Visualizza la cronologia degli articoli

Learn how to look up circulation transactions and notification history for an item in WorldShare Circulation.

Cercare le transazioni di circolazione per un articolo

Visualizza la cronologia delle transazioni di circolazione di un articolo. Cercate l'articolo in Discover items.

  1. Fare clic sul titolo dell'elemento.
  2. Nella schermata Copie, nella riga dell'elemento desiderato, fare clic su Visualizza/Modifica.
    • Filter the Copies by Branch/Shelving Location or Branch/Temporary Shelving Location.  The filter selection will persist for the duration of your current session and will persist as you move between Circulation and Record Manager. 
  3. Nella schermata Dettagli articolo, nell'angolo superiore destro, fare clic su Cronologia transazioni.

Informazioni sulla cronologia delle transazioni

Il sistema conserva le transazioni di circolazione (check-in, check-out, ecc.) relative agli articoli e ai clienti quando viene memorizzata la cronologia delle transazioni. Questa impostazione è opzionale e deve essere attivata nella configurazione del servizio OCLC (WorldShare Circulation > Admin/General > History). Per ulteriori informazioni sulla memorizzazione della cronologia, vedere Cronologia.

Viene memorizzata la cronologia delle transazioni:

Per informazioni sui rapporti disponibili, vedere Rapporti sulla circolazione.  

Notification History

Find a Notifications tab on the item management screens for both WorldCat and temporary items. 

Item notification history has one row for each email notification related to this item. View the date and time that the email was queued or sent, the notification type, the email address where the message was sent, and the status of the email. Open the Details panel to see the complete list of items that were included in each notification.

Filter the list of notifications by notification TypePatron, or by Status. Use the Show filters button to make or review your selected filter(s).

When filtering by patron, the system will search for data that is currently in the patron's user record so that you can select a patron record from the list. The default search option is patron Barcode, but you may select a different index such as Name and Identifier.


Finding notifications by item 

The following notification types include item-level information. These notification types will be included when viewing an item's notification history or when filtering a patron's notification history by item barcode:

  • Bill reminder
  • Due date receipt (Automatic receipts only)
  • Pickup hold
  • Overdue loan
  • Recall loan
  • Expired schedule
  • Pickup schedule
  • Placed schedule
  • Check-in receipt (Automatic receipts only)
  • Suspension notification

At this time, the following notification types do not include item-level information. These notifications will not display in an item's notification history nor when filtering a patron's notification history by item barcode:

  • Hold request expiration notification
  • Hold shelf expiration notification
  • Membership bill notification
  • Membership confirmation notification
  • Membership expiry reminder notification
  • Miscellaneous
  • Receipt email
    • Includes all receipts sent manually by library staff working in the Circulation interface. Includes bill resolution receipts for payment, waiving, cancellation, or refund as well as due date and check-in receipts.