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WorldShare Collection Evaluation release notes, August 2022


Release Date: August 11, 2022


This release of WorldShare Collection Evaluation and My Library provides a number of new enhancements. These features include:

  • Use of MARC 264 for publisher data in export files when MARC 260 is not populated
  • Additional filtering on Papiamento language
  • Additional filtering on manuscript format types

These enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

Recommended actions

We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow-up by your institution.

New features and enhancements

Use of MARC 264 for publisher data in title export files

Prior to this release, when exporting title lists from Collection Evaluation, the publisher column was solely populated based on the MARC 260 $b. Now, the export files will be populated with the MARC 260 $b, or in the case of no value in the MARC 260 $b, then the MARC 264 $b will be used.

This enhancement applies to title list exports from My Library and any Collection Evaluation comparison (e.g., Benchmarking).

Additional filtering on Papiamento language

Support for the Papiamento language has been added for filtering your Collection Evaluation queries. This enhancement applies to filters in My Library and any Collection Evaluation comparison (e.g., Benchmarking).

CE Language 2022-08-09_14-45-52.png

Additional filtering on manuscript format types

Support for manuscript format types has been added for filtering your Collection Evaluation queries. This enhancement applies to filters in My Library and any Collection Evaluation comparison (e.g., Benchmarking). The formats included are:

  • Articles -> Manuscript Article
  • Books:Print -> Manuscript
  • Maps -> Manuscript Map
  • Musical Score -> Manuscript Musical Score

CE Manuscript 2022-08-09_14-51-16.png

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: