Cancel monographic series

Discover how to one or more monographic series from the Order Items screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.

From the Order Items screen, you can cancel monographic series, confirm cancellation, or undo cancellation. See Confirm cancellation and Uncancel items for more information.

When you cancel a monographic series:

After you cancel a monographic series, the encumbrance will be cleared.

 Note: You cannot cancel an individual series volume. You must delete it if it is no longer needed. If you attempt to cancel a series volume, it will appear in the Items that Cannot be Deleted dialog window with the reason "Item is a volume of a monographic series.".

Learn more in a WorldShare Workflow: Gestire la ricezione e la fatturazione delle serie monografiche

View all monographic series

  1. Nella navigazione a sinistra, fare clic su Ordini > Voci dell'ordine.
  2. From the filter row, click Processing Type > Monographic Series > Apply. All monographic series appear.
    • I risultati sono ordinati alfabeticamente per titolo.
    • To change the sort order, click any column heading.

Cancel monographic series

  1. From the monographic series results list, select one or more monographic series to cancel.
  2. At the top of the screen, click Cancel > Cancel Items.
  3. The Cancel Items window appears. If you are unable to cancel any monographic series you selected, it will be noted here.
  4. Enter the Quantity to Cancel.
  5. Select if you want to Cancel subscription at the end of the subscription period or Cancel subscription on [date]. If you select the latter, you must enter a date manually or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  6. If you want to notify the vendor about the cancellation and optionally request a confirmation of the cancellation, continue to Notify vendor about cancellation (and request confirmation).
  7. Altrimenti, fare clic su Annulla elementi. La serie monografica viene cancellata dal sistema e il suo stato d'ordine cambia in Annullato.