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Create a WorldCat unique/shared comparison

Discover how to create a WorldCat unique/shared comparison and interpret the results in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  1. Find the name of the comparison for which you want to create a WorldCat unique/shared comparison in the My active comparisons table.
  2. In the Comparison Types column, click WorldCat Unique/Shared Comparison.
  3. Move one or more subjects from the Available Subjects selection box to the Selected Subjects selection box.
  4. Click Create Chart.
  5. (Optional) Select one or more limits from the Selected Limits panel, then click Apply Limits.
  6. (Optional) Click Save Image to save a copy of the chart as a PNG file.
  7. (Optional) Click View Data to open a table that provides the analysis data in spreadsheet format.

Interpret results for WorldCat comparisons

When you are create a WorldCat comparison, you are setting up an inventory of all of the items in your institution on which you have set WorldCat Holdings and evaluating those items against the holdings of all other WorldCat libraries.

With each subject and export limit that you apply, you are looking at a more focused view of your collection.

When you create your chart, it shows the number of titles and shows the number of additional libraries that have WorldCat holdings set on those titles. The left side of the graph shows the more unusual holdings and as you move to the right side of the graph you see my commonly-held items.