Note: You can automate file retrieval and import. See Automate file retrieval and import.
Before you can begin importing files, you must determine what type of files you want to import and work with your vendor to set up this feature.
Note: Importing files into WorldShare Acquisitions is free, but your vendors may charge for certain data delivery services.
There are three types of files you can import into WorldShare Acquisitions. The system accepts all file extensions.
The following types of data can be imported:
Dati |
Formato |
Descrizione |
Order | MARC | Order data contains information about items on orders you created using the vendor's website. |
Order response data | EDIFACT | Order response data contains information on price, availability and shipping status of items previously ordered. |
Invoice | EDIFACT or MARC | Invoice data contains invoice information about the items you ordered. |
Shelf-ready | EDIFACT or MARC | Shelf-ready data contains the barcodes and call numbers of the items you ordered. You may receive shelf-ready data in the same MARC file as your invoice data. |
Note: Your vendor may provide invoice data in both MARC and EDIFACT. You will need to choose your preferred format.
After you have determined the type of data you want to import and when you want to import it, you must work with your vendor to set up your data files.
In order to import files, you must contact your vendor to make sure they can provide acquisitions data in the appropriate fields.
The following tables outline the information that should be included in the data files you receive from your vendor. The data files must be set up by you and your vendor before you can import data files into WorldShare Acquisitions. You can provide your vendor with the information on this page to confirm they can supply you with the data in these fields.
The following information should be included in the MARC order data file you receive from your vendor.
Note: If decimal points are not used, the system adds them at the end. For example, 56 becomes 56.
MARC | Element in Acquisitions | Input type | Descrizione |
035 $a | Identificativo OCLC | OCLC number in this format: (OCoLC)1553114 | The OCLC number is used to identify the bibliographic record in WorldCat that the order item is attached to. If you do not include an OCLC number, the system tries to find a matching record in WorldCat based on other values in the bibliographic record provided (e.g. title, author, ISBN). |
949 $h | Ramo | Integer | User-entered value; represents the WorldCat Registry ID of the Home Branch Location of an item. |
949 $l | Posizione della scaffalatura | String | User-entered value; represents the Shelving Location of the Home Branch Location of an item. |
949 $p | Codice fondo | String (Maximum: 40 characters) | User-entered value representing the code of the fund used for encumbering. |
949 $q | Copy Quantity | Integer (Maximum: 999) | Numero di copie ordinate. |
980 $b | Prezzo unitario | Decimal (Maximum: 9,999.99) | Cost for a single unit of an item. (Do not include tax or discount, if you plan to include these as percentages in the 980 $h or $i.) |
980 $c | Service Charges (per unit) | Decimal (Maximum: 999.99) | Service charges for a single unit of an item (e.g. $1.00 for Quantity of 5 equals $5.00). |
980 $h | Tax Percentage | Decimal (Maximum: 100.000) | Percentage of tax applied to price by vendor. Nota:
980 $i | Percentuale di sconto | Decimal (Maximum: 100.00) | Percentage of discount applied to price by vendor. |
980 $k | ISBN | Integer | ISBN of item being ordered. Not used for matching. The bibliographic 020 field is used for matching. |
980 $m | ISSN | Integer | ISSN of item being ordered. Not used for matching. The bibliographic 022 field is used for matching. |
980 $s | Shipping and Handling (per unit) | Decimal (Maximum: 999.99) | Shipping and handling charges for a single unit. |
980 $x | Tasso di cambio | Decimal | Exchange rate for the order, if currency is not the same as Library Currency. |
980 $z | Currency of PO | ISO 4217 Three letter currency code | ISO Currency Code - for Order |
981 $a | KB Collection Identifier | String | Identifier for the WorldCat knowledge base collection being ordered. |
981 $b | KB Title Identifier | String | Identifier for the WorldCat knowledge base title being ordered. |
981 $g | Numero account | String | Account or customer number, used by library for ordering and invoicing. (Also called "Subaccount") |
981 $i | Library Item Note | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Notes provided for an item. |
981 $l | Order Name | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Text string, representing name of order or cart. |
981 $n | Numero d'ordine del fornitore | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Internal number used to identify order by vendor. Provided to library for tracking purposes. |
981 $v | Vendor Note | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Notes provided for an item by the vendor. |
981 $x | Library Order Comment | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Comment on an order. |
981 $z |
Vendor Order Item Number Required if importing invoice or shelf-ready data. |
String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Unique identifier provided by a vendor for specific item ordered. |
The following information should be included in the invoice data file you receive from your vendor.
Note: If decimal points are not used, the system adds them at the end. For example, 56 becomes 56.
