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Export a comparison title list

Discover how to export a comparison title list in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.

Export a comparison title list

  1. Find your comparison in the My active comparisons table.
  2. In the Export column, click Comparison Title List.
  3. Enter a name and description for the exported file.
  4. Click OK.

When the export file is available, you will receive an alert in the WorldShare toolbar.

Note about circulation data for WMS customers

In Unique/shared title list exports, Local Call Number and Location are specific to each item associated with a title while Number of Circulations and Last Circulated Date are specific to a title (OCLC Number). Be aware that:

  • Number of Circulations reflects the circulation activity of all items associated with a title.
  • Last Circulated Date reflects the circulation activity of all items associated with the title.


If you have three distinct copies of the same title (Copies A, B, and C) and Copy A circulated one time, Copy B circulated 5 times, and Copy C circulated three times, then the value of Number of Circulations will be 9 for all three item entries in the export.

Collection Evaluation title items example