Single email attachment for multiple overdues
►Alerting> Notices
From OLIB SP14 onwards, if you have still not implemented this aspect of overdue notices and would like to, please contact your local OCLC Support office to discuss alternative options.
If you are using the emailed overdues system it is possible to send an email with a single attachment to the library containing all the email overdues for users/patrons who do not have email addresses. This will allow the library staff to print the emails out and post them to the users.
Note that the template should include the relevant address tags for users introduced with OLIB 9 - UORADDRESSEE, UORHOUSE, UORSTREET, UORPOBOX, UORDISTRICT, UORCITY, UORREGION, UORCOUNTRY and UORPOSTCODE.
Caution: it is recommended you do not use MS Word to edit overdue RTF templates.
- Go to Alerting> Notices. In all the relevant overdue notices set Send Single Email to Yes.
- The rtf templates you are using for overdue notices will also need to be amended:
- The first line of the document must contain only the following - <start of text>.
- At the end of the document you should insert a page break.
- The last text in the document (following the page break) must be <end of text>.
An example RTF template letter is delivered with the standard system (in the docs folder on the server). However, if you have not yet set up overdue letters in this fashion, please contact your regional support desk for advice on the easiest way forward.