MARC | Element in Acquisitions | Input type | Descrizione |
981 $y | WMS Order Item Number1 | String (Maximum: 40 characters) | Unique identifier assigned by WMS for a specific item ordered. |
981 $z | Vendor Order Item Number1 | String (Maximum: 40 characters) | Unique identifier provided by a vendor for a specific item ordered. |
990 $b | Prezzo unitario | Decimal (Maximum: 9,999.99) | Cost for a single unit of an item. (Do not include tax or discount, if you plan to include these as percentages in the 980 $h or $i.) |
990 $c | Service Charges (per unit) | Decimal (Maximum: 999.99) | Service charges for a single unit of an item (e.g. $1.00 for Quantity of 5 equals $5.00). |
990 $h | Tax Percentage | Decimal (Maximum: 100.000) | Percentage of tax applied to price by vendor. Nota:
990 $i | Percentuale di sconto | Decimal (Maximum: 100.00) | Percentage of discount applied to price by vendor. |
990 $n | Quantity Invoiced | Integer (Maximum: 999) | Total number of copies invoiced by your library for this Order Item. |
990 $s | Shipping and Handling (per unit) | Decimal (Maximum: 999.99) | Shipping and handling charges for a single unit. |
990 $x | Tasso di cambio | Decimal | Exchange rate for the invoice, if currency is not the same as Library Currency. Used sparingly. |
991 $f | Data fattura | ISO 8601 date format | Date invoice was created by Vendor. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format. |
991 $m | Numero fattura | String (Maximum: 256 characters) | Number used by vendor to identify a specific invoice. |
1. Used to match invoice item to item ordered. If the invoice data file contains the WMS Order Item Number and the Vendor Order Item Number, the system will use the WMS Order Item Number as the match point. |
The following information should be included in the invoice data file you receive from your vendor.
Note: Although the first column lists the WorldShare Acquisitions fields, the fields are listed in the order they occur in the EDIFACT file.
Element in Acquisitions | EDIFACT field | Descrizione | Example |
Invoice number | BGM |
Questo è un elemento obbligatorio e viene utilizzato insieme alla Data di fatturazione per abbinarlo a una fattura esistente o, se non viene trovata alcuna fattura, per crearne una nuova. 380 (invoice) and 38A (invoice for plans) are the only supported invoice types. 9 (original) and 43 (copy) are the only invoice functions supported. |
Valid BGM+380+inv122+43'
Invalid BGM+381+inv521488". BGM+380+inv665887+46' |
Invoice date | DTM |
This is an optional but recommended element. It is used along with the Invoice Number to match to an existing invoice, or if no invoice is found, create a new invoice. Invoice date must be in CCYYMMDD format. If this field is not present today’s date will be used for the Invoice Date. 137 (message date) is the only type supported. |
Valid DTM+137:20131029:102'
Invalid DTM+131:20130911:102' DTM+137:2013-09-11:102' |
Currency | CUX |
Currency is an optional but recommended element. If provided, it must match an ISO 4217 three-alpha code. If not provided, the system will use the default currency of the Vendor. 2 (reference currency) is the only type supported. |
Valid CUX+2:EUR:4' CUX+2:USD:4'
Invalid CUX+2:EUR:10' |
Invoice-level Discounts, Service Charges, and Shipping | ALC (part of Header) |
È un elemento opzionale. Deve essere un importo monetario e deve essere presente nell'intestazione EDIFACT, anziché nel riepilogo. If an allowance, it is entered as a non-bibliographic credit line item with a negative amount. If a charge, it is entered as a non-bibliographic debit line item. The description of the item is determined by the special service code. |
Valid ALC+C++++BJ::28' QTY+47:22' MOA+8:140'
Invalid ALC+C++++BJ::28' QTY+47:22' PCD+3:12.5:13' |
Invoice-level Taxes | TAX (part of Header) |
È un elemento opzionale. Deve essere un importo monetario e deve essere presente nell'intestazione EDIFACT, anziché nel riepilogo. It is entered as a non-bibliographic debit line item. |
Valid TAX+7++++++' MOA+124:10,5'
Invalid TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.5+S' |
Quantità | QTY |
This is a required element. The quantity must be equal to the quantity of not invoiced copies on the order item. 47 (invoice quantity) is the only type supported. |
Valid QTY+47:1' QTY+47:3'
Invalid QTY+1:1' |
Prezzo unitario | PRI |
This an optional but recommended element. If not provided, the price from the order item is used. AAA (Net Price), AAB (Gross Price), and AAF (Information Price) are the only three types supported. If multiple prices of different types are provided, then the price of type AAF will be used first, then the price of type AAA, then type AAB last. When price of type AAA is used, item-level service charges, discounts, or shipping will not be processed. When price of type AAF is used, item-level service charges, discounts, taxes, or shipping will not be processed. When price of type AAB is used, item-level service charges, discounts, taxes, and shipping will be processed. |
Valid PRI+AAB:57 PRI+AAA:46,74 PRI+AAF:11.65'
Invalid PRI+AAE:11,65' |
Order Line Item Reference Identifier (for Matching) | RFF |
This is a required element and is used to match to an existing order item. It must be of type SLI or LI. Type SLI will be matched to the Vendor Order Item Number, which is a Vendor-provided identifier for the line item on the Order. (This can be entered manually in the system or imported using a MARC file in the 981 $z field.) Type LI will be matched to the Order Item Number, which is system-generated Identifier for the line item on the Order. |
Valid RFF+LI:PO-2014-1-1' RFF+SLI:99954978355'
Invalid RFF+SNA:954872665' RFF+LBO:887458932' |
Line-Level Taxes | TAX (part of Detail) |
È un elemento opzionale. Only percentage values are allowed. Nota:
Valid IMPOSTA+7++++:::17,5+S".
