility class and vice versa.

  • Title Holdings Information – A high-level monthly snapshot of counts of title holdings. These snapshots are historically maintained so that you can perform month-to-month holdings trend analysis of your title holdings. Due to its historical nature, some data may appear in your reports that is now obsolete (e.g. removed titles of a specific language or material format).
  • Item Holdings Information – A high-level monthly snapshot of counts of item holdings. These snapshots are historically maintained so that you can perform month-to-month holdings trend analysis of your item holdings. Due to its historical nature, some data may appear in your reports that is now obsolete (e.g. removed branches, removed shelving locations, etc.).
  • Volatility Information – The daily titles (not items) added or removed from the institution's collection.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Item Holding Information class - This class comes from local holdings records (LHRs). Only one measure (Item Holdings Quantity ) and four dimensions (Branch NameMaterial Format,  Material Subformat, and Shelving Location) are available for reporting on item holdings. If you want more detailed information on item holdings (e.g., Item barcode, title, publication date, last issued date), you can use the:
  • Volatility Information class - This class contains report objects at the title level, not the item level. If you have added or deleted the same title more than once, only the first add or delete will be included.

Circulation Events

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Events universe contains historical information from the event transactions in the WMS Circulation module. This includes data about the patron associated with the transaction and bibliographic item-level information.

If you are looking for the current status of items, use the Circulation Item Status universe.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Event Details class > Event Borrower Category - This report object is the category at the time of the event. If the patron has changed type (e.g., Student to Staff) after the event, the borrower category will not be updated.
  • Event Branch Name - This report object is where the event occurred.
  • Item Branch Name - This report object is the branch that owns the item.
  • Event Patron class - This class does not include all of your library's patrons. It only includes the patrons who are associated with a circulation event. You can use the Circulation Patron Information universe to access all of your library's patrons.

 Note: Some fields may not be populated when using the Circulation Events universe to create a report. For example:

  • When using Holds Placed, the event branch name would not be populated.
  • When using Bills Paid, there may not be an item associated with the event.
Circulation event types defined
Event type (English) Associated Circulation Events universe event count measure Occurs because...
Approve-Hold Holds Approved An item has been approved by library staff to fulfill a hold request.
Cancel-Bill Bills Cancelled A bill has had its total, original amount outstanding cancelled by library staff or policy.
Cancel-Hold Holds Cancelled A hold request has been deleted by the user or library staff.
Cancel-Room-Schedule   A room schedule has been deleted.
Cancel-Schedule   An item schedule has been deleted.
Change-Due-Date Due Dates Changed An item on loan has its due date manually updated by library staff.
Check-In Items Checked In An item that was previously on loan to a user has been returned.
Check-Out Items Checked Out An item has been loaned to a user.
Complete-Hold Holds Completed A hold request has been marked complete by library staff.
Consult-Hold-Item Hold Item Consultations A hold request has been updated to In Use status by library staff when the item is issued to the patron for in-house use.
Create-Bill Bills Created A bill has been created against a user's account by library staff or policy.
Create-Item   A temporary or container item has been created.
Decline-Hold   A hold has been declined to be fulfilled by a specific branch after an item appears in its pull list.
Dispatch-Item Items Dispatched An item has been routed to a different branch after an even number of check ins at the origin branch.
Edit-Bill   A bill note has been updated by library staff.
Edit-Hold   A hold's pickup location, notes, hold shelf expiration date/time, approval status, etc., have been updated.
Edit-Item Items Edited A temporary or container item's bibliographic or item details have been edited. Event is not written when an item is added or removed from a container.
Edit-Schedule   An item schedule's start date/time, end date/time, note, pickup location, etc., has been updated.
Expire-Hold Holds Expired A hold has been deleted because its expiration date has passed, any expiration notifications have been sent to the user, and (for fulfilled holds only) the reserved item has been checked in off the Clear Hold Shelf report.
Find-Item Items Found An item that was previously in Missing, Lost, Claimed Never Had, or Claimed Already Returned status has been checked in.
Forward-Hold   A title-level hold has been manually forwarded by library staff for potential fulfillment at other branches of the same institution or at all relevant locations within a circulation group.
Fulfill-Constrained-Hold   An item is checked in to fulfill a hold at the pickup location, but the hold requires library staff to take action before the hold can transition to Ready for Use status, e.g., the hold needs approval or preparation.
Fulfill-Hold Holds Fulfilled A hold has transitioned to Ready for Use status after the item arrives at the pickup location, and any required processing constraints (e.g., item approval) are completed.
  An item schedule is ready for pickup (these two events are written for the same action).
Patron-Delete   A user record has been deleted.
Pay-Bill Bills Paid A bill has been partially or fully paid by a user.
Pay-Bill-Pending   A user has consented to WMS sharing billing data with a third party online bill payment processing service. Online payment may be pending.
Pickup-Hold Holds Picked Up A user has checked out an item that has fulfilled that user's hold request.
Pickup-Schedule   A user has checked out an item that has fulfilled that user's item scheduling request.
Place-Hold Holds Placed A hold request has been created by a user, library staff, or third-party integration.
Place-Room-Schedule   A room schedule has been created.
Place-Schedule   An item schedule has been created.
Prepare-Hold Holds Prepared A hold request has been marked prepared by library staff.
Recall-Item Items Recalled An item on loan has been manually recalled for use by another user. Event is not written if automatic renewal fails.
Receive-Item Items Received An item that was previously in In Transit or Dispatched status has been checked in at its destination branch.
Refund-Bill   A previously paid amount has been partially or fully refunded to a user.
Renew Items Renewed An item on loan has been renewed successfully.
Report-Already-Returned   An item on loan has been claimed already returned by the user.
Report-Lost   An item on loan has been claimed lost by the user.
Report-Missing   An item has been updated to Missing status.
Report-Never-Had   An item on loan has been reported never had by the user.
Return-Hold-Item   A hold request has been updated back to Ready for Use status by library staff after being issued to the patron for in-house use. Implies that the patron plans to come back to consult the item again.
Route-Item Items Routed An item has been routed to a different branch after an odd number of check ins at the origin branch.
SIP2-Patron-Authentication   A user has been verified by the WMS SIP2 Service.
Soft-Check-Out Items Soft Checked Out An item has been checked in using non-loan return mode or using Digby's reshelving function.
Start-Membership Memberships Started A user's membership has been activated by the full payment and/or waiving of the associated membership bill.
Suspend-Patron   A user's suspension status has been updated by library staff or policy.
Update-Item-Location   An item's last-seen location has been manually updated by library staff.
Waive-Bill   A bill has had part or all of its total, original amount outstanding waived by library staff.
Withdraw-Item   A temporary or container item has been withdrawn from the collection.


