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Learn how to use the LoginPort config.txt directive to specify a port on which EZproxy should listen for incoming requests using http.

LoginPort specifies a port on which EZproxy should listen for incoming login, menu, and administration requests using http. The first LoginPort directive establishes the port that EZproxy will use when generating URLs that point to itself using http. Subsequent LoginPort directives establish additional ports on which EZproxy should listen for http requests.

By default, EZproxy listens on all IP interfaces. If the Interface directive is employed before LoginPort, then EZproxy will only attempt to listen on the specified interface and port.

On Linux, if port is below 1024 and -Virtual is not specified, then EZproxy must be started by the root user. In this instance, the RunAs directive can be used to direct EZproxy to change to a different user account once listening has been established on the specified port(s).


Qualifier Descrizione
port The port on which EZproxy should listen for incoming http requests.


Option Descrizione
-Virtual Do not actually listen on the port. When used, an additional LoginPort directive must follow to establish an actual port on which EZproxy should listen for requests.


LoginPort [-Virtual] port


Configure EZproxy to listen on the standard http web server port 80.

LoginPort 80

Migrate an existing EZproxy server with URLs that point to port 2048 to start using port 80. The sequence of LoginPort directives is crucial, as EZproxy will generate any URLs that points to itself based on the first LoginPort directive.

LoginPort 80
LoginPort 2048

Migrate an existing EZproxy server with URLs that point to port 2048 to start using port 80 on a server that already has an existing web server that already uses port 80. In this scenario, a second IP address is added to the server ( in this example). Refer to separate technical notes regarding adding additional IP addresses to existing servers for more information on this configuration.

LoginPort 80

Interface Any
LoginPort 2048

Direct EZproxy to act as though it is listening on port 80, but actually listen on port 8080. This configuration only works if a firewall is performing network address translation of external port 80 internal port 8080.

LoginPort -Virtual 80
LoginPort 8080

Related directives 

FirstPort, Interface, LoginPortSSL, RunAs