Invalid TAX+7+VAT+++::::+S". MOA+56:10,5' |
Line-Level Discount, Service Charges, and Shipping | ALC (part of Detail) |
È un elemento opzionale. Only percentage values are allowed for Discounts or Allowances and must be contained in the PCD element. Only monetary values are allowed for Service Charges and Shipping. Whether a charge is considered a Service Charge or Shipping cost is determined by the special service code. |
Valid ALC+C++++BJ::28' MOA+8:140' ALC+A++++DI' PCD+3:10'
Invalid ALC+A++++DI' MOA+8:140' |
The following information should be included in the shelf-ready data file you receive from your vendor.
MARC | Element in Acquisitions | Input type | Descrizione |
959 $b | Codice a barre | String (Maximum: 32 characters) | Barcode or piece designation. |
959 $t | Prefisso | String (Maximum: 25 characters) | Prefix of call number (e.g. REF) |
959 $u | Class Number | String (Maximum: 100 characters) | Classification part of call number. (If you cannot separate call number into separate parts, include all parts in the class number.) |
959 $v | Cutter/Item Number | String (Maximum: 25 characters) | Cutter or item part of the call number. |
959 $w | Suffisso | String (Maximum: 25 characters) | Suffix of call number (e.g. SPAN) |
981 $y | WMS Order Item Number1 | String (Maximum: 40 characters) | Unique identifier assigned by WMS for a specific item ordered. |
981 $z | Vendor Order Item Number1 | String (Maximum: 40 characters) | Unique identifier provided by a vendor for a specific item ordered. |
1. Used to match invoice item to item ordered. If the invoice data file contains the WMS Order Item Number and the Vendor Order Item Number, the system will use the WMS Order Item Number as the match point. |
The following information should be included in the shelf-ready data file you receive from your vendor.
Note: Although the first column lists the WorldShare Acquisitions fields, the fields are listed in the order they occur in the EDIFACT file.
Element in Acquisitions | EDIFACT field | Descrizione | Example |
Order Response Message Type | BGM | 23C is the only supported order response message type. | BGM+23C+777596001+2' |
WMS Order Item Number | RFF+LI | Used to match the shelf-ready data to the appropriate order item in WMS. Each item must be identified using either a WMS Order Item Number or a Vendor Order Item Number (see below). |
RFF+LI:PO-2020-1-1' |
Vendor Order Item Number | RFF+SLI | Used to match the shelf-ready data to the appropriate order item in WMS. Each item must be identified using either a Vendor Order Item Number or a WMS Order Item Number (see above). |
RFF+SLI:VOIN20200824abc-5' |
Copy information | GIR | Each copy is represented by a number in a GIR segment. The number must be either a single 3-digit sequence (e.g., 001, 002, etc.) or the letter C followed by a number (e.g., C01, C02, etc.). Nota:
GIR+C01+0:LCO+BAR20200824abc_501:LAC+Schärding:LCL+Brunnenthal:LSM+35.99:LCV' GIR+001+0:LCO+BAR20200824abc_501:LAC+Schärding:LCL+Brunnenthal:LSM+35.99:LCV' |
Codice a barre | LAC | Each item barcode must be unique. You cannot import a barcode that duplicates an existing copy in the system. | GIR+C01+0:LCO+BAR20200824abc_501:LAC+Schärding:LCL+Brunnenthal:LSM+35.99:LCV' |
Classification Number | LCL | If you do not provide a classification number, but a value is transmitted in the LSM field, this value will be placed in the classification number field in WMS and all other parts of the call number (suffix and prefix). This is because the LSM field is used to transmit the entire call number, including the prefix and the suffix. |
GIR+C04+0:LCO+BAR20200824abc_504:LAC+ClassNumber:LCL+München:LSM+35.99:LCV' |
Collocazione | LSM | Only imported if LCL is not provided. If imported, then Suffix and Prefix are ignored. | |
Prefisso | LSQ o LSZ |
You must select which option you want to use. The default option is to not import the prefix at all. Note: OCLC recommends instructing your vendor to provide any prefix values in the LSQ or LSZ fields. |
Run time: 10:09
This video shows how to import order, invoice and shelf ready data files in WorldShare Acquisitions.