Disassociate patron data from circulation events

 Note: This feature is offered on an opt-in basis.

With WorldShare Reports and Report Designer, you can disassociate patron data from circulation events in the Circulation Events universe, Circulation Events Detail Report, and Daily Payments Report. This action removes all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) associated with a patron (e.g., Patron Full Name, Patron Email Address, and Patron Phone Number) from the circulation event. The circulation event and non-PII data (e.g., Event Borrower Category and Event Branch Name) will remain in the system. Disassociating the PII data but maintaining the transaction allows you to continue to track activity trends and perform analysis based on historical circulation events.

Patron data is still maintained and stored in Analytics. For example, patron data associated with current item status (e.g., what patron currently has an item checked out) is still present. So, reports from the Circulation Item Status universe, such as the All Checked Out Items Report and the Overdue Items Aging Report, will still have full patron data associated with the item records. The Circulation Patron Information universe is also not impacted, so the Patron Information Detail Report will still list patrons and their full details. There is also no impact to the Circulation Fiscal Transactions, Circulation Hold Request, and Circulation Scheduled Items universes, as well as the FTP reports.

If you would like to request this feature, contact analyticsfeedback@oclc.org with the information listed below. Upon receipt of your email, the Analytics product team will schedule a meeting with you to provide specific details.


I would like to disassociate patron data from circulation events in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer. 

Institution information:

  • Institution name:
  • Library symbol:

Circulation Fiscal Transactions

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Fiscal Transactions universe contains information about the source of any fiscal creation of bills, payment of bills, waiving, refunding, and cancelling bills.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Fiscal Transaction Details class > Fiscal Action Type - This report object contains the following values:
    • ASSESS - Represents that a bill was created. Links to one or more of the other action types.
    • CANCEL - One or more bills was fully canceled. Links back to one or more ASSESS transactions.
    • PAY - One or more bills was partially or fully paid. Links back to one or more ASSESS or PEND transactions.
    • PEND - One or more bills are waiting for online payment to process. Links back to one or more ASSESS or PAY transactions.
    • REFUND - One or more bills was partially or fully refunded. Links back to one or more ASSESS or PAY transactions.
    • WAIVE - One or more bills was partially or fully waived. Links back to one or more ASSESS transactions. 
  • Fiscal Transaction Patron class - This class does not include all of your library's patrons. It only includes the patrons who are associated with a fiscal transaction. You can use the Circulation Patron Information universe to access all of your library's patrons.

Circulation Hold Request

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Hold Request universe contains information about all current hold requests. This includes data about the title being requested, the requestor, and dates associated with the hold. This universe does not include scheduled items.

If you are looking for scheduled items, use the Circulation Scheduled Items universe.

 Note: The information in this universe is a snapshot of current hold activity. It should not be used for analysis of historical holds activity.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Hold Details class > Hold Request Scope - This report object can be used to filter by BIB (title-level) or item-level hold.
  • Hold Patron class - This class does not include all of your library's patrons. It only includes the patrons who are associated with an item status. You can use the Circulation Patron Information universe to access all of your library's patrons.

