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OLIB report listing

Learn how to retrieve an OLIB report listing.

A report listing can be retrieved from any OLIB system using the following URL:

replacing with the relevant baseline OLIB Web URL.

The following URL will retrieve the report listing from the OLIB Reports Repository:

This will run SYS005 in the target OLIB system and deliver the full report listing to your browser:

Click any of the headings to skip straight to that section.

The Right-click and copy link location to get this report link in the bottom right corner of each entry in the report listing is the URL that will enable you to retrieve the report’s definition from this system and add it to your own OLIB system, as described in the OLIB Reports Exchange – creating a new report by retrieving it from the OLIB Reports Repository section in Creating a new report.

You can limit the report listing to reports that were added or modified since the beginning of a specified number of months ago by including param2 in the report listing URL. For example, adding &param2=1 to the end of the URL will list reports that were added or amended since the beginning of the previous calendar month:

Similarly, adding &param2=0 will list reports that were added or amended during the current calendar month. This will enable you to more easily identify recently added of modified reports in the report repository, for example.

The report listing can also be limited by domain, for example to list reports in the Cataloguing and Circulation domains. This is achieved by adding the param1 parameter to the URL, followed by a comma- separated list of the domains you are interested, from the following list of available domains:


For example, the following URL will list the Users reports in the OLIB Reports Repository:

Similarly, the following URL will list the Cataloguing and Circulation reports in the OLIB Reports Repository:,CIRC

Finally, you can combine param1 and param2, for example to get a list of Circulation reports that have been added or updated since the beginning of the previous calendar month: