OverDriveSite specifies configuration information required to use EZproxy to authenticate to OverDrive content. EZproxy is not used to proxy access to OverDrive. When you create links to OverDrive, you will create direct links to OverDrive with no reference to EZproxy. Instead of proxying access, EZproxy is linked with OverDrive to handle user authentication when a user performs an action that requires an OverDrive account, such as checking out an item.
See the database stanza for OverDrive for other information.
Qualifier | Descrizione |
-Secret= secret | Value provided by OverDrive and used by EZproxy to generate encryption signatures on URLs that return the user to OverDrive after authentication. |
-URL= url | URL provided by OverDrive and used by EZproxy to return the user to OverDrive after authentication. |
site | Value provided by OverDrive that identifies the institution that is requesting authentication. |
Option | Descrizione |
-ILSName= ilsname | Optional value provided by OverDrive if required. |
-LibraryID= libraryid | Optional value provided by OverDrive if required. |
OverDriveSite -Secret= secret -URL= url [-ILSName= ilsname] [-LibraryID= libraryid] site
Single library with a single OverDrive collection.
OverDriveSite -URL=http://yourlib.overdrive.com -Secret=shhh yourlib
Two libraries with different OverDrive collections authenticated by the same EZproxy server. In this example, Option LoginReplaceGroups is used to prevent EZproxy from merging the group memberships of two different sessions together, which could lead to the unexpected result of providing a username intended from one collection being used with another collection.
Option LoginReplaceGroups
Group yourlib OverDriveSite -URL=http://yourlib.overdrive.com -Secret=123 yourlib
Group OtherLib
OverDriveSite -URL=http://otherlib.overdrive.com -Secret=456l otherlib