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SirsiDynix Horizon Information Portal 3.x authentication


EZproxy can be configured to verify patron information against the account feature of a SirsiDynix Horizon Information Portal 3.x server. A sample configuration employing all available options is:

Profile profile 
OverviewSubmenu overview 
ProfileSubmenu info 
Unauthenticated; Stop 
IfTest Balance >n 5.00; Deny excessfines.htm 
IfTest ItemsLost >n 0; Deny itemslost.htm 
IfTest ItemsOverdue >n 0; Banner overdues.htm 
IfTest Location *Some Branch*; Stop 
Deny wrongbranch.htm 

During initial configuration, if you include Debug as the first line after ::HIP, then EZproxy will record additional messages to messages.txt to simplify configuration. Once everything is working, Debug should be removed.

Profile is used to specify which HIP profile should be used when testing access. If no profile is specified, EZproxy will connect without specifying a profile. The information EZproxy uses to authenticate the user is based on the information required by the profile (e.g., if the profile requires barcode and pin, then EZproxy will submit the "user" as the barcode the the "pass" as the pin to check access).

In this example, OverviewSubmenu and ProfileSubmenu are both optional. Each example shows the default value used if these are omitted. During configuration, you should log into the My Account area of HIP and click on the Overview tab then verify the submenu that appears in the Overview URL. If it is something different than the word overview, you should specify this value with OverviewSubmenu. The same applies for the Profile tab.

The URL directive specifies the base URL to the Horizon Information Portal. This line should typically be followed immediately by Unauthenticated; Stop which directs EZproxy to stop performing HIP processing if the user account information is not accepted.

IfTest demonstrates how to perform optional numeric tests on the outstanding balance, the number of items lost, and the number of items overdue. The Location test is a wildcard string test to check if the user has a particular home branch. In this example, users who are not associated to the specified branch are denied access.

In addition to the directives shown, the HIP block may also incorporate any of the common conditions and actions.