Circulation Item Status

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Item Status universe contains information about the current status of all barcoded items in WMS. This includes data about the item and patron data that might be associated with the item.

 Note: The information in this universe is a snapshot of the current item status. It should not be used for analysis of historical item activity.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Item Status Patron class - This class does not include:
    • Associated patron information for all item statuses (e.g., In Transit).
    • All of your library's patrons. It only contains the patrons who are associated with an item status. You can use the Circulation Patron Information universe to access all of your library's patrons.

Circulation Patron Information

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Patron Information universe contains information about all of your patrons whether or not they are associated with any activities in WMS. This universe can be used to report on patron account expiration, patrons with missing information, etc.

The following classes and report objects are of note:

  • Contact Information class - This class only includes a patron's primary email, address, and phone number.

Circulation Scheduled Items

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Circulation Scheduled Items universe contains information contains historical and current information about items that have been scheduled in WorldShare Circulation. This includes data about the item and patron data that might be associated with the schedule.

Data Refresh Activity

Data refresh rate: Snapshot (current data only)
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Data Refresh Activity universe contains the date and time that each universe was last updated. It also contains the refresh frequency of all available universes.

E-Resources COUNTER 4

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The E-Resources universe contains e-resources COUNTER 4 usage data loaded through WorldShare License Manager by your library or directly by a vendor.

 Note: In order for data to appear in this universe, you must first utilize COUNTER usage harvesting in WorldShare License Manager (i.e., via SUSHI).

E-Resources COUNTER 5

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The E-Resources universe contains e-resources COUNTER 5 usage data loaded through WorldShare License Manager by your library or directly by a vendor.

 Note: In order for data to appear in this universe, you must first utilize COUNTER usage harvesting in WorldShare License Manager (i.e., via SUSHI).

Group Activity

Data refresh rate: Monthly on the first of the month; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar month.
Group row limit: 500,000

The Group Activity universe contains data about the titles added and removed at the WMS group level. Users can view titles added or removed across data periods.

 Note: For more information regarding WorldShare Reports and Report Designer groups, please see About WMS Group reports.

Group Titles

Data refresh rate: Monthly on the first of the month; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar month.
Group row limit: 500,000

The Group Titles universe contains information regarding the titles held by a WMS group. Users can compare title holdings at the group level across monthly snapshots of title holdings.

 Note: For more information regarding WorldShare Reports and Report Designer groups, please see About WMS Group reports.

Institution Title Holdings

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 500,000

The Institution Title Holdings universe contains current data about an institution's title holdings, as well as bibliographic data about the title. This universe can also be used to count current title holdings according to a custom report's selected parameters.

Interlibrary Loan

 Note: Only libraries using Tipasa can view the Interlibrary Loan universe. You must have the WORLDSHARE_ILL_ADMIN role to view and create Interlibrary Loan reports.

Data refresh rate: Monthly on the first of the month; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar month.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Interlibrary Loan universe contains details regarding loan requests, including events and statuses.

LHR Item Detail

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 500,000

The LHR Item Detail universe contains current details regarding the LHR items owned, created, or maintained by the institution.

Minimum fields for lowest grain results
Item ‘uniqueness’ is determined by a combination of LHR subfields. To ensure that all relevant item holdings are retrieved, it is suggested that the following six objects be included in each report:
  • LHR Control Number: From 001, the system-supplied control number assigned to a separate local holdings record.
  • LHR Item Barcode: From 876-878 $p or 852 $p, the unique, machine-readable code used to identify the item when performing library functions such as check in, check out, etc.
  • LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology: From fields 853 and 863, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
  • LHR Index Enumeration and Chronology: From fields 855 and 865, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for an index that appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
  • LHR Supplement Enumeration and Chronology: From fields 854 and 864, the numeric, alphabetic, and/or date designation for supplementary material that either appears on an item or that is used to record the receipt of an item.
  • LHR Item Textual Holdings: From 866-868 $a, a textual description of the holdings used instead of or in addition to the coded 853-855 and 863-865 fields when those fields cannot be used adequately to describe the holdings.


Before pulling in LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology, it looks like one item record:


      Report results without LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology

After pulling in LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology, it is actually three records:


     Report results with LHR Basic Unit Enumeration and Chronology


Data refresh rate: Monthly on the first of the month; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar month.
Institution row limit: 500,000

The Overlap universe contains information about public WorldShare Knowledge Base collections and titles within those collections. This universe allows libraries to compare WorldShare Knowledge Base collections in order to see which titles in the collections overlap.

 Note: The information in this universe is a monthly snapshot of KB collections and titles. It should not be used for historical analysis.

Serials Received

Data refresh rate: Daily; after successful load, data will be "as of" the end of the previous calendar day.
Institution row limit: 50,000

The Serials Received universe contains data about serials received through WMS Acquisitions. This universe contains information about the received item as well as the received action, including issue counts and received dates and times.