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Sign in to Choreo Insights

Learn how to sign in to your Choreo Insights dashboard.

Sign into the Choreo Insights dashboard

Once your institution's subscription is active, you will receive an email that provides your username and direction on how to set your password. Visit to sign in to your account.

 Note: In order to see all functions available in Choreo Insights, you will want to confirm your browser's privicy settings are set to Standard Protection.

For assistance setting or resetting your password, contact OCLC Support.

Password requirements

Your Choreo Insights password:

  • È sensibile alle maiuscole e alle minuscole
  • Deve contenere almeno nove caratteri
  • Deve contenere almeno un carattere non alfabetico.
     Nota: non sono ammessi i punti e virgola (;), i due punti (:), gli apostrofi (') e i punti (.).

Reset your password

From the login screen, choose Forgot Password?