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Export MARC with customised holdings

Learn how to configure holdings information that is exported with the bibliographic record in OLIB.

This information concerns the holdings information that is exported in the bibliographic record. After the initial upload of bibliographic information, OLIB will need to regularly supply updated holdings information. For real time holdings information, OLIB uses Z39.50 to search and display the data. This relates to all the methods for extracting MARC data from OLIB, e.g:

In order to configure up to date information for holdings, you use an example copies export format - Sample MARC21 Configurable Copies output. This is in addition to the relevant Output Format you have chosen for bibliographic details.

The Sample MARC21 Configurable Copies output Output Format is:

  • Designed to only export information about the copies which are publicly available (i.e. displayed in the OPAC)
  • Used by the Z30.50 server when responding to 3rd party discovery requests for record details, such as to supply availability information

Configure up to date holdings information

  1. Go to Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats.
  2. Search for %marc21. (The Refine Search, Location filter may be helpful here).
  3. Make a close copy of the Sample MARC21 Configurable Copies output and configure your own copy.
  4. Display the details of the new Output Format record. The includes the following Format Text:

Tip: if you want the holdings information to appear in a different tag, change 952 to another relevant tag.

Example: WorldCat

952.## $a<CP_OCSYM>

This string on its own will provide only unique values for each title. It would prevent repetition of the tag for each OCLC symbol for copy location.

Other 3rd Parties


In this case it is more likely you would want status information for all the copies, therefore you would want to keep most of the above string.

  1. By default this Output Format is not enabled. Go to the Export Generation sheet and set Enabled=Yes.

 Note: it is advisable to enable this Output Format before sending your initial set of bibliographic data.

Clear output cache

If you enable the above output format you will also need to Clear Output Cache for the MARC21 Titles output format, in order for the change to the holdings output to be picked up.

  1. Go to Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats.
  2. Search for %marc.
  3. Select the MARC21 output format record and from Other Actions choose Clear Output Cache from the drop down.

With the above configuration in place, OLIB will provide up to date holdings information, e.g. for synchronising with WorldCat, or for supplying records to 3rd party discovery systems.