Place an order
Discover how to locate, place, and resend an order in WorldShare Acquisitions.
Search for order
Note: Placing orders cannot be done from a plan. Plans automatically have the status Placed.Place order
Before placing an order: Open the order, complete any edits, and click Save Order at the top of the screen.
- Click Place Order.
- In the Place Order window, follow local practice to determine whether you check the box to notify the vendor about this order.
Note: Reasons for notifying the vendor about an order vary. For example, if you have already placed the order on the vendor's website or the order is part of a current subscription, you don't need to notify the vendor. Otherwise, you may want to notify the vendor from WMS.
- Yes - Place order and notify the vendor
- Select the checkbox.
- Click Continue.
- Go to step 3.
- No - Place order, but do not notify the vendor
- Do not check the box.
- Click Place Order
- The order is placed.
- Yes - Place order and notify the vendor
- In the Notify Vendor about Order window, fill in the following fields:
- Method - The method you choose to notify the vendor of the order.
- E-Mail (EDIFACT): Send an EDIFACT order message via email. Before using this method, read Configure EDIFACT messages for a vendor for configuration information.
- E-Mail (HTML): Send your order via email.
- Print: Print your order to send via mail.
- FTP (EDIFACT): Send an EDIFACT order message via FTP. Before using this method, read Configure EDIFACT messages for a vendor for configuration information.
- To (E-Mail or Print) - The person or department at the vendor who will receive your notification of an order.
- Reply to (E-Mail (HTML) or Print) - The person at your library that the vendor can contact about your order.
- The default is the first person listed on the Contacts page in OCLC Service Configuration (WorldCat Registry > Contacts).
- You can set a recurring contact for when vendors reply to an order in the Institution Settings for your system. For more information, see Create a recurring reply-to contact.
- You can set a default method and vendor contact by editing the Acquisitions Settings in the vendor record. For more information, see Acquisitions Settings.
- Method - The method you choose to notify the vendor of the order.
- The method you choose determines the next step.
- (Optional) To preview the message, select Preview message before sending and click Continue.
- Click Send Order.
- Controllare lo stato dell'ordine per confermare che l'ordine è andato a buon fine.
- Uno stato dell'ordine che rimane impostato su Aperto indica che si è verificato un errore e l'ordine non è stato inviato al fornitore.
- An order status set to Placed indicates that the order notification was sent to the vendor. For FTP (EDIFACT) orders, this confirms that the order was successfully delivered to the target FTP server. For email (EDIFACT and HTML) orders, the system can only confirm that the notification was accepted by the outgoing SMTP server, but cannot account for other errors, e.g. an incorrect email address.
- Print
- Click Continue.
- Dalla finestra di dialogo Anteprima di stampa, fare clic su Ordine di stampa.
Resend order
Before resending an order: Open the order, complete any edits, and click Save Order at the top of the screen.
- Click Resend Order.
- From the Notify Vendor about Order dialog, fill in the following fields:
- Method - The method you choose to notify the vendor of the order.
- E-Email (HTML): Send your order via email.
- E-Mail (EDIFACT): Send an EDIFACT order message via email. Before using this method, read Send your vendor EDIFACT order information via email for configuration information.
- Print: Print your order to send via mail.
- FTP (EDIFACT): Send an EDIFACT order message via FTP. Before using this method, read Configure EDIFACT messages for a vendor for configuration information.
- A - La persona del fornitore che riceverà la notifica di un ordine, se l'invio avviene tramite stampa o e-mail (EDIFACT o HTML).
- Rispondere a - La persona della biblioteca che il fornitore può contattare in merito all'ordine, se l'invio avviene tramite stampa o e-mail (HTML).
- The default is the first person listed on the Contacts page in OCLC Service Configuration (WorldCat Registry > Contacts).
- È possibile impostare un metodo e un contatto predefinito per il fornitore modificando le Impostazioni di acquisizione nel record del fornitore. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere Impostazioni delle acquisizioni.
- Method - The method you choose to notify the vendor of the order.
- The method you choose determines the next step.
- (Facoltativo) Per visualizzare un'anteprima del messaggio, selezionare Anteprima del messaggio prima dell'invio e fare clic su Continua.
- From the Print Preview dialog, click Send Order.
- Controllare lo stato dell'ordine per confermare che l'ordine è andato a buon fine.
- Uno stato dell'ordine che rimane impostato su Aperto indica che si è verificato un errore e l'ordine non è stato inviato al fornitore.
- An order status set to Placed indicates that the order notification was sent to the vendor. For FTP (EDIFACT) orders, this confirms that the order was successfully delivered to the target FTP server. For email (EDIFACT and HTML) orders, the system can only confirm that the notification was accepted by the outgoing SMTP server, but cannot account for other errors, e.g. an incorrect email address.
- Print
- Click Continue.
- Dalla finestra di dialogo Anteprima di stampa, fare clic su Ordine di stampa.
EDIFACT order data
If you choose to send the order by EDIFACT (E-Mail or FTP) message, the following will be included in the order data file you send to the vendor.