Search vendors

Discover how to search for and filter vendors in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Search for a vendor record

  1. On the left navigation, click Vendors.
  2. From the list, select the index to search. You can search by:
    • Keyword: Words in any of the indexes
    • Vendor Name: Words in the vendor name
    • Location: Words in the vendor's address
    • Contact Name: Words in the contact name
  3. Type the search term in the text box. Tips:
    • Start or end searches with an asterisk (*) to increase your results. For example:
      • *rown retrieves both brown and crown
      • cop* retrieves both copy and copies
      • (*) Searching with only an asterisk (*) retrieves all possible results
  4. Click Search or press <Enter>.
    • Previous searches appear below the Search button. Click a search to return to it.
    • If the search results extend to two or more screens, use the navigation links (top and bottom of list) to move between screens. Screen headers and footers show your position within the list. For example: Results 11-20 of 56
  5. On the search results screen, click the name of the vendor to open the vendor record.
Columns in search results

Search results are sorted alphabetically by vendor name. To change the sort order, click on Vendor Name.

Alcune colonne necessitano di una spiegazione:

  • In Use:
    • Checked box: The vendor is in use and you can initiate transactions with them.
    • Casella non selezionata: Il fornitore non è in uso e non è possibile avviare transazioni con lui. Il fornitore non apparirà come opzione in nessun punto del sistema.
  • Private/Public: Icons indicate whether vendor information is shared or not
    • Public/Published ( shared.png ): A globe indicates that vendor information that is available to any library (as a result of it being published by a library).

       Note: In the General and Identifiers categories, if a library overwrites a field, the field is no longer shared, but the Globe icon remains unchanged.

    • Private/Not published ( local.png ): A house indicates that vendor information that is private and available only to your library (not published).
    • Some public and private ( shared-local.png ): Both a globe and a house indicate that within Addresses and Contacts, some information is public and some is private.

Select vendor for use

To select a vendor for use when ordering, invoicing, and claiming:

  1. On the Vendors search results screen, click the name of the vendor to open the vendor record.
  2. Select the In Use radio button at the top of the vendor record.